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About Kevin

  • Birthday 08/31/1958

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    Somerset England

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  1. good evening nice to be back posting daily, now need to catch up on members logs, and two other Forums i post too Another Balcony top is the kit, and my version kit railings taken apart to shorten them by 10mm in German grey and fitted in position
  2. good evening everyone thank you for the likes Generator room not my photo, found on the web kit contents. just a large box walkways removed to replace with mesh open the front up resembles nothing, does nothing, but far better than my first attempt new walkways kit railings adapted to fit the new shape and 1cm removed from the height
  3. Good morning everyone Thank you for comments and likes lesson learnt - Just because it is on yr bucket list- does not mean you have to buy and build yep to all those who said its just a very and expensive, badly detailed kit = i fully agree but i continue Apart from the barrel and all the to be replaced walkways, the rest of the kit now sits on the bogies Ihe two large side links are supposed to be separate units, and connected by a link system forward and aft so that they can move at different angles on curves, In the centre between the linkages are two large box sections , the after one is two halves where as the forward on is strangely only one section ( its the unit in the photo with the three large holes(, i have left it to late to do surgery on this, in real life chains were used to keep them from separating, being one piece would prevent it whole assembly from moving on a radius i will cover the breech assembly in the next update
  4. lol Maybe you are looking at the wrong modelling site, these are my slippers which have so far not been destroyed by the boi's
  5. Good morning everyone Track bed (rail) The kit comes with aluminium rails, which have been primed and then painted in Red Ochre, the running surfaces will then be cleaned off I put some of the units together to see what the effect would be when complete,- the jury is out, looks far to clean
  6. good evening everyone Track Base spent the last few days working on the base, i read that if the barrel to reduced to the correct size i will only need 3x30cm beds and the end caps so thats what i have gone with i had been hoping to use some trumpeter rolling stock on it as well but the track width distances are quite a way out, in grey primer and black top coat ballast reds and greys paints used for the wood XF-78 wooden deck tan oils burnt umber
  7. good evening, thank you for comments and likes the bogies had the forward sections planked, this replaced the plastic profile, and a grime wash added this completes these units other than the hand rails and storage boxes all the walkways have to be replaced as they are just a solid plastic profiles, but were steel mesh in real life, i found a cheap alternative to buy some for a fraction of the cost the walkways supports were constructed from wood, for my first attempt i think they turned out ok as you can see i am much further ahead in the build, but i am doing other jobs between paint drying. and not jump around to much if it stops raining i will get some outside shots
  8. Good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes All the plastic on the carriages is now complete with the exception of the rails, the plastic decking is being replaced by wood. Primed in Hycote spay grey primer, and using Greman Grey by Tamiya as the top coat Test patch with dark grey and German grey (recommended) opposite ends with most of the detailing on in primer makeshift spray booth German Grey top coat still in primer some now in German Grey
  9. Good morning I have not tried them on the actual rails yet, the photos are just on the kit plain track bed, had thought about replacing the wheels, for about 20 seconds, will look and see what they look like when in the final colours, im going to find it difficult the throw large amounts of cash at this project, when ships are my favourite subject, however i still want the final build to look ok. Went and failed to get Tamiya German Grey XF-63 paint yesterday as out of stock, purchased XF-24, instead, but after a test last night i have now ordered XF-63
  10. good evening everyone day 7 chassis well I cut the carriages in half, to equal 8 and never thought anymore about it for a day or so, and last night thought well it dont make any difference, i have not actually gained anything as the two chaasis beds are still tight against one another. spent hours on the web and came across the answer, i had two options 1 - take 2.5mm off each end that has been cut or 2 - move the pivots on the link bridge further apart, and when placed down onto the chassis they will force the new gap I chose option 2 link bridge having moved the pivots towards the ends i now have this gap at the same time i am continuing to complete the brake fittings
  11. they look better when the shoes are fitted, photos later or tomorrow
  12. everyone says to do so, and is obvious on a curved track, i doubt i am going to get any sort on non straight track. But i know its done
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