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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Hello chaps Thanks a lot for your comments Lawrence and dragzz, you are certainly buzzing along Lawrence, and it looks like you are approaching the rigging. So just keep up the good work. Thanks a lot dragzz sorry to hear of your sad news. I look forward to you returning after your break . Take care. DAVID
  2. Hello Patrick Well Patrick ,things are coming along fine, and that glazing is excellent. I was wondering earlier whether you could use it on your quarter gallery's and the the stern which you have just mentioned. Keep up the good work . And keep enjoying it. DAVID
  3. Greetings all Well at last I have completed the fitting of the yards to the mainmast, with only the need to tidy up, and do something about the belaying, and there is also a lot of knocking about going on now. It would be nice to be able to work on both sides of the ship without having to turn it, as even with a lazy Susan I keep knocking the bowsprit on the overhead lamp and have loosened a few threads. Anyway it's onto the bit of repair work on the mizzen shrouds , and then the mizzen yards. I had another look at the netting but alas that's all I did look. I am not going to bore you with lots of photos of the ship itself as they are getting a bit monotonous now. So here's just a few. Thanks a lot for your comments and for viewing. Here we go... DAVID
  4. Greetings all Well at last I have got the main mast fitted. The truss pendants need rigging up with a block and tackle and a bit of sorting to do. So next is the top gallant to fit and on to the mizzen. I have knocked a bit of rigging loose, but it's more or less unavoidable. What I need to do is go back to the short run of shroud and ratline that I need to repair. So that's me for a week or so. Thanks to you all for viewing and your comments and here we go with some photos. DAVID
  5. Hello Glenn Good luck with which ever way you go. I did my first planking with butt joints and staggered the joints, plus widened the bulkhead at the joints if you follow. If you use pins set you pin pusher so the heads of pins are proud so you can remove them. I very rarely soaked the strips at all, I only used a strip bender.And let the strips go were they want to go, don't twist them in to position them. DAVID
  6. Greetings Jerry Well this is looking really good. Yep you are doing a cracking job with your vertical lathe. This is as we say a good place to be . I am fitting the main yard tonight . Its 20" long and could be in a precarious position and bound to get knocked about a bit, By the way what's that pointy thing at the front of your ship???Good luck . DAVID
  7. Hello Patrick Thanks a lot Patrick .I have just been checking out your log, and things are looking really good. As I said there's lots going on this deck. And it's a good place to be , so you keep enjoying it. DAVID
  8. Hello Patrick Well you will enjoy this deck Patrick, there's lots going on. Everything looks spick and span , yep excellent work, keep enjoying it DAVID
  9. Hello Glenn Well things look good to me, keep up the good work and enjoy your first planking. Regards DAVID
  10. Hello derek Well things are coming on well now, and what a difference the yards make. Yep it's looking fine. Just keep up the good work. And as for your grandson giving you three of those cups and not just one for a present, he's obviously seen your bowsprit and is playing safe. I am surprised he never bought you rubber ones. DAVID
  11. Greetings Jerry Well done Jerry, I reckon you are enjoying this. Yep this work is looking good and you will soon be into assembling the masts. Keep up the excellent work, and just continue to enjoy yourself . Regards DAVID
  12. Hello glen Everything is coming along fine, and don't worry to much about 270 and 272 they are ok were you have them now, and it's all covered up later with the quarter gallery's and the stern counter patterns well done. DAVID
  13. Hello Eric Hope all is well. Hope your squaring up of the bulkhead problem is being resolved. Here's one of the ways I squared mine up, which was excellent for the slotted joints. I bought them at the local DIY store. I also used Lego blocks. Best of luck. Regards . DAVID
  14. Hello Glenn Sounds like you are enjoying things, and are moving along at some pace. Once again it's not a race . The weird cut out is there for a reason.. It's a clearance when you fit the stern facia. DAVID
  15. Hello Patrick. Well things are looking excellent, you have done some cracking work on this deck , and everything is really clean and tidy. Yep this going well. Keep enjoying yourself Patrick .....DAVID
  16. Hello Gary Well you are doing fine. Just take your time and enjoy yourself. Post lots of photos. Regards DAVID
  17. Greetings Gary Welcome to MSW with another HMS Victory. Enjoy your build , you will gets lots of support throughout your build. I look forward to following your progress . Good luck . DAVID
  18. Hello Glenn Well done Glenn. Don't over soak any laminated parts or the laminations may come apart. Keep up the good work and just enjoy yourself. DAVID
  19. Hello derek Thanks a lot, hope you are well . I messed up on the main yard , and made it to short, so converted it into the main top mast yard. I have got some 9mm dowel from B&Q and started to make the main yard last night. The only piece of 8mm I had left was like a banana . Were are you now with your yards,?? You should be well on , and due to post. Best wishes DAVID
  20. Hello Glenn You are certainly moving along at pace. You may have a problem with your balsa battens. The vertical battens look to wide and will prob foul on some of the bulkheads. You may have to narrow some off if you follow, but it's only balsa so will be easy. Check 270 in position to see. Good luck DAVID
  21. Glennard Wish I had known about the vernier . I would have sent you my old one as I only just bought a new one a couple of month ago. You could of just laid some 1mm strip on the deck to gauge the 1mm. DAVID
  22. Hi Jerry Hope all is going well and your platform are coming on well. Trust that Lawrence to have more gunports than us. I have been perusing he's log and reckon that four pane window at front is probably a carpentry shop, but don't tell him I said so. Catch you tonight and see how it's going.DAVID
  23. Gary Are you only just starting your build of the victory,???? Forget about drilling the holes for the dummy gun barrells, it's far to early, Have you started a log??? DAVID
  24. Greetings Well here we are again with a bit of progress, after starting on the main mast. I looked at the hammock netting first, but that's all I did, looked. I started on the main yard and completed it ready for the jeers blocks and sling etc, then suddenly realized I had made it the same length as the foreyard. I then found I did not have any 8mm dowel left that was useable. The only piece I had left was so bowed you could throw it away and it would come back. So I simply made the main top mast yard out of what should have been the main yard. I when down to the local B&Q for some 8mm dowel and alas no 8mm but luckily they had some 9m, so it's the main yard tomorrow night. So here's were I am now. The main top mast yard is made and fitted but not belayed. The fitting of it is exactly the same as the foremast top yard, parrell beads and a tye . So here's some photos and time to bore you with the main mast yards for a couple of weeks. Once again thanks to you one and all for you comments and for viewing. Here we go again with photos.......DAVID
  25. Hello Glenn Yes paint the entire area like Patrick said. Take your time fitting the first gunport pattern 270, don't rush it. The other patterns should be no problem then. Like I said earlier don't worry if one of the rear bulkheads shows slightly in one of the ports , I think most of us had that happen, It will sort later. You are making good progress. Keep it going .David
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