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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. Hi all well any one who has read my comment will know i ofter criticise the lack of info in joitikas manual or the way they explain things,well i think they have now lost the plot entirley and i found this funny.This applies to  jotikas hms victory only its in manual 3 page 13  under Topgallant Shrouds i will quote the bottom lines. "As the topgallant shrouds are close together,at this scale,you may find it of benefit to rig these blocks in a  strop as shown and run the first and second SHROUDS AS FALLS FROM THE **** OF THE BLOCKS"   er its not me is it lol     DEREK :dancetl6:ok it seems the site blocks some words best i can do is for the missing word from manual is Alpha Romeo Sierra Echo :dancetl6:

    lol - i just read the online instructions to see if they had updated them - NO they have not


  2. 1780

    HMS Pearl (32), Cptn George Montagu, took French frigate Esperance (28) off Bermuda.


    U.S. concludes treaty of peace with France, ending Quasi War with France. 


    HMS Crane Sloop (18), Robert Standly, foundered in the West Indies with the loss of all hands.


    HMS Eliza tender (1) engaged two pirates off Guajaba and took one Firme Union (5).

  3. September 26




    Cuthbert Collingwood born in Newcastle Upon Tyne


    HMS Hound Sloop (16), William James Turquand, wrecked near Shetland.


    HMS Calcutta (50), Cptn. Daniel Woodriff, whilst escorting a convoy near the Scillies drew off a French squadron of a  three-decker and four ships-of-the-line with frigates and other vessels. She was captured by French ship-of-the-line Magnanime and frigate Armide (44) but all the convoy except 1 ship made their escape.


    Boats of HMS Plantagenet (74), Cptn. Robert Lloyd, and HMS Rota (38), Cptn. Somerville, covered by HMSCarnation (18), George Bentahm, repulsed by American privateer schooner General Armstrong, Cptn. Samuel C. Reid, at anchor in the road at Fayal in the Azores.


    Attack on Tortosa, Syria by boats of HMS Benbow (72), Cptn. Houston Stewart, HMS Carysfort (26), Cptn. Byam Martin, and HMS Zebra (18), Robert Stopford. The attack failed as the boats grounded on a reef and there were many casualties before they could be got off.

  4. September 25




    Rochefort squadron, Cptn. Sir Samuel Hood acting as Commodore, of 6 ships-of-the-line and a frigate, including HMS Centaur (74), Cptn. W. H. Webley, HMS Monarch (74), and HMS Mars (74), Cptn. Lukin, and HMS Revenge (74), Capt. Robert Moorsom, engaged French squadron of five frigates, Gloire (40), Indefatigable(44), Minerve (44), Armide (44) and Themis (36) and two brigs Lynx (18) and Sylphe (18) bound for the West Indies. Gloire, Indefatigable, Minerve and Armide, all crowded with troops, were taken.


    HMS Carieux Sloop (18), Henry George Moysey, wrecked off Petit Terre, Island of Marigalante, West Indies.

  5. I love the Van De Velde drawings - one of my favourite and most treasured of books is Frank Fox's Great Ships - The Battle fleet of Charles II. I used this for reference for a few Prince changes, like the small protruding stern gallery that's not shown on the original model - but I trust the De Velde sketches, I regard them as almost as good as actual photographs for reference.


    I am seeing Amati soon, so I'll see what's going on regarding future projects...

    Can i carry your bags?

  6. September 24




    HMS Winchester (60) foundered off Cape Florida


    HMS Southampton (32), Cptn. James Gilchrist, captured French Frigate Emenaude (26)

    HMS Tilbury (58), Cptn. Henry Barnsley, wrecked and HMS Ferret (14) foundered off Louisburg during a hurricane


    Sir John Jervis and Adam Duncan promoted to Rear-Admiral.

    Samuel Hood promoted Vice-Admiral of the Blue


    Tyre captured by HMS Castor (26), Cptn. Edward Collier, and HMS Pique (36), Cptn. Robert Boxer.

  7. As said before, I would vote for something like this one (Gouden Leeuw, as drawn by Van de Velde) in a 1:96 scale :)

    All kits tend to be "HMS-ships"....



    lol i might seriously tempted to build that, even though i have said i will not build another 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th rate ship again - just a cross section


    <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dutch_ships_in_the_roadstead_of_Texel_(the_" href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dutch_ships_in_the_roadstead_of_Texel_(the_" gouden_leeuw'_of_cornelis_tromp_in_the_center)(ludolf_backhuysen,_1671).jpg"="">http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dutch_ships_in_the_roadstead_of_Texel_(the_'Gouden_Leeuw'_of_Cornelis_Tromp_in_the_center)(Ludolf_Backhuysen,_1671).jpg800px-Dutch_ships_in_the_roadstead_of_Te

  8. September 23




    Barcelona capitulates to British.


    Chester and Canterbury capture Spanish Carracca ship San Joseph


    Squadron under Ad. Charles Knowles bombarded the Isle of Aix.


    John Paul Jones in Bonhomme Richard defeats HMS Serapis (44), Cptn. Richard Pearson, and American Pallasdefeats HMS Countess of Scarborough off Flamborough Head, Yorkshire.


    HMS Pelican (18), Cptn. John Clarke Searle, engaged French Mé,dé e (40).

  9. September 22



    John Paul Jones in Providence sails into Canso Bay, Nova Scotia, and attacks British fishing fleet. 


    HMS Alert (10), Lt. John Bazely, took American brig privateer Lexington (16).


    HMS Amphion (32), Cptn. Israel Pellew, caught fire at Plymouth and violently exploded alongside a sheer-hulk.


    HMS Hermione (32) handed over to the Spanish by her mutinous crew at La Guira.

  10. September 21



    HMS Tilbury (60), Cptn. Digby Dent (2), burnt by accident off Hispaniola.


    Adam Duncan promoted commander into HMS Royal Exchange


    HMS Suffolk (74) and squadron took Fortunle, Blanche and Elise.


    HMS Centaur (74) foundered in severe gale off Newfoundland banks.


    HMS Raisonnable (64), Cptn. Josias Rowley,  and consorts took St. Paul, Bourbon.


    HMS Naiad (38), Cptn. Philip Carteret, with HMS Redpole (10), Colin M'Donald, HMS Rinaldo (10), James Anderson, HMS Castilian (18), David Braimer, and HMS Viper (4), Lt. Edward A. D'Arcy, again attacked off Boulogne but the enemy fled as before, leaving one praam Ville de Lyon (12), M. Barbaudin, taken by Naiad.


    HMS Goshawk Sloop (16), Hon. William John Napier, wrecked to the eastward of the Mole Head, Barcelona.


    Sloop Niagara departs Charleston, SC, for Liberia with African slaves rescued from slave ship.




    st geoges contribution is


    1923 - Asiatic Fleet completes mission of aiding earthquake victims in Japan.

    1944 - Aircraft from 12 carriers commence 2-day attack against Japanese ships and airfields on Luzon, Philippine Islands.

    1954 - 1st nuclear submarine, USS Nautilus, commissioned under Commander Eugene P. Wilkinson
    1984 - Mid East Force begins escort of U.S. flagged vessels in Persian Gulf.

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