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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. In the 80s a friend of mine had one and had it Sprayed with purple which had little flakes of gold in the paint (was all the rage at the time with all sorts of metal flakes, can't remember what it was called) and in defraction tape (if you can remember that you're showing your age) he had the enlarged datsun in a wedge shape on the lower part of the doors it looked awesome.
  2. Thanks Mark, don't know what happened there
  3. Thanks Yves Keith I hadn't even thought of that, I will on the next one.
  4. Hi all so sorry I've not been on here for so long tbh I've got more into painting and drawing (let's face it it's cheaper than modelling, peice of paper and a pencil, and maybe some paints) Anyway in-between painting and drawing I did this (I won it off ebay, was a bit of a glue bomb and missing some bits had loads of warped body panels but turned out OK, I will have italaris bugatti type35 b as a Christmas pressie so have that to look forward to IMG_9398.HEICIMG_9399.HEICIMG_9400.HEICIMG_9398.HEICIMG_9399.HEIC
  5. Sorry to hear the news. Great tip on the chrome. Loving how it's going
  6. Thanks for the reply, I am now a more enlightened person, now if you could just explain the meaning of life (I don't believe it's 42)
  7. Sorry may seem thick but what is tagging
  8. Just found this, what a great post, I have a very old dslr and a very new smart phone (with a dedicated macro lens) will definitely be trying this out when I get back into modelling.
  9. Never been good at planes bit this looks amazing
  10. Guild then paint around it (I could never find a way of removing the little flakes left around the edges) I painted over them after I guided it, I discovered this when I built the La reale de france (which was the first ship I used gold leaf on)
  11. Hi all back off hols. Added some decals and readying for the weathering.
  12. Thanks mate, My head is swelling, none of my stuff is that good, anyway it’s no where near finished and I going to try to depict something I’ve never tried before .
  13. Added the missing wires to the CDI units. Added the low tension leads (i know they're not to scale but they're all I've got) Added the body, getting there now,
  14. Hi all did the drive shafts, I think they look good but what a pita they were. Got the rear suspension done. Added some decals
  15. OK so that boot was confusing Got the safety cage done. A trial of the body
  16. Thats not a wrench mate that's part of the steering linkage.
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