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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. AUGUST 25





    HMS Endeavour, Lt. James Cook, sailed from Plymouth.


    Sartine (32) taken by HMS Seahorse (24) and HMS Coventry (28).

    HMS Otter (14) wrecked off Florida coast.


    HMS Spider (16) captured a brig.


    HMS Raison engaged Vengeance.


    British fleet of about 100 vessels and 15,000 men, including HMS Impetueux (74), Cpt. Sir Edward Pellew, landed some 10,000 troops on the beach of Doniños near Ferrol to take the Castle of San Felipe. They were successful but withdrew the next morning after a counter-attack.


    HMS Seagull (16), Henry Burke, defeated East Indiaman Lord Nelson (late British) which was then boarded by boats of HMS Colossus (74). 


    HMS Immortalite (42), Cptn. Edward William Campbell Owen, and HMS Cruizer (18), John Hancock, engaged 146 armed vessels off Boulogne.


    Boats of HMS Clyde (38) cut out a sloop at Ypont.


    7 gunboats from Brunsbüttel and Glückstadt, under Lt. Johan Hedemann, engages 11 British gunboats on the Elbe.


    Steam frigate USS Missouri arrives at Gibralter completing first Trans-Atlantic crossing by U.S. steam powered ship.

  2. AUGUST 24





    The First Battle of Svensksund. Swedish fleet of 12 Archipelago frigates, 5 Galleys, 20 Gun yawls, 4 Gun prams, 4 Bomb vessels and Auxiliaries under Carl August Ehrensvärd, and Carl Olof Cronstedt defeated by Russian fleet of 24 Larger ships, 3 Bomb vessels, 47 Galleys, 30 Gun yawls, 3 Cutters and Auxiliaries under Charles Henry of Nassau-Siegen, Ivan Balle and Count Giulio Litta.


    HMS Impétueux (74), caught fire and blown up, in Portsmouth harbour.


    HMS Success (32), Cptn. Shuldham Peard, captured Diane.


    HMS Phaeton (38) Cptn. George Cockburn, and HMS Harrier (18), Edward Ratsey, engaged Semillante and shore batteries in the St. Bernadino Strait between Luzon and Samar in the Philippines.


    HMS Weazle (18), John Clavell, captured four vessels and destroyed three.


    HMS Diane and HMS Semiramis cut out the French gun-brig Teaser in the mouth of the river Gironde, and brigle Pluvier taken, with eight vessels, at the same time, by the boats of the Diane and Semiramis.


    British invasion of Maryland and Washington, D.C.; Washington Navy Yard and ships burned to prevent capture by the British

  3. AUGUST 23





    Etrusco, Store-ship, (26) foundered in the West Indies.


    HMS Anson (64) and HMS Arethusa (38), Cptn. Charles Brisbane, captured the Spanish frigate Pomona (38) and destroyed 12 gunboats near Moro Castle, Havana.


    HMS Colibri Sloop (16), John Thomson, wrecked in crossing the bar of Port Royal, Jamaica.


    Capture of Hong-Kong by British


    R.Adm. David Farragut's squadron captures Fort Morgan at Mobile Bay winning control of Mobile Bay

  4. AUGUST 22




    HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery arrive in Britain after Cptn. Cook's 3rd voyage of discovery.



    HMS Flora (36), Cptn. Sir John B. Warren, and HMS Arethusa (38), Cptn. Sir Edward Pellew, drove the French frigate Felicite (40), and the corvettes Espion (18) and Alerte (18) ashore near the Penmark Rocks.



    Engagement of British light squadron under Cptn. James Alms with Dutch squadron in the North Sea, off the coast of Norway. HMS Stag (32), Cptn. Joshua Sydney Yorke, took  Alliance (36) but her consorts, Argo (36) and Nelly (16), escaped after a running fight with the rest of the squadron.



    HMS Galatea (32), Cptn. Richard G. Keats, drove the frigate L'Andromaque (48), (mounting 40) on shore near Arcasson, where she was completely destroyed by HMS Sylph (18) on the 23rd.



    HMS Naiad (38), Cptn. Pierrepont, and HMS Magnanime (44), Cptn. Michael de Courcy, captured the French frigate Decade off Cape Finisterre.

  5. Thanks for that Jax :) . I had one of the dogs in a chair next to me whilst tying the ratlines - I think he enjoyed watching me suffer...


    I have just finished the ratlines - three long days of solid work. They still look a little too 'white', so tomorrow I will try a mixture of water, tea and PVA and brush the mixture onto the ratlines to slightly darken them and secure the clove hitches before cutting the excess off.


    Now that the last of the 'long jobs' is complete, I anticipate finishing it (albeit without figurehead and bowsprit shrouds) within three weeks. Not long now until my wife can have her dining table back.......

