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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Greetings all Well continuing with work on the fore mast, the upper jeer blocks are fitted and they form a tackle with the lower jeer blocks that is belayed on the post of the foremast bitt . When you fit the upper jeer blocks they are secured by a thread which links to the mast head lashings. I have added two photos of these lashings from the plans, which involves seven turns of thread through the cleat on the mast post on the starboard and port side which is really awkward with all the rigging about. There's no need to wait till this stage to fit these lashings, you can fit them when you make the masts. Well I am now directed to the fitting of the fore top mast yard by the manual, so it's out with the david plane, sandpaper and needle files. Thanks a lot for viewing and your comments, here's a few photos. DAVID
  2. Greetings dragzz Good luck with your Victory. Just take your time and enjoy your build. I reckon Popeye will be correct about someone lucking over your shoulder. I look forward to following your progress. Regards DAVID
  3. Hello again Glennard. Thanks for your comments. The four butt shift system is pretty easy once you get started. I cut all my strips into 85mm lengths, a couple of strips at a time, plus a few pieces 34mm long. I will try to show you how it works by PM later. I used no caulking or weathering effects. I simply laid the planks side by side just touching and not tight together. And a couple of coats of Matt varnish on the deck. I will catch you later. Good luck DAVID
  4. Greeting Jerry Thanks for your comments. This is very slow but enjoyable as I have said before. I have been pretty lucky with very little damage to the rigging and only a couple of threads to reattach. I may complete the other two fore masts before next weekend when the build stops for the Xmas period. You will need to be very careful not to damage your hammock cranes and gunport lids as you start to fit your masts etc. My hammock cranes are a mess and will left till the end. Keep up the good work , you are catching me up. DAVID
  5. Greetings gerrard Well you are off and running, so all the parts were present and correct, and all the dowel was straight. Good luck with your build, just enjoy it and I will follow it with interest. I well remember holidaying in Scarborough and also had my 21st birthday in the Lancaster, not that I remember much about it. Don't even think about trying to sail your ship in peasholm park when it's finished. Best wishes DAVID
  6. Greetings everyone Once again thanks for viewing and all your comments. I have completed all the necessary work on the foremast Yard and it is now fitted. The jeer blocks are fitted the opposite way to which they are shown on the plans, which is something I questioned. Both Grant and Lawrence agreed with me on this detail and it can be clearly seen on both of there photos. The sling is fitted from the yard to the mast cap and the two truss pendants are fitted and belayed to the deck and mast cleat as you can see from the photos. That takes care of the yard rigging in the central area of the yard, and the next job will be to secure the upper jeer blocks to the mast and then connecting the upper and lower blocks together. There's not a lot to see really on the photos, but here's a few for you to see and it's back to the much of a muchness. Thanks a lot here we go . DAVID
  7. Greetings everyone Well what a wonderfull time I have had NOT had these last couple of nights, the swear box is full. Well this is my first yard ever, and the next build without much doubt is a RAFT !!!!. OK what I have done is make the foreyard and the stun booms. The three components are now fully assembled, and I have added the sling which fits around the mast cap, the truss pendants are fitted , and also the two 10mm jeer blocks. All the blocks are fitted on the yard apart from the two pairs on the photos which are easily fitted on the ends of the yards when the yard is fitted. The yard is shown dry fitted. The rope walk also needs fitting later. I will have a look at the triple jeer blocks and see if fitting them is an option before attaching the yard. I think it is feasible but not sure, any ideas anyone?? So I shall now touch up the paintwork and see what's what. Here's a question for you chaps, if you look at the photo from the plan are the jeer blocks on the drawing fitted upside down or am I wrong??? Thanks for viewing and your comment, all appreciated. Here's some photos. DAVID
  8. Hello glennard2523 Welcome. Yes as grant said that's the one to buy. I also bought The new period ship hand book. By Keith's Julier . This shows you the complete build of the jotika victory by the author. I think this is a must buy. It's on amazon. Do a thorough check of the kit parts as soon as you receive it. I look forward to you starting your log with your big Xmas box. Regards DAVID
  9. Greeting Lawrence Thanks a lot for your reply. I think you did ask me before about the sails. There will be no sails on my ship. I think the ship looks better without them. I don't know whether you are going to add the sails but I guess there will be a lot of work for you if you do. So you have more or less finished trimming your bushes and about to return to the yard, and I look forward to seeing your progress. Best wishes DAVID
  10. Greetings all Well at last I have finished the bowsprit rigging as far as is possible. I did miss four lots of rigging, that needed fitting, but the rigging I had intended to do has to be fitted after the foremast rigging is completed. This is because the threads are rigged from the bowsprit then under the foremast top and return from under the top and belay back at the forecastle, this would leave six lengths of thread impeding work on the foremast yards. Anyway now I need to start making the foremast yards which will take me a few days at least . I am very happy with the work on the bowsprit apart from some of connections of thread to the blocks ( whatever the term for it is). Ok I need to tidy all the belaying off properly and then away I go to the foremast yards. Thanks again for viewing and all your comments. Here's the last few photos of the the bowsprit, only a few, as you must be the sick of the sight of them. Here we go. Keep enjoying all your builds. DAVID.
