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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Hello glen Well things are looking excellent, I look forward to seeing the canons with all their rigging located in position, which is fiddly but enjoyable. Keep enjoying it. DAVID
  2. Greetings Jerry So the refit is going to take a lot longer than you expected, good luck with the progress, and I look forward to seeing you back to finish your rigging which is in the final stages. Here's a couple of photos of my next stage, although there is still a bit to do on the ship. OK guess what it is . A bundle of wood and two new desks ready for assembly for the new shipyard. Sit back and enjoy my progress, (it should be a good laugh) and it will take a lot longer than your repair job. Here's a bit of a clue, the finished unit is glazed. Take care Jerry. Regards DAVID
  3. Greetings Jerry !!!!!! So you are on the way back after the repair work on your bulk heads. That's really good to know, and I look forward to you returning to your build. I just noticed you posting to Lawrence and admiring he's build which I must agree is becoming something special. Tell you what though, I bet it is cold in Canada without bed sheets!!!! Take care and give the glue plenty of time to set. Regards DAVID
  4. Hello rich If you simply want to add internal shelves inside the gun ports to support the linings , you can also make a simple tool. A few builders have done this. Use 2mm x 2mm balsa for the shelves as you can easily trim it if it is out of position once it's glued. Here's a simple tool you can make to help. DAVID
  5. Greetings Jerry Thanks a lot for the card. Ok let's have you back in a few weeks, shipshape and Bristol fashion. Best wishes DAVID
  6. Greetings Jerry Well isn't she looking fine now. I notice you have got the lizard and span fitted which was another thing I forgot , but will fit later . Yep I bet you are really happy the way things are moving along, and not to far to go now. You will enjoy fitting the the gaff and boom. I have sent you some medication for all your ailments in a PM, I think it's the only solution left when all fails. Well done Jerry . DAVID
  7. Hello Ian Your problem has probably been sorted by now, but this is the lettering set I purchased for the display name of my victory in its display case. The sets are in various sizes and colours from CMB. Good luck with your build. DAVID
  8. Greetings all I have reached the final stage of building my HMS VICTORY and need to fit the flag set. Does any member have any idea were each of the four flags I have should be located. Thanks in advance. DAVID
  9. Greetings all Thanks everybody for viewing and all your comments which are appreciated . And it is really good to see you back with your cracking build Kevin . Well not a lot has been done over the last week or so. I have added the last anchor on the port side, and finished the launch which still needs it's oars and anchor, and it will be staying on the port davit. The launch looks a lot better than the barge on the davit , although neither of them should be there. Then the final anchor also needs to be fitted on the starboard side, and then more breakages to repair including the pointy end for the third or fourth time. Ok here's a few photos of a bit of progress. DAVID
  10. Hello Lawrence I have just had a look at that picture someone must have sent you. Cannot think who it may have been. Florida comes to mind. LOL I can how ever tell you it is not me and the ship is not mine, it's far to big and I am not as good looking as him. Today it was decided my shipyard will move into a much larger bedroom and the victory will have to live there, as there is no hope of it fitting any were else in the house I have all the timber ready for the case which I will start in a few weeks time. Keep enjoying your cracking build Lawrence . Tell you what mind that bloke in the photo whoever he is has built a super ship. Regards DAVID
  11. Greetings all Not a lot at all been done over the last week or so. I have just about finished my launch which only need the windlass and davits fitting. I have bought a flag set which is 1/78 scale but appear ok to me. What I now need to know is were do the flags fit ??? Here are a few photos of my launch, nearing completion. Thanks a lot for viewing and your comments. DAVID
  12. Greeting Harvey Well here we go with another victory, and cracking work at that. Just enjoy it . I will follow your build with interest. DAVID
  13. Hello glen Well done on the completion of the plates. The underside is excellent, it really is. I wish mine was as good. Ok on you go with the next phase, the upper deck fixing. It should keep you happy for a week or two. Less haste. DAVID
  14. Greeting all I am still slowly making my launch which is taking quite a while owing to this glorious weather we are having. .The wife and I got chatting to a new neighbour, and I spotted a large lathe and other machinery in a garage next door to her house , and she said my dad lives there. I said I may need something making. I got home and five minutes later the bell rang. What do want making ??? He said so I showed him. Off he went and half an hour later the bell rang again. "What size was that pin again ???" He said. I said 3mm. I came home the following day and inside the porch were these 2 columns on the window cill. Won't take a penny, he's daughter said it's he's hobby and he won't take anything . I will have to find someway of thanking him. Any way I fitted two metal sleeves in the keel about three inches long with a 3mm hole at the start of the build ( imagine a bic pen). The 3 mm drill fits in the column and up the sleeve , and the keel locates on the slotted column. I reckon he done a cracking job for me. DAVID
  15. Hello rich I am not sure which gunports you are lining, but if you are lining the middle and lower deck ports you should be using 1mm x 6mm walnut. Have a look at page 12. DAVID
  16. Greeting Boyd I need a bit of info. Do you get a flag set with your Victory.??? I am struggling to find one for my caldercraft Victory which as you know is1/72 scale. Your Victory is 1/75 scale and I think that might be the closest size I can use. Caldercraft do not supply a flag set with their Victory kit, if you do get a flag set with your ship. Could you tell me the email address you have used to contact them. Thanks a lot. DAVID
  17. Hello stp Excellent work . Don't worry about your English, it's no problem. And so another victory joins the fleet. If you have any questions or may need advice just ask , There are lots of victory build logs on the site, with members who will always be happy to help. I look forward to following your build, so just post lots of photos and enjoy your build..DAVID
  18. Greetings glen Wilkinsons own clear matt varnish is what I used . No prob after 2 years or so DAVID
  19. Hello Keith Same as Boyd , I cannot believe you are finished , and a cracking build at that... Well done Keith and good luck with the Cutty Sark. DAVID
  20. Hello glen I just used brasso. You will be sent out to the garage to do it. DAVID
  21. Hello Boyd Well this is clever stuff, I wish I had your patience. I have never seen marquetry all in the same colour before. Keep enjoying it . Well done DAVID
  22. Hello glen Soon be finished with the plates, and in such a short period. So what are you going to do with them next. I reckon you will get a bit of advice off other builders. I polished mine up and gave them a couple of coats of Matt varnish. That was about two years ago. They have dulled off and I reckon they look better as they are now. Keep enjoying it . DAVID
  23. Greetings You could use thin marquetry veneer to simulate those gunports later on if you decide to do them. I am prob telling you the road you know but the gunport lids are not square. For example the middle and upper deck lids are approx 20mm x 18mm. The 20 mm is the width of the lid and 18mm is the depth. So use one of the lids to ensure you have clearance on the width of the ports themselves before you line them if you follow. You prob know you will need to put CA on the walnut lining strip or it will split when you cut it. DAVID
  24. Hello rich Everything looks fine, excellent progress. Two gunports at the bow???? . I have not bothered with them and only know one build that has. See Yons log page 4, he was not happy. Have a look then you can decide wether or not to do them. So best to leave them for now. Good luck with the gunport linings. DAVID
  25. Hello glen It all looks fine. Nice work on the plates, and almost finished. Well lots to do on the upper deck, which should keep you happy for a week or two. Nice clear pictures. Keep enjoying it . DAVID.
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