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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Hello Glennard Yes just paint them. Yes fit the supports now if you want , no prob. There are a couple of bulkheads that can be seen through the gunports. Just cut them clear of the port. I just used some square balsa for the supports. Good luck DAVID
  2. Hello Glennard Well you are off and running. Now here comes your first prob. Your hole supports come to far down and will foul on your planking. See your period ship hand book page 20. regards DAVID
  3. Hello gerrard Ok Glenn. I note all your steps prior to glueing, and I think you are trying to keep us on our toes. How about reducing the stern area to 2mm prior to glueing. Good luck . DAVID
  4. Greetings Glenn Good to hear you replacements have arrived, and you can restart your build. Just enjoy the next couple of years of this project and I will Enjoy following it. Best wishes. DAVID
  5. Greetings Derek Well done with your repair work. I think damaging the bowsprit happens to a lot of us as do the boomkins. So beware anybody thinking of fitting your boomkins and bowsprits to early. ( I will mention no names) I see you have one of your yards ready to fit so the best of look with them . Do you want any netting for the hammock things ? I can send you some. DAVID
  6. Hello Jerry Tell you what Jerry , that bowsprit looks excellent, it would be a shame to break it. I think David is correct. And if your ship does not have a pointy front when it's finished it's your own fault . DAVID
  7. Greetings all Thanks to you all for your comments and for viewing which is most appreciated . These photos I promise will be the last of the foreyard rigging which even I am getting a bit cheesed off with. OK here's were we are now. The final step on the foremast top yard is the tye which runs from a single block below the trestle trees down through the double block which Is lashed to the yard, it then returns up and through the single block under the trestle trees. It then terminates with a double block. The falls are a linkage between the block and a single block on a pendant lashed to the channel and belayed at the rear kevel on the forecastle. I decided to have a look at fitting the foreyard rigging but realized I would be making the yard more or less solid in position. This would be to dangerous as the yards are forever being bashed, and would end in broken rigging. I have put the rigging on but it is not belayed. Here are are a few photo which may makes things clear. So now I shall make a decision on what's next. Hammock netting, or main yards. Here's the photos. DAVID
  8. Hello Glenn Well done with the launch, you are ahead of me now, and it seems you are enjoying yourself. Let's hope those replacements arrive soon, until then enjoy the small boats DAVID
  9. Greetings all Thanks you all for your comments . I have just taken over two hours to secure the final yard onto the foremast . I assembled the parral beads and linked them to the yard, then fitted the yard and linked the parral beads around the mast and secured it to the other side of the yard. It only needs to be made tidy. Here's a couple of photos. DAVID
  10. Hello Patrick Happy New Year, and those cannons look good with the much heavier breaching ropes. Yes I had the same misalignment with the outer and inner gunports but with a bit of packing here and there the cannons look ok. Keep up the good work and enjoy your new sander. DAVID
  11. Hello derek Thanks a lot. How are you getting on with the foremast???. I reckon it will be about 6 months or more before I finish, but not really bothered, and loving this rigging phase. The only problem I have is knocking the gunport lids etc loose. So I reckon it's time for you to post. I reckon you are not telling us anything and are building your display cabinet. Take care DAVID
  12. Hello ulises Just been reading your log, after missing it for a while. The whole of your build is stunning, and the rigging is outstanding and puts mine to shame. Yes this build is something to be proud of. Just keep enjoying it. Regards DAVID
  13. Hello dragzz Well she sure is looking good, very clean and neat , and you are certainly enjoying yourself. Keep up the excellent work. regards DAVID
  14. Greetings everybody Happy new year you to you all. Well at last I have finished all the yards on the fore mast, apart from fitting the two rings of parallel beads. So the next step will to fit them and the rigging to the yard which I shall start tomorrow, and this looks a nice little job. I may have a go at fitting some of that hammock netting which I have managed to find in town. One thing I have noticed is that at this stage builds such as Gil's and grants have more rigging on than I am instructed to fit.There is rigging fitted to reach the ends of the yards and I am not instructed to fit it yet. I think a little bit of impatience is creeping in as I want to fit it. Anyway I will go with the book as it seems to be working for me and is a lot simpler than I thought it was going to be. Anyway that's me for now, and I will post again when the rigging is fitted to finish off this mast. Thanks for viewing and your comments. Here's some photos. DAVID