    3 weeks - i will still be doing gun port lids - lol

  6. hello everyone , just to let you know im alive and kicking,


    just another 5 gun port lids on the port side to make, so i am still progressing, but lots going on in real life, as i am re-assessing my goals in life


    as some of you may be aware- i have been loosing weight for the last 7 months now lost 31 kgs and still going - but i have asked to be a consultant - under a franchise and have made the decision to go for it, the intentions are that eventually this will replace my full time employment- so that will lead to me having a lot more free time (well thats the idea)

    apologies - for my lack of correspondence in others build logs, lol i have even packed EVE (online game in) after five years 

    So please bear with me - im still here


    all the best



  7. AUGUST 21




    HMS Minorca (18), Lt. Lawson, scuttled to block the entrance to the harbour at Port Mahon.


    HMS Penguin (16) captured two French brigs.


    British cutting-out operations at Corunna. Boats of HMS Boadicea (38), Cptn. Charles Rowley, HMS Fisgard(44), Capt. T. Byam Martin, and HMS Diamond (38), Cptn. Griffith, attacked enemy vessels in Corunna harbour and brought out Neptuno (20) a gunboat (1) and a merchant ship.

    British cutting-out operations at Etaples. Boats of HMS Hound and HMS Mallard (12) set fire to a vessel loaded with pitch and tar which had been wrecked near Etaples some time previously. Six flat boats then came out of St. Valery and they forced them ashore. where they lay hauled up on the beach. 

    Boats of HMS Jamaica (26), Cptn. Jonas Rose, HMS Gannet (16), Isaac Cotgrave, HMS Hound (14), HMSTigress (12), W. Aldus, and HMS Mallard (12) cut out 3 flat boats also near Etaples.


    Boats of HMS Sirius (36), Capt. Samuel Pym, cut out a French prize, the Windham, a British East Indiaman.


    HMS Laurestinus (24) wrecked North end of the Island of Abaco, Halifax.

  8. AUGUST 20




    HMS Clyde (38), Cptn. Charles Cunningham, captured the French frigate Vestale in the mouth of the Garonne.


    Start of a 6 day engagement in which HMS Seine (48), Cptn. David Milne, captured Vengeance (24), Cptn. Pitot, off the Mona Passage.


    The boats of HMS Hound (14) and HMS Mallard (12) set fire to a vessel loaded with pitch and tar which had been wrecked near Etaples. Six flat boats came out of St. Valery and were forced ashore.


    HMS Nereide (38), Cptn. Nesbit J. Willoughby, engaged French frigates La Bellone and La Minerve, sloop Le Victor and 2 prizes, Windham and Ceylon off Isle de la Passe, Mauritius.

  9. AUGUST 19





    Start of 6 day engagement between a British squadron under Vice Ad. John Benbow and a French squadron under Jean du Casse along the coast of Colombia, off Santa Marta. Benbow vigorously attacked the French squadron, but the refusal of most of his captains to support the action allowed du Casse to escape. Two of the captains, Richard Kirby, HMS Defiance (64), and Cooper Wade, HMS Greenwich (54),  were convicted of cowardice and shot.


    Toulon declares for the Royalist cause and men from the British fleet under Lord Hood occupy the defences.


    Surinam taken by British.


    HMS Sybille (44), Cptn. Chas. Adam, captured French national frigate Chiffone, in Mahe Road.


    USS Constitution (44), Cptn. Isaac Hull, defeated HMS Guerrière (38), Cptn. James Richard Dacres, about 600 miles S. E. of Halifax. She was too badly damaged to take in so, as soon as the wounded had been taken out, she was set on fire by her captors.

  10. AUGUST 18




    Battle of Lagos. British fleet under Admiral Edward Boscawen defeated French Mediterranean fleet under De la Clue off Lagos, Portugal


    HMS Rainbow (44), Cptn. Mark Robinson, took Hancock.


    Royal Visit to Plymouth Sound.


    HMS Leander (50), Cptn. Thomas Boulden Thompson, captured by Genereaux (74) Cptn. Lejoille.


    Boats of HMS Galatea (32), Cptn. Murray Maxwell, pursued a Spanish privateer schooner for some miles up a river on the Spanish Main near Porto Cavallo. They took the vessel and blew her up.


    First day of Admiral Gambier's light squadron engagement in Copenhagen Roads.

    Boats of HMS Confiance (18), Cptn. James Lucas Yeo, cut out privateer Reitrada from the port of Guardia, Portugal


    HMS Rook captured by two French privateers.


    HMS Hawke (16), Cptn. Henry Bourchior, engaged a French convoy and escorts. They took four vessels laden with stores, brig Heron and three transports, No 710, Concord and L'Amiable Amie, in the Channel off St. Marcou.


    HMS Attack (14), Lt. Richard Simmonds, sunk by 14 Danish gun-boats , under Lieutenant Jørgen C. de Falsen, off Foreness


    Capture of Cassis by HMS Undaunted (38), Cptn. Thomas Ussher, squadron, and boats.

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