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Posts posted by drtrap

  1. Hi everybody

    the yards factory has started.

    Thinking to go with the blocks first and to continue with the foot ropes.

    I'll leave the section of the irons for the final stage.

    I hope to have your agreement on those steps.



    PS: The main yard with its marked blocks-ropes and irons attachments.

    I'm thinking to fix three foot ropes at each half yard at a distance of 2,5 cm.  




  2. Nice work and very fitting, I assume these are for port and starboard yards, as you know you only need one per side, with a boom ring at each end.


    Looking good.


    Frank  :piratebo5:

    Hi Frank and thanks for the comment.

    Those are just two dowels dummies just to stimulate in practice yard's and stunsail's assembly.

    The real dowels are in a safe place!...

  3. The second method is by calculating the distance of every circle for the iron using the yard diameter and the rule of "3,14"...

    Here without space or distance between the yard and stunsail dummies...

    The iron for the yard first using clockwise turn


    I've used a tape to stabilize the two dowels how you see


    Here is the counterclockwise turn for the iron of the stunsail, from a posterior view


    And the anterior view



    Thank you for your comments in advance, just to help me how to proceed.

  4. I'm quite satisfied from my first attempts to stimulate the boom irons.

    This is my 1st cut strip of 22mm to stimulate the irons. 



    I've tried two methods just to see wha's the best for me in practise...

    I'm showing you the consecutive steps of the first one. I think that these steps is easy do be understood.

    Making the iron of the yard dummy


    and after that the respective one for the stunsail dummy



    Taken from another angle...

    Could you tell me what;s the indicative best distance "x" between the red lines, for my Snake?? :(


    Another pic



    And here you are the preliminary result..

    Of course in need for iron soldering


  5. Hi Stergios,


    The item you have indicated with the yellow line should be on the photoetch supplied with the kit. If they are the same (which is likely) as in the C.C. Cruiser kit the rounded portion is too large and the flat portion too wide,easily fixed with a small file. I had to reduce mine by about 1mm to fit with the yardarm end dimension given on the Cruiser plans and approximately halved the width of the straps as they looked very out of scale.


    The trucks are for the Topsail Yard ties which should be led through them. They are lashed to the aft Topmast Backstays,their position should be shown on the rigging plans.


    Dave :dancetl6:

    Hi Dave

    Finally I've found those parts, I'll try to test their dimensions tomorrow.

    Thank you! 


    Btw do you think that the brass wire No 145 on the right side of the photo/plan (post #860) is in fact 1,5 mm brass wire (No 146)?

    Thanks again. 

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