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Senior ole salt

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Posts posted by Senior ole salt

  1. Get yourself a black pastel crayon and a piece of fine glass paper. Rub the pastel against the glass paper over the furled sail about six inches above the sail and allow the dust to drop onto it, enough that it's just noticeable, not too much. Then get a soft brush and rub it gently all over the sail to smudge the black out . It looks just like soot.


    Wow that a good idea. I just recently got a weathering kit from a local hobby shop. It contains the soot you mentioned.


    I'm gonna try it the way you outlined.


    (Trial sail first)





  2. Thanks for all the good tips in solving my problem.  I decided to go with the simplest, a kind of a combination of the suggestions above that is:  Take a strip of copper (soft) cut about 3/32 wide and suitable length to make the desired eye. I filed one end to a sort of blade or better yet a "scarf". I then bent it around a twist drill with a 1/8" overlap. I then sodered the assembly together.



    To mount it in place on the model I first formed the rope grommet,and seized it in the "thimble with thread.  Right now it resides P & S on the model . If you look real close you can see the thimble has no flange, but tell anybody. ^_^


    Thanks  Pat,Jud,Ulises,Bart,Druxley,Antony



  3. One particular detail that is giving  me trouble on my New Bedford whale boat has me stumped.

    That's the thimble needed to furnish a tying point for the boat's erected mast shrouds.

    It needs to be about 1/8" inside dia.







    I tried the method outlined in Mr. Ronnberg excellent book but it doesn't work for me. Are there any other methods to achieve making this round thimble ?





  4. Joe , good idea about the name plate but I may go with a fancy shiny brass one .. a bit of contrast i think.


    Thanks Jay for the offer but this model has a promised destination.


    Overdale, I tried the tea solution on the sail and it worked OK . Now I'm going to figure a way to soot up the furled sail, like smoke from the try works got on it.






    Here's one putty cat but he;s too big.  It looks like I'll have to whittle one.




    Thanks all for your interest.







  5. I've making slow progress but the finish is near. I obtained the weathered mounting board ( cherry) a imitation sperm whales tooth.


    The images shown below are missing the various line tubs, buckets and piggins that go with this model. The tubs have their lines faked down but I still have to "weather" the hoops. Also to soot up the sail some to kind of get some of the grimy whale blubber being processed aboard the whale ship.













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