  11. Jerry I don't know the correct way, but try this. Click on your icon, brings up your profile etc, Click the small envelope at top left of page, Click view all messages. Brings up all your messages and click boxes for deleting DAVID
  12. Jerry Excellent stuff. Good luck with the rudder . Yep back to the copper plates. I tried to send you a PM on deleting yours, but it appears you are not allowed any PM at the moment. DAVID
  13. Greetings Lawrence Yes it's about time you left the logs outside and returned to the log inside, and don't you dare drag any wood back in with you to the the shipyard. Thanks for your comments. I was however wrong about the amount of work I needed to do on the bowsprit , there's a few things I missed, but should finish them by tonight. I need to make the foremast yards next. Regards DAVID
  14. Greetings Jerry Still going well, well done. I was trying to think what is next and surmise it's the bowsprit, or is your rudder done yet. Keep up the good work and watch those boomkins don't get broken off. DAVID
  15. Greetings all Well I have made quite a bit of progress since my last post, with all the work being on the bowsprit. I only need to attach two single blocks to the spritsail yard and that should be all the work on it completed. I will however need to come back to it once the fore mast yards are connected. I found the plans pretty good, and with Gil's photos to hand you cannot go really wrong. Well here's a bunch of photos for you, and thanks a lot for viewing and all your comments. Here we go.DAVID
  16. Hello derek You are flying along. Well done on all your rigging. It looks like you are really enjoying yourself now, after your grumbling about all the knots. I still have not done that ratline I chopped off on the mizzen, I am far happier doing this. I only have those two hangy down blocks on the spritsail yard to do and I have caught you up again. Once again well done derek .. Regards DAVID
  17. Hello Gil The Information on page 12 explained what I needed to to know about the rigging on the bowsprit, and was very clear. Any problems builders may come across working in this area will soon be cleared up by this series of photos, I am sure. Wonderful. Thanks a lot. DAVID
  18. Hello yon And about time you reported in !!!!!!!!!! Good to hear from you. We have been asking about you. I look forward to you restarting up your log again. DAVID
  19. Greetings Jerry Hope all is well. I was wondering how your lids were coming on. Have a look at ... YONs log page 12 , an idea that will help you. I am still doing work on the bowsprit fitting the yards. Keep up the good work DAVID.
  20. Greetings all Well that's the finish of the standing rigging I think, and just some tidying up to do. Theres a small breakage at the stern on the starboard side to fix. There are also a few gunport lids to refit . It is almost impossible not to do some damage at this stage. I have had a look at the running rigging and as I said earlier I would like to start at the bowsprit, and was told that would be no problem by Grant , as that is what he did. Being honest there are are a few things I do not understand about fitting these yards, and I reckon this will be very very slow. Ok here's the last photos of the completed rigging on the stern area. Thanks for viewing and comments. Here we go. DAVID
  21. Hello derek It looks like you have been very busy over the last week or so. Loads of rigging on, and it looks like you are more or less at the same stage as me. You definitely need a lazy Susan now, and in reality a lot earlier. Yes things look very good, well done. Keep up the good work and enjoy it. DAVID
  22. Greetings all A bit more progress, and a few mishaps on the way. Yes a few bits broken off but luckily none broken yet. I have reached the final steps on the standing rigging, with only the bobstays and the boomkin stays to do. Page 18 of the manual. I only know the name of them because they are written down. And as I said its on to the running rigging, with the fore yard first. I did notice one or two builds with all the rigging finished on the bowsprit so I am contemplating doing that area first. Plus the fact I have no yards made and they look simple on the bowsprit. Anyway here's a few photos of the port side of the bowsprit, and it should all be done by Monday night. Thanks for your comments and for viewing. Here we go. Cheers DAVID
  23. Greetings Jerry Whey !! Hey!!!! It's Jerry the jig !!! Bet those lids are leading you a merry old dance!! Get it jig dance. You are doing an excellent job on them, So why have you piled them up for a bonfire?? Yes they look really good Jerry. OK head down and away you, get on with them, and have a nice Xmas. DAVID
  24. Greeting Mark Well done, it's looking excellent, and in such a short time. I am at about the same stage as yourself and your log will without doubt help me with my build. Actually your bowsprit has just confirmed something for me. Keep up the good work and just enjoy it ..DAVID
  25. Greeting all Well at last I have reached the bowsprit rigging, well some of it. If you can see the loose block and tackle on the fore top it is because I pulled it to tight and pulled the jiboom loose, so It is left completely loose Until I am happy with things. I have had to stop for a long break tonight as I was having a torrid time trying to keep the threads tight when belaying or just tying off at eyelets. I gave up in the finish, and will have to look around to see if I can find some advice as this is going to be an issue for me. Anyway here's a few photos for you. There's not a lot done really, but I am getting there. Were ever there is!!! Thanks a lot for viewing and your comments. DAVID
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