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Everything posted by harlequin

  1. well this is the most rigging I have done in quite some time
  2. This model is on my build list....I have a fascination with Franklin’s mission to find the north west passage and the disaster that ensued....your build is looking good and don’t get to hung up over mistakes, we all make them, it is the only way we learn.....show me a man who has never made a mistake and I will show you a man who has never lived....keep up the good work.
  3. Just thought I’d let you know of an error in the placing of the pillars near the binnacle and under the poop deck for anyone doing corels Bellona. The first pic is where I had them originally and the second pic is the correct positioning with one single pillar in front of the binnacle and the other two further under the poop deck.
  4. I have just remembered why I hate rigging....well not all rigging, some rigging is easier to hate than others. Ah well ,...keep calm and carry on.
  5. a couple of the yards have been given some ropework...….this could take some time.....
  6. well after several false starts ….some main mast horse stirrups to start things off...….I have spliced the rope to form the loop and used a tiny drop of glue to hold in place.
  7. looking good Gan Do.....I do things differently from the instructions.....if I can help I will but it is so long since I did things on Bellona my mind may be hazy....
  8. covid 19 doing its worst....time to do some rigging on Bellona.
  9. the paper I use is archival
  10. picture gallery tape is neutral. I use it to frame my pastel pictures to prevent dust and insect incursion. one of my other hobbies....shown here an old paratrooper.
  11. Cheers Pieter.... will have to share Unicorn's time with Bellona's rigging which I have not done anything with since May.
  12. a few pics of Unicorn. I bought this kit for about £15.00. Took a chance because it is very old but it appears to be ok. Had to buy some new instructions because they had seen better days and in a day I had got the frame and keel under way.
  13. Bought this very old Corel Unicorn kit for pennies a while back....whilst doing the rigging on Bellona, I need something else to do as rigging gets on my nerves. Will post some pics soon.
  14. and I have also started to build HMS Unicorn too.....will have to set up a build log for her soon.
  15. right about time I got some rigging done.....the rugby world cup has ended badly for England so time to get the ropes out......for the rigging of course.
  16. the long rigging road has started to be travelled.
  17. right a few weeks off ….now onto the rigging...….
  18. tend to agree with a lot of what you say, and the personal agendas were blatantly obvious. As to whether it would have been shown if the results were different, not sure about that but again I probably agree with you on that also. You are not prejudiced in the way you think or what you say.
  19. it does have its limitations but for the yards it is ok
  20. Just watched a fascinating documentary of the Mary Rose and the DNA samples taken from several of the remains found on the ship after it was brought up from the Solent....it now transpires that fighting along side the English on board ship that day were at least two crewmen whose origins were from North Africa and from Italy and Spain.. Tudor England was more diverse than we realise.
  21. well there you have it...….all masts and yards completed....yards coloured black just need all the ropework.....Bellona....you nearly ended up in the breakers yard but we struggled on......only your rigging to go now.....what a 6 years...…...HMS Pegasus is beckoning.
  22. last of Bellonas yards being turned on my minicraft lathe attachment, this one being the mizzen topgallant yard.....6 long years to this point. Rigging ahoy.
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