  15. Hello Jerry Happy new year to you and your admiral . Thanks for posting the bunch of photos of the hammock netting they look really good. I bought some of that toule and had a look at fitting it last night, and it makes a big difference, but will be a bit awkward for me with all the rigging about. So I will probably have a go at doing it next when I complete the last yard on the foremast. I got over 20 square feet of toule for a quid !!! So have plenty to give away. Thank again for the photos. DAVID
  16. Hello again Glenn It is impossible to make a complete restart without sheet 7. It contains the four dummy barrel strips and the middle deck, so I am surmising you will not be able to save them. So are they also sending sheet 7 ??? DAVID
  17. Hello Glenn Are jotika supplying you with new barrel strips and keel as well as the bulkheads??? As a total restart would be the best idea for you I think. Anyway the best of luck with your restart. Regards DAVID
  18. Hello Jerry Well done Jerry , all the best to you and your admiral. You can now have a nap in your hammock . Regards DAVID
  19. Greetings Glenn Looks like all is going well. I cut out two slots in the keel and inlaid and trapped alluminuam sleeve in the slots before I started to assemble the bulkheads. I used scrap 5mm ply on both sides of the keel to trap the sleeve, so the keel was solid if you follow. The sleeve I used was from a craft knife from one of those £I shop craft kits. I marked off the position of the sleeves on the keelson, and drilled a small pilot hole for reference. I have just came back from town were I have purchased some toule which is for the hammock netting . You will come across this well on in your build. I was advised on this by grant and Jerry. So if you you want me to send you some PM your address, and I will send more than enough. Keep up the good work and enjoy yourself. DAVID
  20. Hello Jerry Well that hammock netting looks good, be careful not to knock it about during the rigging. I am definitely going to fit it on mine, but will do them nearer to the end when it will be a bit safer, as things are getting bashed about as you well know. Keep up your excellent work. DAVID.
  21. Greetings Sean Welcome to MSW . And here we go with another HMS Victory on the stocks. You will always find advice when you need it for your build. I will follow Your build with interest. Just enjoy it. DAVID
  22. Greetings Glennard Merry Xmas , and you have got another Xmas box in the shape of a book. Have you got a David plane ?? If not it will be a good idea to buy one. It will be very handy for doing the type of work you are doing now instead of a chisel, and really handy for work on your masts. Best wishes . DAVID
  23. Greeting all Well the making of the fore top mast yard was my next step . But alas disaster struck!!! I dropped a box while getting it off the top of the wardrobe that is in the shipyard , and smashed of the the top of the foremast as you can see on the photo. I got very lucky as all of the rigging around the area stayed secure , and I only had to entangle it. I have done a repair job with a 1mm brass splint which is ok, but could be better . I will tidy up the area around the break if I think it needs to be later. So it would have been more or less impossible to fit any yards with the break not repaired with all the rigging lines about, which are in the way at times and easily caught and pulled about . I then decided to fit the topgallant yard which I have just finished tonight. The yard is pinned in position and a tye is secured to the centre of the yard. The thread runs up the mast and though a hole drilled through the mast and down slightly below the top mast cap were a double block is secured. A tackle is then formed using a block secured on the fore top . The fall is then secured to a pin on the bowline bitt . The yard itself is also secured using parallal beads. So now I can start to making of fore top mast yard and complete the fitting of the fore mast yards. Once again thanks a lot for your comments and for viewing. Ok here's some photos which include the broken mast. Here we go . Cheers DAVID
  24. Hello Glennard I totally agree with Jeff on not using thread as caulking for the same reasons he gives. In my opinion It can also look to prominent or in your face if you understand. My best choice is no caulking but with planks just touching each other. But good luck with whatever you choose. DAVID
  25. Andy It's something to be proud of, a wonderful build , just keep enjoying it. DAVID
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