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Posts posted by harlequin

  1. Hi Hamilton, no the bulkheads were a perfect fit, when you start Bellona you will notice the vast difference between the quality of this kit compared with the Greyhound. Very little shaping required, indeed its a pleasure to work with. Even the sometimes difficult transom area appears, after a dry fit, to be matched perfectly. Ive started to bend some of the 4x2 mm walnut second planks so everything at this stage is going to plan.

  2. Hang in there Hamilton, it is worth it in the end. I know how awkward this build is, indeed there used to be a couple of build logs of Greyhound on the old site that were started but abandoned because of this awkwardness, and that is to say nothing of the changes you are making to the kit yourself. It will be interesting to compare the two Greyhounds of yours and mine as yours progresses. I said before this kit is of high risk of being launched prematurely against the nearest wall, but ultimately looks great on completion. ( just keep a bottle of the strong stuff on hand (not glue :) ) Lagavulin in my case) and remember softly softly catchy monkey. The colours are looking great by the way. :bird-vi:  

  3. Just a couple of pics on some small progress. The first planking is underway and the blind gun ports are in position. You can see the pinholes on the first planking that I have used to secure the plank till the glue is dry and then the pins are removed. The stern gunports you can see still need to be finished to a nice square. No real difficulties with the build so far, unlike Greyhound when at this stage there was much scratching of my balding head. I will post some pics of Greyhound soon in the finished ships forum.    



  4. Cheers Hamilton. I think yours will be a great improvement on my build. Bellona has had her decks fitted and a cabin bulkhead fitted (photos to follow soon) and is now undergoing a lot of prep work for the first planking to start, which will be in the next couple of days or so. I have decided against any sort of colouring to the Bellona's hull and will add touches of colour to the gun carriages only I think.

  5. Spent the entire day reading the whole instruction book and examining the drawings.....they are so much better than the Greyhound instructions. Not going to add colour to the hull but may add some red to the gun carriages and the inside bulwarks and maybe a bit on the transom decoration. There is so much detail on this build, its certainly going to take some doing. It is going to be an amazing looking ship when completed. :cheers:  

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