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shark bait

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About shark bait

  • Birthday 01/23/1945

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Rafael, Ca. USA
  • Interests
    Historic ships, naval history, fishing, bowling and golf

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  1. Well done Ulises!! You and I are almost in the same place as far as the model goes. I will submit some pictures soon. I am going to start the second planking with the wales. Bill
  2. Hi Ulises. I am just about finished with the first planking. I received the kit from another modeler who had laid the keel and started work on the decking. He had also installed the gunports and some of them were a little bit askew. So two of the forward gunports on my model will have closed doors ( due to rough seas :-) ). I did submit a few photos as a start to a build log, but I'm not much of a photographer and, frankly, the first planking does not look that good, I have some low spots that are going to need filler. I am going to try to make the first planking as good as possible to make the second planking go a little smoother. Bill
  3. Hello Ulises, I am working on the same ship as you and have found your post interesting and helpful. Have fun with it and Happy New Year. Bill
  4. Hey Clare, I think red is the answer for your time frame. Would a flat color look more like the paddle wheels had been used? Bill
  5. Mike, This was a great demonstration and I agree with Jason. I am also building the Badger, but am only at the second planking stage. I tried furling a sail on my last build, but didn't trim it enough and ended up with too much bulk. Your work looks great. Thanks, Bill
  6. I think the Albatros is a great build. I learned a lot by working on it and had a great deal of fun doing it. Bill
  7. Hey Richard, You are doing a fine job with this model. I especially like the parrels in this photograph. Great work on the rigging as well. Bill
  8. Thanks, Alistair, I know I created a lot of work for myself. We are having a heat wave this weekend which will render yard work ill-advised, so I will have time to try and make this thing right. I will not proceed until I have corrected the problem and I can press on with pride. Bill
  9. Some more of the first planking. Thankfully, I have plenty of sandpaper.
  10. Very nice work, Richard. When you used thread instead of brass wire on the stirrups did you stiffen them or keep them natural? They look good. Bill
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