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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. Starboard side done, those lids are a big project alright. Onto the hammock cranes now.
  2. Thanks for the likes gentlemen it keeps me going. A few re works done on areas I wasn't happy with.
  3. I love the porthole Graham and your shed design. You will have plenty of natural light as well.
  4. Fantastic build and thanks a lot for all of your photo's and instructions. I would be truelly lost without your log and Graham's. I admire how perfect you can get everything. My dad had a Rollei camera as well. Nice to see your camera collection.
  5. Build what you like it is your ship. The Facebook page has good info and you tube has lots of good videos. Personally I like it and people should always encourage others. I have had lots of support here and hopefully I can help others.
  6. A bit side tracked with the rudder now back to the gunport lids.
  7. Rigols done, found an easy way for thread hole alignment. 70 holes left.
  8. Port side done. Maybe onto the rigols before going back to the lids.
  9. Chain plates done on the Starboard side and lids just under the channels before fixing channels permanently. My channels were a touch too high, it's a bit of a compromise anyway. I covered all cannon port holes as I went. If you haven't done so already put a sheet under your work table makes it easier to find the dropped parts.
  10. Looking good. Small medic type scissors work well for the small pieces. Yes you will stick those pieces into your fingers.
  11. Start of the lids. No thin wall brass the size I want for the lid ropes available in N.Z. postage from cmb to N.Z. expensive. Found some left over rudder chain for my lid rings the right size. I'm going to add the lids I need under the channels then fit those and the supports. Then the rest of the lid work.
  12. Nice job on the rings, Lots of lid work coming up alright. I hope the cat does'nt like the taste of walnut.
  13. Thanks Graham, I'm well short of your skill level, I love how you did your scrolls. I have had to accept and move on from quite a lot. I have still got the starboard side to try and make a bit better. I'm lucky people who see it think it's an aeroplane anyway.
  14. Port side profiles done, more painting to do yet plus parts 180 and 194 to fit. Profiles did'nt line up the same way as the plans so I just did what looked alright. The plan measurements were different in reality to my Victory. I'll make the lids under the channels I need too before gluing the channels in properly and adding their supports. Avoided a few mistakes doing these, If I added my miss adventures to this build log I would be up to page 100 by now. Lots of exercise today bending down under the table, I have'nt dropped the knife on my foot yet but there's always tomorrow.
  15. Trial to see if the channel height is correct. Not bad so far.
  16. Thanks Chris, not that good close up. Deadeyes done now for cooper eyelets and dry fit before starting on the brass profiles. Glue the channels later on.
  17. Nice and relaxing getting onto something easy. Side entry port and steps. Tape to stop any rogue steps disappearing inside the hull. The elm tree pump lining flew off across the room but I was amazed to find it again. Fenders and chesstrees next.
  18. Quarter galleries nearly finished. Just more brass profile to go, not my favourite so far. I gave up on masking tape for the black panels for between the windows so used some 0.5 x 3mm I had from a previous model.
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