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Everything posted by Tadeusz43

  1. Hi, Gunners at work. 1. The Danish frigate Jylland 2.-4 Vasa Tadeusz
  2. Hi, I use transfer paper to be applied decoration on the sails made of fabric but the flags I print on rice paper because the fabric is in my opinion too thick and stiff for small flags. Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  3. Hi, For stiffening the keel depending on the length of the model I use: 1. Blocks glued between the bulkheads. 2 Strips or two strips running along the keel It help keep proper shape of hull during planking. Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  4. Hi, I print flags on the Japanese rice paper. Rice paper is fastened with adhesive tape to a sheet of plain paper and I printed on an inkjet printer. Flag patterns and their placement on the ships are here: http://flagspot.net/flags/index.html http://www.modelships.de/Flaggen-Beispiele.htm Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  5. HI On this period model can be seen from the pulley and rope. Tadeusz
  6. Hi, It was battle station for archery and crossbow. Drawing from plans of Peter von Danzig. Foto Lisa von Lubeck. Tadeusz.
  7. Hi, I make jig for rigging works with blocks, jards and masts. Thanks to the a rope tensioning springs installed is easy to work with ropes and their attachment to the blocks. Tadeusz
  8. Hi Don, I use rotation carpet cutter to cut veneer strips suitable for for hull planking. After cut it edges of strips they are sanded. This way was made second clinker planking for norman's ship as also carvel planking for Peter von Danzig. Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  9. Hi Mark, Fortunately did not loaded a cannonball, the victims were not. Tadeusz
  10. Hi, A few years ago I had the opportunity to watch the exercise gunners on VOC Amsterdam. Tadeusz. Merry Christmas and Happy Modeling in New Year 2015
  11. Hi Steve, Attached photos of repicas ships VOC Amsterdam and Batavia will help you paint your model according to the practice of the period Merry Christmas and Happy Modelling in New Year 2015 Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  12. Hi, Baggiwinkles on contemporary ships. Fot.1,2,7 Mexican trainig ship Cuauhtemoc Fot.5,6 Russian trainig ship Kruzenstern Fot. 4 Polish yaht Frideric Chopin Fot.3 Polish training ship Dar Młodzieży Merry Christmas and Happy Modelling in New Year. Tadeusz
  13. Hi Dziadeczek- Szacun ziomalu It looks like a barrel and could serve as seat of easy and other purposes. Fot. 1,2 Carrck Drwg. Peter von Danzig plans ( sailor throws the lead ) Fot. My model of Peter von Danzig Tadeusz Pozdrowienia z Gdańska Panie Tomku
  14. Hello Eddie, Complete and very clear information on standing and running rigging in the form of drawings of individual parts and general plans including belaying plan are contained in excellent book: Rigging Period Fore-and-Aft Craft By Lennarth Petersson ISBN978-1-86176-237-5 www.amazon.com/…Period-Fore-Aft-Craft/dp/1591147212 Download http://www.ebooks-share.net/rigging-period-fore-and-aft-craft/ Happy modelling, Tadeusz
  15. Hello Budad, I think this question is very difficult to simple answer . The number of bulkheads depends on many factors: 1.Type the ship and the shape of the hull - the greater the curvature of the more bulkhead plating. In the fore and aft sometimes be placed in smaller istances than amidships. This applies especially to historical models of sailing ships. 2.Length and scale of the shipmodel - for smaller vessels can be applied solid hull instead POB. 3.The dimensions and the material of strips used for planking - possibility bending of it and also final hull stregth. A few examples from my modeling practice: Fot.1,2 Grosse yacht -Length on waterline 42 cm Fot.3,4 Norman's ship - Length on waterline 37 cm Fot.5,6 Esplanade - Length on waterline 95 cm Happy modellihg, Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  16. Original fence and miter gauge is in use.
