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Everything posted by wim500

  1. Hi Frank, I just love these Chinese Junks Nice progress you have made and what proper build! Cheers, Wim
  2. Thanks for all the comments I still have the gundeck of the Wasa in stock for a possible next project. That is a more common project There were and are some reasons I am not so active on this and other forums, just need some time.
  3. And at last it is finished now See pics below for result. I hope you all like it. Next project is unknown yet.
  4. Well, here is first sail. Think the pics will speak for themself. Bamboo on sails: Top of mast: First sail on ship, not all ropes are placed correct already: Cheers!!
  5. Hi Antony, thanks for looking in. Hope your kit will arrive soon, so you can start and I can follow it. It is a fine kit to build, at the moment I am sewing the sails, not my favourite If I have place the first sail (probably this week) I will update the log.
  6. Thanks guys for all the comments. @Grimber I am looking forward for your buildlog @Sjors Not injured yet . Think I was lucky this time. @S. Coleman I agree that all the armor must be very heavy. Busy with sails now, hope to update my log in a few weeks. Happy holidays for all.
  7. @yvesvidal This was already finished a while ago, this log was a shortened log what i poste before on the old MSW. See http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/gallery/album/79-nave-egizia/
  8. @Yves Thanks, enough rope was in the kit. @Grant Just found some pics. This hull was a hell of a job, I can remember that very well I wish you all the luck. Jig: two planks and clamps Bended hullplanks. I soaked them in water and placed them on the hull with rubber bands. Drill holes first!!! Glue the planks with rubber bands, clamps, tapes, etc I hope this is usefull for you.
  9. Thanks guys @Grant This is a shortened log, the full log was on the old MSW. I used a kind of jig to give more strength to the hull. In my first post you can see it only a bit, I will have a look for more pics.
  10. Hi Peter, Thanks for looking in. I cannot read Korean language, so it is possible the plate name is upside down. It was a 50% chance It will be difficult to turn it now.
  11. Paintint the dragonhead in gold, for more depth it need some black wash. Studying the pattern. An impression: . This is what is left of the interior Finished the armor, I am satisfied with the result so far.
  12. Hi Sjors, A bit of thinned timber glue makes your ropes stiffer and more easy to handle. It worked for me. Good luck.
  13. Hi Sjors, good to see you back in business. Had a break too, one of the reasons was a removal too
  14. @dgbot David, thanks for looking in. The armor will be blackened brass. Next update there will be some pictures of it. @riverboat Franks, thanks for the tip to order the Admiral. Amazing movie, interesting, exciting, informative, etc.
  15. Ahoy!! Deck is closed now, a bit sanding and she is ready for her metal coat Busy with the portholes - must say they have a different position we are used to.
  16. Just found your log Frank and it is impressive!!
  17. Thanks David and Anthony for looking in. I have been once in Seoul for business, no time left to visit the replica. Nice city and friendly people indeed. As far as I know there are no seperate plans for this ship.
  18. Just ordered "The Admiral" on DVD, cannot wait to see it... Both side roars are placed, so second deck could be glued. In the middle there is a jig, which was in the kit. It is intented to obtain the right shape in the roof. Two planks over the jig. Some guns and fences on second deck and removed jig. Normally you only plank the hull...now roof too. First planking. Thanks for looking in.
  19. @avsgerome2003 Thanks for looking in @LA Don This model is the 1/65 one, but at the time I bought this one it was not available at Amazon, only in South Korea. Still remembering shipping, customs and tax price..... @Scott Very nice gift from Korea you got from kids. You are ready for Japanese fleet to battle.
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome back There were reasons not building, but now back in business. @Frank I have heard about that movie..no Netflix, but I will searching for it.
  21. Thanks Brian. When I started this build another build of this model was on its end on this forum. It was a great build I must say!
  22. After a really long BREAK I continued the build last months and made some progress. It will be more pictures than text. If there are any questions dont hesitate Working on her tail: Blackening the metal parts. The ship will be 'overloaded' by metal parts. Hope it wont sink..... Heliview: Firs metal parts. It looks Wow imo. Building roars: One side with roars finished: This is as far as the build is at the moment. Thanks for looking in.
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