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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. Not sure what happened there I can see them, can anyone else see them ?
  2. Hi all well I've done the decking and weathered the hull. I'm surprised how much bigger this is than the warspite she also quite a bit wider.
  3. Well im a bit annoyed with eduard. I started putting the pe portholes on and got 10 done and thought hang on theres something wrong here ( they give you 50 pe portholes) counted down one side theres 63 (it does say optional parts) optional or not they should at least supply enough for the job. And now im thinking about it what about all the pprtholes on the super structure. When i built the warspite i had loads of parts left on tge sprue that wernt mentioned anywhere in tge instructions ive since discovered they were ment to be portholes they look a bit different to the ones eduard supply but maybe i will use them. I managed to get the portholes off without damaging the paintwork too much. As i say maybe i will try the warspite ones will have a count up and see if theres enough.
  4. Hi all I was given this and the Bismark for a Christmas pressie from my daughter and son I bought what i thought was the pe for this kit (which cost more than the kit and I now discover is still not the full pe for it, i will buy the rest but just have to wait a bit) so I was thinking I quite like the pics by Eduard and pontos (others are availiable) of the pe on the finished ship with no paint on it and was thinking maybe I would do that with just a slight difference being I would weather the pe but leave it unpainted. What do you all think, I quite like the pe showing I think it adds interest(i know it's not very accurate but let's face it I'm pretty rubbish with this modelling lark and I very seldom build as per the instructions anyway. So here is my start on this build Made a start on the decking (Will be using pastels for the decking this is just the base coat.
  5. It's strange I used the same stuff on my royal sovereign which I sold to my boss 2 yrs ago and it still looks exactly as it did.
  6. Hi all got this out to do some work on it. There seems to be a problem with the cheap paint I used on the base (Not had this problem before) the base started off dk blue but over time it seemed to go brackish Which I didn't mind too much as it just looks like dirty harbour water but worryingly it is doing this from the edges and seems to be progressing inward Do you think this will progress, if so should I stripp it all off (assuming I can) then start again, any suggestions.
  7. Ok well I've finally decided on the base for this, first I thought I would have a surfer washed out to sea but I thought this is a German equivalent of the RNLI then I thought are there any surfing beaches in Germany and anyway they wouldn't send a huge ship like this out for a surfer would They? Then I thought what about someone on a lilo but cancelled that idea for the same reasons what about a sinking ship no the dio would have to be huge. Then the kernel of an idea came to me a ww2 air show and maybe there's a mid air collision or engine trouble and the pilot had to ditch but for some reason the canopy wouldn't open so he couldn't bail out. Thunderbirds to the rescue (FAB Virgil thunderbirds are go) sorry got carried away there. I'm going to use the fw190 from the warspite dio as the ditched plane, here's a mock up of how it may look Added some more railings and some lights to the tower Maybe now I've got the base worked out I may enjoy the build a bit more.
  8. Hi all well it's starting to look more like a ship, needs some more filling but definitely getting there. Someone suggested an upright boiler and seeing as how there is no room for stoking the boiler with it in place. I've decided to have a go at doing an upright boiler, I mean the chimney is not even on this boiler yet so if I added that there would be even less room.
  9. Oh my what a build, that is some skill I must say, skills I could only ever dream of. Outstandingly good I will be watching the rest of this.
  10. Hi Paul that is the very same kit that will be in a seascape as well when I decide what the disaster will be.
  11. Hi all well I've got this back out as Gandale (Alan on another forum posted an easy way to do the stays on this) (That's what's been scaring me from continuing this build) baring in mind this is my first attempt at doing them I'm quite chuffed with the result (obviously I've seen them done millions of times better but hey I can only get better from now on)
  12. Beautifully done. Hi all got some of the stays done.
  13. Hi all here's the next update done some more to the boiler Loads more to do to this bit but quite pleased how it's going.
  14. Hi all next update I was going to add some stays but Airfix would have you use the God awful plastic coated cotton ratline thingies so no hole through the crows nest Wish I hadn't added the main stays now as drilling out the holes in the crows nest will probably slacken them all off
  15. Did some more to this. I would love to add some figures but can't find any to add to it.
  16. Hi all this is designed for electric motor rc but since I'm doing it as a display model I thought I would have a go at making an engine for it (Not a working one I hasten to add) I decided to try and build this for it Obviously it has to fit in the ship so I've just made it a gazillion times harder as I have to make it a lot smaller to fit in the ship. I thought I would try one of the simpler things to start with, this bit.
  17. Hi all I don't know if anyone has any better methods but this is how I did the rings for the paddle wheels on the Pamela 3 Keep the centre bit to help with centering the spokes
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