  17. Hi, I have modified my Proxxon saw: Biger working table and box for accesories. easy acces for blade change. Electromagnetic on-off switch for more safe work. Tadeusz
  18. Hi, Replicas of VOC ships.Mast are brown painted or natural, on museum model of Batavia tops black painted. Fot 1-4 Batavia Fot 5,6 Amsterdam Tadeusz
  19. Hi, Information about the pumps used on British warships in during the XVII-XIX century with detailed drawings can be found in the excellent books : The Arming and Fitting of Englisg Ships of War 1600-1815 by Brian Lavery and Englih Man of War 1650-1850 by Petr Goodwin Tadeusz
  20. Hi, Pups on ships I have seen Pumps on Victory gun deck (fot. 1-5) Fot. 1 Elm tree pump Fot. 2 Chain pump and crank Fot. 3 Chain pump discharge Fot.4 Two chain and one elm tree pumps Fot. 5 Pump pipes in ship hold Fot. 6-9 Pumps on Danish freegate Jylland Fot. 10 VOC Batavia elm tree pumps and Admiral Tadeusz
  21. Hi, After rescaling you can use only strips for hull planking and other simple stock of wood rest of things to be usless. More resonable and cheaper to buy the plans for the model you want to build. You can also buy items of equipment such as guns, blocks, decorations and other on a scale appropriate for your project. Plans are available for most models sold as kits and many other ships to build models. However, the construction of models from scratch requires much more equipment in workshop and skills of modellmaker. Source of plans at reasonable prices: Associazione Navimodellisti Bolognesi (Italy) http://www.anb-online.it/ I bought there plans for 5 ships. Big choice of plans, moderate prices (Germany) http://shop.vth.de/bauplane-frasteile.h ... 2&limit=30 Links for sources of plans http://www.bauplanarchiv.modellskipper.de/ Cornwall Model Boats: http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/aca ... plans.html Royal Museum Greenwhich http://collections.rmg.co.uk/ modelbouwers (Dutch): http://www.modelbouwers.nl/tekeningenschepen.php ANCRE: http://www.ancre.fr/ Plans in Polish monthly Modelarstwo Okrętowe (Ships Modelling). http://www.modelarstwookretowe.pl/index.php?p=17 List of plans: http://www.modelarstwookretowe.pl/index.php?p=44 Spanish plans: http://www.cuervas-mons.com/Miscelanea% ... lanos.html Free uploads (Spanish) http://www.modelismonaval.com/descargas ... arcos-vela Happy modelling. Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
  22. Hi, For chisels sharpening I found the best way: 1. Low RPM grinder with sandstone in water bath - it protect against overheating. next 2. Oiled stone final dresing 3. Marble Tadeusz
  23. Hi, Hulls of wooden sailing vessels in XVIII cent. for the protection of the underwater part from damage by worms was covered with copper plates (also lead or zinc plates). Copper plates was 48X21ins to 86x64ins depending of period and country of ship origin. The nail heads were from 3/8 to 1 1/4 ins diameter and recessed into the plating in order to surface was smooth. Manufacturers often offer modeling kits in sets of copper plates but in my opinion they are not properly made for models in scale 1:75 - 1:100. In particular too visible nails that secure the plates to the hull. Proper implementation of coppering is very important to the final look of the model. For these models, a convenient solution is to use a self-adhesive copper tape, which is available in various widths. The edges of subsequent sheets of copper, we can easily do by pressing a chisel. This allows for the most realistic appearance performance of our model. Desirable was the application of the patina but far I did not have found efficient method for it. Happy modeling. Attached foto: Fot.1 Rudder of Victory with only remaining copper plates. Fot.2-7 Copper plating of Danish freegate Jylland Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory -coppered with copper plates ( flattened with a hammer ) Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, HMS Speedy -coppered with copper tape Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818 -coppered with copper tape
  24. Hi, I use niversal sharpening center for drill bits, chisels, knives anmd scissors and even a lawn mover blades. Sherpening toll is drum covered with diamonds does not require alignament. Tadeusz
  25. Hi, So named Victory ???? This kind of model is not even funny he is terrible. To call this creature model is insult to all of us hard working model makers. This type of activity should be subject to severe punishment Tadeusz My models: From kits Vasa, HMS Victory, Le Solei Royale, Friesland From scratch HMS Warrior 1860, Esplanade, Grosse Yacht Norman’s ship, HMS Speedy, La Royale Peter von Danzig Polacca XVII cent. Current project: SS Savannah 1818
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