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Posts posted by drtrap

  1. Now I'm one turn before the trimming of the ratlines and I'm thinking already what to do next...

    ...continue with the other/upper thirds of the fore, main and mizzen masts or fix the bowstrip and its relative fittings?

    If you have any experienced idea on this, please show me "the way"...





  2. If you keep it as it is you shouldn't encounter any problems in future stages of rigging...


    ...but, personally, I would move the the futtock stave to keep everything looking consistent.  I feel that I've spent so much time and effort on my model already that I know that I would be very unsatisfied at the end if I let something go that I know I could have fixed.  But that's me... ;)

    The revision has begun....

  3. I think only you can answer that Stergios :) Don't think you will encounter a specific issue other than visual appearance. Maybe try to put the yard in place to see what it looks like and whether you are comfortable. Last night I fixed a couple of ratlines which was very challenging given other rigging now in place, but it could be done, its just down to your own appetite.

    Jason I think that you can answer that better :):) cause you're so many steps ahead and - this way - you know better.

    As you know I can't follow only the plans and I'm not so sure about the way and the height the yard will be fixed, so your experience on her is my only compass to proceed.... :pirate41:

    I'm trying to see in the meantime Jim's "yard section"...

  4. Hard to tell from the photo, but the foremast futtock stave looks to be the one that is a little high based on where the cheeks are, although it should only be a visual thing.  From pictures I've studies, the futtock stave is at a very similar level to the yard when in position, as the catharpins helped keep the shrouds from interfering with a yard braced round.  If the yard does not interfere with the shroud then I think you should be OK...

    You're right Jason, here are the relative futtock stave to cheeks heights...

    Do you consired that as a huge penalty or I can live with it?

    Should I stop and re-align the futtocks stave?


  5. Hard to tell from the photo, but the foremast futtock stave looks to be the one that is a little high based on where the cheeks are, although it should only be a visual thing.  From pictures I've studies, the futtock stave is at a very similar level to the yard when in position, as the catharpins helped keep the shrouds from interfering with a yard braced round.  If the yard does not interfere with the shroud then I think you should be OK...

    I'll try to apply a custom made solution.... I hope...

  6. ........................... I just used a simple clove hitch on an angle across the stave and shroud, I would also alternate the angle: / or \, to keep the thing from twisting too much. Tie off three or four to start (spaced a couple shrouds apart). That will be enough to hold the thing in position. Let the glue securing the knots dry, cut the leftover ends and tie a few more......


    Hi Andy

    I'm trying to understand the whole procedure but without success...

    Could you please help anyway?

    Thanks in advance.



  7. My latest concern (still for the futtock stave placement):

    1) the way to attach the futtock stave on the shrouds. I'd like to perform a kind of rigging (using clove hitch knots ??) for a better stabilization of the staves...

    2) the right "height" of futtock staves placement. Following strictly the height/distance from the plans, in my case the runway of the futtock shrouds seems to be in a more perpendicular way, so I can't simulate the sharp angle "a" of the plans. Do you suggest to place the staves two ratline steps higher?






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