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Everything posted by Tadeusz43

  1. Hi, Sails furled on two ways undre the yard ( mainly when on the sea) and on yard top. Last two foto - "mexican style" decorative furling on Cuauhtenoc Tadeusz
  2. Hi, My jigs for hull assembling and planking. Simple is the best. Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  3. Hi, This is my best friend. Tadeusz
  4. Hi, Here are a few ways to solve this problem. Foto 2 Gorge Stage Foto 3 HMS Warrior 1860 Foto 4 Dar Pomorza ex Polish training ship 1909 Tadeusz
  5. Great. I've always had problems with threads belaying. I have to do this tool. Tadeusz
  6. Hi michael, Last pictuew of Bounty (movie replica ).Unfortunately, the ship sank. Please observe the difference of bowsprit structure. Tadeusz
  7. Hi, Try http://www.shipmodeling.ca/aaplandusite.html Also are many books about , one of the best: Historic Ship Models by Wolfram zu Mondfeld Tadeusz
  8. Hi, I have made my thickness sander for table drill with use of sanding cylinder. Tadeusz
  9. Hi, Historic flags of France ready for printing. Tadeusz
  10. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/9554-sequence-of-rigging-and-attaching-sails-to-yardarms/ Tadeusz
  11. Hi, Short Guide to period ship model rigging. After hull finishing and mast installation is time for „spider works” it is rigging. All belaying racks , cleats must be already installed also is recommended to install eye bolts on ship decks or drill holes for it . My sequence is: 1.Standing rigging – stays , shrouds, backstays, bowsprit standing rigging. I start with this works from foremast down shrouds and proceed going up and next to stern. With proper tension of shrouds, stays and backstays position of mast is adjusted. This is very important to control position of masts using plumb-line. 2.Yards furnishing. I install blocks and standing rigging on yards as also yard’s truss or parral. After fully furnishing of yards is time for attaching sails and running rigging: lifts, clew lines, leech and bunt lines, reef tackles Next is time for attach sails to the yards. 3. Yards with sails are installed on masts and required running rigging is made - from topmast sails going down. 4. Remaining running rigging is installed: sheets and tacks, braces. With proper tensions of sheets, tacks and braces the yards are shifted into required position. Tension of bowlines can help form bunt of sails. Foto 1-9 Rigging workshop and jigs Foto 10-12 Deadeyes tyig and jig Foto 13 Ratlines tying with use of upholstery needle and stencil. Foto 14-16 Yards and sails ready for "weddin" Foto 16-18 Jigs for blocks tying and tackle made Recommended books: Rigging Period Ship Models by Lennarth Petersson Rigging Period Fore-and-Aft Craft by Lennarth Petersson Historic Ship Models b y Wolfram zu Mondfeld Tadeusz
  12. Hi Wally, In my opinion it depends on the scale model and model size. For models in 1:48 - 1:75 scale I use fastening such as on the original ship – halyard or sling and trus for course yards as also halyard and trus or parals for upper yards. For models in scale 1: 100 and small boats rather only attach with thread to the mast. Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  13. Hi Leo, Gratulacje, bardzo imponujące dzieło. Tadeusz
  14. Hi, Launching of HMS Warrir on diorama in Historic Dockyards in Portsmouth (GB). Tadeusz
  15. Hi druxey, It is true that Vic was rebuilt many times but this detail of ship structure is looking to be original. 1 "Historic Ship Models" by Wolfram zu Mondfeld 2-3 "The Construction and Fitting Eglish Man of War 1650-1850" by Peter Godwin Tadeusz
  16. Hi Keith, Maybe these pictures deck of HMS Victory can help you. Tadeusz
  17. Hi, Maybe the first attached picture explains the origin of the name "niggerhead" ( on the picture on the right as on the left is the Admiral). But then how to name next? They are multinational . VCO Batavia Tadeusz
  18. Hi, I am working on model of SS Savannah 1818 to build according Smithsonians plans. Interesting is the information about windlass barrel. Tadeusz
  19. Hi, I googled a few pictures from the net. Tadeusz
  20. Hi, A method of sealing around the mast at deck level shown in Figure From “The Construction and Fitting of the English Man of War 1650 -1850” by Peter Godwin. Fotos: VOC Amsterdam VOC Batavia Passat Wissemara Tadeusz
  21. Hi, In book “The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War 1625-1860“ by James Lees is shown history of boomkins development. Foto shown HMS Victory boomkins. Inboard part attached to the bow bits. 2,3. Outboard part and rigging Tadeusz
  22. Hi, Diorama in Marine Museum in Karlskrona, Sweden. Tadeusz
  23. HI, I think it is companionway. Tadeusz
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