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Everything posted by Blademaster2444

  1. So I have 3 planks most of the way on for both sides. What do you think? I have the bend in the planks matching the deck but they don't touch the first bulkhead
  2. Hipexec they are just cheep thumbtacks Clloyd I'm not sure what you mean I did what the instructions said to do. I did some more planks but I forgot to take pics so I will post them later
  3. All most finished the decking just some clean up and sanding to to do. All so drilled hole for the masts
  4. Nice work on the planking I'm about to start the planking on my hms pandora by constructo
  5. I'm on my first kit right know it's the hms pandora by constructo. I'm sure I will get to the point that a lot of models are at. But right now I don't have a lot of the right tools doing most my work with just a hobby knife. I would love to make the Jackdaw or Aquila from Assassins creed games
  6. That's a beautiful looking ship so Far wish I could build something like that
  7. I was thinking of coppering the hull on my pandora build but not sure yet for sure
  8. Little update I started work on the deck planks I ended up cutting the strips for the decking at 4mm and tryed to copy the pattern in the book. If I had to do it again I wouldn't try to copy the book just start at one end and work each row at a time. Also did some work trying to shape the stern blocks the instuction book isn't every clear on what to do to these so I hope I'm doing it right
  9. This is my first wooden tall ship build. I got this kit a few years ago as my first ship build. I found the instruction a little confusing and didn't get very far. But now it's been a few years and thought I would try and build this thing. So a few years a go I was able to get the the false keel and bulk heads put together and the reinforcement blocks on the stem, stern and masts pics are of how the ship is now I'm a amazed that nothing has been broken on it. One thing I'm not sure if I'm shaping the stern right? So any help or tips would be helpful thank you
  10. I the mods you did to the windows. I'm new to building ships and the forums but The HMS Pandora from constructo is the ship I'm working on so post lot of pic of your build would help me a lot
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