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uss frolick

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    uss frolick reacted to JDillon in Photos from Greenwich Maritime Museum UK   

  2. Sad
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    There is a massive postal strike ongoing in England right now, apparently. I wondered why my two books, shipped from the UK, are already two weeks overdue.  Any insight from our English brethren as to when this might end?
  3. Thanks!
    uss frolick reacted to MICHELE PADOAN in Commerce de Marseille by Michele Padoan - 1/72 scale   
    I proceed with the false bridge. The whole thing is treated with shellac and judea bitumen to give the model a somewhat lived-in look.

  4. Like
    uss frolick reacted to Clive in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    Yes, the postal workers are holding a series of one day strikes which I expect to continue into the autumn.   That said, it doesn't seem to be delaying the mail here for more than a day or two.
  5. Sad
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    There is a massive postal strike ongoing in England right now, apparently. I wondered why my two books, shipped from the UK, are already two weeks overdue.  Any insight from our English brethren as to when this might end?
  6. Wow!
    uss frolick reacted to GeorgeKapas in Mahmudiye by GeorgeKapas - FINISHED - 1/350 - Ottoman Ship of the Line   
    So here the ship is 99% complete. One can in theory remove her from the base and display the ship as full hull model. Since the previous post, some details were added and some changed, like the boats moved further aft etc. A few more pieces were still not added by this point, like boat rudders, etc, but I'll post more of the finished photos later. I added some flags that I printed and painted, the anchors were sourced from my parts heap but reduced in size a bit, the boats are also from parts and have been cut down to scale. 

  7. Wow!
    uss frolick reacted to GeorgeKapas in Mahmudiye by GeorgeKapas - FINISHED - 1/350 - Ottoman Ship of the Line   
    I made the base using tissue paper, woodglue and acrylic colours. Basically a papier mache with the woodglue and water that I shaped with a brush. I painted with acrylics then added another woodglue layer for gloss effect. I haven't made up my mind about the best combination of ingredients and methods for it, so each new base is slightly differently made. I went back after this stage and revised a few details on the ship even as late as this stage, but there is little point elaborating on it since I skiped taking photos on many of the stages to be honest. 

  8. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Sloop-rigged packetboat by Strelok - 1:35 - based on Chapman plans - POB   
    Are those early war Nashorns, oder Panzerhaubitzen?
  9. Like
    uss frolick reacted to Strelok in Sloop-rigged packetboat by Strelok - 1:35 - based on Chapman plans - POB   
    Hi guys,
    as promised: here come more details and my current progress.
    As I've said, I found the plans for the sloop on the internet. Via screenshot and Paint I secured the topview, sideview and "ribview" (pease give me the correct english words, if you may) in a seperate file and pronted the ribview to measure the dimensions and rescale the three plans to 1/35th scale. As noone would have guessed, this went wrong xD the topview came out in 1/35th, the ribview in 1/35,6 and the sideview in 1/47,9. So I measured them all again and re-drew them in said CAD programme. There I "built" it in 1/1 scale and let the PC do the magic to rescale them to 1/35th scale. Why easy, when you can make it difficult.

    This is the sideview. Don't be confused, the stempost was too complex for the programme (or me) and will be taken directly from the original plans. the dotted lines show the height of the deck and cabins, the same hight minus the thickness of the planking (I took 6cm for deck planking and 3cm for the cabins, which scales to around 1,7mm for the decks and 0,9mm for the cabins)
    You will notice the coloured lines. These are also marked in the two other plans and will help me to draw all needed bulkheads.

    This is the plan for the backbone. It will be made out of 4mm thick plywood. All needed bulkheads are marked. The dotted lines extend to the topview to draw the tapering on each bulkhead.

    This is the topview, again with all the coloured lines. At the points, where each dotted line coming from the bulkheads cross a coloured line, a line will orthogonally run to the ribview, where it will cross this same coloured line again. This will form the outline of each bulkhead.

    This is said ribview template.

    This is the template for the deck and cabins, already with a sketch for the planking. If you compare it to the original topview plan, you will see, that I took artistic license with the rear cabin.

    From the original plans it is not clear, where the sides of the rear cabin are. Are they formed by the outlines of the ship (so does the cabine use the complete breadth of the ship) or any other construction? Is the roof flat or more a dome? Like are the side edges of the roof at deck level? There is not even an information about how it was entered (compared to the midship cabin, where there is this semicircular gangway-type of thing).
    Wikipedia sais, that those packet ships could be used for passenger transportation too. So my guess is, that the rear cabin was used by the crew (as it is smaller) and the cabin amidships was used for passengers. Maybe it had some windows, a couple of simple beds and something like that.
    Another question concerning the rear part is that of the tiller handle. In the sideview, you can see, that it runs hardly above the rear cabins roof (maybe around 5 - 10 cm above it) and merely protruding beyond its front edge. I think, this way the tiller would be hard to handle. Maybe someone can point me towards a possible solution. At the moment, I think about extending it a bit, so that the helmsman could stand before the cabine and handle the tiller.
    The last thing I've already drawn are the top edges of bulkhead H to L, which form the walls and roof curvature of the midship cabin.

