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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Hello Jerry Excellent work, you have made your first yard in no time. I may get a small pillar drill for my next ship. I have just had a look at some on amazon, and for what is needed is not to costly. Anyway once again you have reached another enjoyable phase with all these yards to make. DAVID
  2. Hello Keith Well the same quality continues and I cannot believe you have got this far with your build in only a few months. Yes excellent work. See Gil middletons log for info on colourings your rigging threads. DAVID
  3. Hello glen Excellent work. Yep once again take your time. I was going to ask why you had not painted your gunport linings, but just realized it is your checking block I was seeing on the photo. Keep enjoying it . DAVID
  4. Hello Jerry Whey !!! Hey!!! Another phase finished, and onward to the running rigging. Well done Jerry. As you know this starts to become a bit of a cobweb, and there are lots of awkward areas to deal with, so once again those words , really take your time . Keep enjoying it ....DAVID
  5. Hello Keith It's coming along fine, and the hull painting is excellent. Yes it looks like you are enjoying your build, and that will be a big bonus to have your masts ready to fit when you reach that stage. Keep up the good work.. Well done. DAVID
  6. Greetings Jerry Yep these breakages always seem to happen, and are suffered by us all, no matter how careful we are , especially at this stage. It looks like you have got it sorted . Well done with your progress it's coming on fine.. ... Have a look at your home contents insurance policy and see if includes breakages. I better go now!!!!! well done Jerry...DAVID
  7. Hello Rich Yep you sure are moving along, and things are looking really good with the gun port patterns fitted. Keep up the excellent work and enjoy the next few years, and I will join the audience . Regards DAVID
  8. Hello Keith Well this is coming on fine. Well done with the copper plates. Make sure you use a good quality masking tape for your wales to ensure you don't get any bleeding through. Tamiya will do the job.. Keep up the excellent progress . DAVID
  9. Hello Boyd Yes it's a good idea to put a couple of coats of varnish on the cannonballs and the rack to make them more secure. And don't fit them to the deck until you need to, to take make sure they don't get knocked off. I don't know how your gunport linings and lids are fitted in position , the linings on the jotika/ caldercraft are set back 1mm from the face of the hull, and without any doubt needed to be done after the second planking, in my opinion. I think it will be harder to tidy up your gun ports with the linings fitted now, and you should always remember the wales need to be added which also cross the gunports in various areas adding another thickness of strip, So in theory your ship will be triple planked in those areas. But that's only my opinion good luck with whatever you decide .well done it's still spick and span. DAVID
  10. Hello Boyd Well done Boyd , it's really coming on now. All your work is very neat and tidy and it seems like you are settled in for a couple of years enjoyment. Nice clear photos as well, so just keep them coming. DAVID
  11. Greetings all Well here we go again with last stick!!! I have remade and fitted the driver boom, and all it's rigging apart from the sheet which is a simple block linkage from the iron horse to the comb cleat. So that's my lot with sticks and strings for now. Anyway as you can see nothing is tightened of and I have started to fit the hammock cranes which should have been done a long long time back as we all know.. I thought this might have been a bit tricky now, but it seems to be no problem at all. All I am doing is making two frames of mesh and sliding them in position and a dot of glue. You can see the effect on the photos, and I think it looks ok. Anyway as usual thanks for viewing and all your comments. Here's a few photos with one of a side view of the ship... Here we go. DAVID
  12. Greetings tinyellie Have fun with your build . And as everybody will tell you take your time. advice on your build is always available, you only need to ask. I look forward to following your progress. Yep just have fun and enjoy yourself....DAVID
  13. Hello Glenn Well this is looking really good. And moving along at some pace. You can see just how large this thing is going to be when you see it on the desk. I have the case size worked out at around about 60" x 40" x 24" . Were is mine going to go??????..... Not a clue. Maybe a small greenhouse. Keep enjoying your self..DAVID
  14. Greetings all Well not a great deal of progress over the last week. I made up the driver gaff and driver boom, but alas dropped the boom and stood on it , so need to make another one. I had also misplaced the jaws for the gaff and boom so emailed caldercraft for a replacement sheet, but alas no reply so just made them both. I have now fitted the driver gaff and added a few photos of the completed rigging which is not belayed yet, as this will need to be left until the boom is made and fitted. I have also tidied up the bow area ready to finish belaying the rigging, and also need to fit a few parts I had missed which were pointed out to me. So that's me for now, and I would like to thank you all once again for viewing. AvesP I reckon the best bet for you is to to check out the cracking heller victory build by dafi were you will find out all you need to know and more.. Here's a few photos. Thanks a lot DAVID
  15. Hello again There you go, zig zag sorted, and whoops I made a mistake. I did the stays next . DAVID
  16. Greetings Jerry Well done with your bowsprit . My zig zagging is atrocious and not completed. The threads are to slack on the main stay preventer and the mainstay, and if that's your prob maybe you can find a way of tightening them. Anyway I am sure you will sort it. Are you now intending to complete the rigging of your bowsprit which I did next?? The manual tell you to finish it off towards the end on pages 24 and 30 but I rigged everything that is shown on plan sheet 11 now, and had no probs at all. I was not sure about doing it then but was informed by gjdale (grant)that's what he did and as I say there were no probs... Keep enjoying it DAVID
  17. Hello Patrick Well once again the excellent progress continues. Yes crisp and clean and dustless !!! Cracking work. There's not a great deal else I can say about your build other than it's a pleasure to watch your progress. Keep enjoying it.... DAVID
  18. Hello Keith I can only say your work and progress is excellent, everything is clean and neat and you have done a cracking job on the copper plates so far. I do agree with Boyd about fitting the stairways, but forget about jotika and enjoy your billing build. Take your time and enjoy it....DAVID
  19. Hello Glenn Well you have done a cracking job on your gunport linings, and the inner bulwarks are looking very tidy, so just keep up the excellent work . Things are coming along nicely. Well done DAVID.
  20. Hello Glenn You are flying along, and all is looking fine. I am very suprised that you are using CA on your linings, and it could be a problem when you reach the ports with the 1mm set back, with the adjustment needed. Any way keep enjoying it DAVID
  21. Hello Keith It's coming fine, and no the instructions don't look very good at all, but I am sure you won't have a great deal of problems and there's always help at hand. Did you not think of fitting the stairway next to the grills, it should be easy and you have time to do it. Keep enjoying it. DAVID
  22. Hello Jerry Well there you go another phase completed, and a cracking job at that. Yep you've really done well, and in a no time at all. So it's on to fitting the bowsprit next and the stays. Leave the boomkins off , and fit them when you need to. Well done again , you can start counting sheep again... DAVID
  23. Hello Lawrence Thanks a lot for your post. Yes it's very crowded in there. I have started working my way back tightening the rigging checking and double checking as I go. The foremast is done and I am now tightening up the main mast rigging. I cannot go any further as the parts for the boom driver and driver gaff I lost have not arrived from jotika, but the yards are ready, and there is still loads of work still to do. Good luck if you do add the sails. Regards David
  24. Greetings Bob Good luck with your build. Don't you worry about the time it will take to build. Take all the time in the world, I will just sit and admire your work space. Regards DAVID
  25. Hello Glen Well done with your planking. I surmise you have not fitted your inner bulwarks yet. Enjoy all the work on the deck, it should keep you busy for a while. Theres plenty of work to do, so take your time and enjoy it. DAVID
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