    The red line is the water line. My plan is to draw the outlines of the bulkheads in the above mentioned manner on semi-transparent paper and lay this sketch then on top of these templates. In the bottom right is the template for the deck's curvature. The X marks the highest point of the deck, which will be taken from the sideview plan.
    Yesterday, I tried to calculate the proportions of the mast and yards according to the charts Wolfram zu Mondfeld provides in his book. There are some big question marks concerning my results, but I will post them later.
    Stay tuned!
  10. Like
    uss frolick reacted to dafi in Color of capstan, bitts and other deck furniture on, say, HMS Vanguard   
    If one looks at 12 pounder carriage of St. George at Thorsminde of 1811, one could imagine seeing a red paint overpinted with yellw ochre 🙂
    This would represent my understanding that slowly the color was changed around 1800 from red to yellow.
    Look for yourselves.

  11. Like
    uss frolick reacted to mtaylor in USF Essex 1797 by cookster - 1:48 - POB and POF - 1814 Configuration - first scratchbuild   
    I hope all is well with him also.  His last login to MSW was last November.
  12. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Rattlesnake Quarterdeck Bulkhead Design   
    It was an armed East-Indiaman that he was trying to identify in The Mauritius Command.
  13. Laugh
    uss frolick reacted to allanyed in Rattlesnake Quarterdeck Bulkhead Design   
    Makes sense to me.😀  Thanks USS Frolick
  14. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Dave_E in Rattlesnake Quarterdeck Bulkhead Design   
    Or as Dr. Stephen Maturin once called it, "that auxiliary posterior platform" ...
  15. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Dave_E in Rattlesnake Quarterdeck Bulkhead Design   
    It was an armed East-Indiaman that he was trying to identify in The Mauritius Command.
  16. Laugh
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Rattlesnake Quarterdeck Bulkhead Design   
    Or as Dr. Stephen Maturin once called it, "that auxiliary posterior platform" ...
  17. Thanks!
    uss frolick reacted to kljang in Book recommendations   
    I’ve written a new book entitled “ship Models from the Age of Sail: Building. And Enhancing Commercial Kits” that might be helpful to you.  It was just published by Seaforth Publishing in the UK and Naval Institute Press in the USA.
    it’s more about kit building so describe planking and rigging, and name kit parts.  For the names of actual ship timbers in detail, then Peter Godwin’s books are best. 
    Kerry Jang
  18. Thanks!
    uss frolick reacted to Brad NSW in HMS Serapis by Brad NSW - from Greenwich plans   
    Final pictures are the figurehead mounted on the bow.

    Below, you can see Cerebrus mounted below the right hand of Serapis.

    Here is the stern, where you can see Serapis again depicted between the two stern cannon ports.

  19. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in USF Essex 1797 by cookster - 1:48 - POB and POF - 1814 Configuration - first scratchbuild   
    Essex had two 12's on the forecastle, two on the quarterdeck (the aft-most port?) and two on the main deck, probably at port number seven (amidships), as implied by the gunner's and carpenter's post-action damage report. Essex's "long guns" were actually rather small, they being only about six feet long (Columbiads? This I read a long time ago in an English sea ordinance treatise from circa 1850), so they wouldn't have been too much of an encumbrance on the quarterdeck. So I'm guessing that they ran the main-deck gun pair No. 7 all the way aft out the cabin windows, and ran one of the quarterdeck guns out a taffrail port.
  20. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from druxey in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    The Walker book, volume three, sounds exciting. Will it be just fourth rate small two deckers, or will we at last see the Frigate Shannon, Brig Fair American and the Swan Class sloop up close? I'll start saving my milk money.
  21. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in USF Essex 1797 by cookster - 1:48 - POB and POF - 1814 Configuration - first scratchbuild   
    Essex had two 12's on the forecastle, two on the quarterdeck (the aft-most port?) and two on the main deck, probably at port number seven (amidships), as implied by the gunner's and carpenter's post-action damage report. Essex's "long guns" were actually rather small, they being only about six feet long (Columbiads? This I read a long time ago in an English sea ordinance treatise from circa 1850), so they wouldn't have been too much of an encumbrance on the quarterdeck. So I'm guessing that they ran the main-deck gun pair No. 7 all the way aft out the cabin windows, and ran one of the quarterdeck guns out a taffrail port.
  22. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from allanyed in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    The Walker book, volume three, sounds exciting. Will it be just fourth rate small two deckers, or will we at last see the Frigate Shannon, Brig Fair American and the Swan Class sloop up close? I'll start saving my milk money.
  23. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    The Walker book, volume three, sounds exciting. Will it be just fourth rate small two deckers, or will we at last see the Frigate Shannon, Brig Fair American and the Swan Class sloop up close? I'll start saving my milk money.
  24. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    The Walker book, volume three, sounds exciting. Will it be just fourth rate small two deckers, or will we at last see the Frigate Shannon, Brig Fair American and the Swan Class sloop up close? I'll start saving my milk money.
  25. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from michaelpsutton2 in SeaWatch Books is Open!   
    The Walker book, volume three, sounds exciting. Will it be just fourth rate small two deckers, or will we at last see the Frigate Shannon, Brig Fair American and the Swan Class sloop up close? I'll start saving my milk money.
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