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Hi All,


That’s the hull completed now, until I finish rigging when I’ll fit the lower deck cannons and gunport lids (less chance of accidents).  Nothing much to say about the deck fittings as they’re all pretty straightforward.  Lots of drilling for the eyebolts etc. though.


I’m going to be working on the masts, most of which are complete, and the yards (gives me chance to play with my new lathe).  I’ll do a separate post on the them, then it’s on to the rigging, unfortunately not my strongest point. I’m going to have a go at making my own rope, a technique I haven’t yet mastered yet by a long way, but I’m getting there, the Byrnes ropewalk is a nice piece of kit, although any hints and tips to de-mystify the age old art will more than welcome.  The rest of my Bynes machines arrived earlier this week and I’m highly delighted, thanks to those who recommended them, they’re well worth the extra shipping costs.  So, now I’ve no excuses!!!!


I’m at the stage in the build where my mind is wandering to my next project or more accurately projects.  It’s normally at the ratline stage where I start a new build and the current model is pushed to the back burner a bit, but I’m going to try and resist temptation this time, I want the decks cleared before I attempt anything else.










Just for info I’ve got two kits waiting in the wings, both chosen by the boss (she likes unusual or different models).  The first in the Mantua ‘Bruma’, and the other the Artisania ‘Red Dragon”, both nice winter projects, got a few ideas for them,  (will do build logs).  My main future build is going to be my first dabble with the mysterious world of scratch building, and that’s going to be the ‘Marie Sophie’ from the Underhill plans.  I’ve ordered all the wood from a company called ‘Original Marquetry’ based in Bristol, who were quite happy to cut Boxwood and Pear to my required thickness and the price wasn’t unreasonable, I’ll be able to cut to my exact size myself now with the Table Saw. 


I still haven’t quite figured out how to finish the base for the pedestal stands.  It’s a piece of MDF routed to shape, my thoughts are just to spray it high gloss black, but I’m open to ideas.


So exciting times ahead, and I have to fit in our main holiday at the end of November as well, until my next post











Well Martin when I seen you had a new post I ran to kitchen to get a fresh coffee then came back to enjoy what you had accomplished this time. You have done a wonderful job with this kit, I am so looking forward to your next post.


Hi Don


Flattery gets you everywhere, thanks once again for your words of encouragement.  Shouldn't be too long in posting again, just working on the yards at the moment (giving the new lathe a bit of a road test).  Should be able to crack on a bit now the workroom's sorted out.  Your Mayflower's looking good, I really like the different wood tones.  Looks like we might be starting the rigging stage around the same time, just think, all those ratlines to look forward to....think it might be a glass of something and a decent audio book to listen to


Best Regards




Arrr ...

Reading thru your log has made fer a most heartily enjoyable read, Martin !!



Seriously though, before reading your log I had actually been considering this very kit for my next build.

Now, I be lookin' fer the "Add To Cart" button !!


At this stage of your build, may I humbly suggest that you re-re-re-read (I be fairly sure that's not a typo !!) thru your rigging plan sheets to ensure that you have ALL of your anchor points in place before making a start on your rigging.

(Just looking to save you from some unnecessary pain down the track a bit.)

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve


Avast there Capn'


Methinks you have been reading my mind, I have the very plans in front of me as we speak.  Thanks for the advice, when it comes to rigging any help is more than welcome.  Now my turn to give you some advice, hit the 'Add to Cart' button, I don't think you'll regret it, just call it an early Xmas present!!!!




Best Regards



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Martin, I'm not sure if you have seen the 3D tour of the Revenge on Amati's site, I just thought I would let you know in case you have not seen it. It is really good and could be of some help, for me anyway, check it out. I have been trying to put the link here for you but apparently this is above my capabilities it can be found at "amatimodel.com". You will have to get to the Revenge page then click on the 3D Tour. Just a warning it may take up a lot of your time as it is real good. ;)  :) 


I can't take much more of this model and this great work before I order this model. I must complete one before I start another...I must complete one before I start another...


Here's the 3-D site (you may have to navigate a bit to accept some terms):




Hi Don, Seventynet


Cheers for the link, don't think I need a 3d view as I'm twisting myself inside-out getting to the rigging.  Actually I've had a look, very impressive.  I know the feeling about completing the model, my mind keeps wandering to my next little ventures, have to resist.  





  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)



I am back in your magnificent build as a student to carefully study your work. How quickly you achieved so much and at such a high level is stunning. As a result of your log and Dennis's, I purchased the kit at Christmas and this week began to inventory and test fit the skeleton. The test dry fit came out very well with subtle differences between your kit and Dennis's. My 197 deck is two pieces as Dennis's but seemingly different than yours. My frame 4 appears to be a perfect height fit, different than yours or Dennis's. My rear lower deck (41) fits perfectly in the dry fit and will not need its forward edge trimmed.I have the same 4 mm  planking instead of 5 mm as you and Dennis noted. Your extensive discussion of the work around will be very helpful.


I am a novice builder, having only built one admiralty style ship. With that in mind, I have begun a build log in hope of receiving critiques and forward looking advice from the several of you folks who are well out in front of me with REVENGE and could provide experienced guidance such as your early recognition of the need to thin out the aft end of the sternpost. Clearly, that never would have occurred to me this early .  .  . however it is difficult to see if you actually did thin out the stern as I look at your photos. I see no indication in the instructions that Chris did. Would you please comment now with benefit of hindsight. Your planking came out really well. 


I have inventoried all the wood and there is only one small piece that I can't find. I am reluctant to begin an inventory of the hundreds if not thousands  of tiny pieces - would you suggest that I dig in and do that?


Looking forward to your return to REVENGE. I need to have you out in  front.




Edited by John Maguire

Hi John


Thanks for your comments, will be following your build log, and if I can assist in any way don't hesitate to ask.  I've not had much chance to do much work on my Revenge lately, things like holidays and normal life getting in the way, but the rigging is started and all the yards etc. are finished, I've also been making my own rope for it, which isn't a two minute job, so it doesn't look like I've done that much on the actual model, hence the reason for the lack of posts recently.  


To be honest I didn't do much checking of bits etc. I just dived in and, as it happened, there was pretty much everything there.  The stern I just took a couple of millimeters off so when sanded back the planking would end up the same thickness as the sternpost, (can't really see it on the photo's)  just mark to the level of the bulkheads and sand up to there, don't worry too much about being deadly accurate as there's plenty of sanding to be done after the first planking to bring it down to thickness.


I'm sure your going to enjoy building this kit, once you get started it's fairly straightforward as it's really well engineered.  Looking forward to seeing your progress,





Posted (edited)



Thank you very much for your thoughtful reply. I have d/l all your photos as well as Denis's and use them for reference on a daily basis.


I would be pleased if you look in on my progress from time to time and if you feel necessary, please head me off from predictable errors or comment as necessary in view of your hindsight. With the excellent logs that you and Denis have done there was nothing more to be added, especially by a rank amateur. My sole purpose in doing a log is that hopefully one of the four of you who are building might catch me in an error before I get too far beyond to reasonably hope to fix it.


I appreciate your comment on the stern. I would not have anticipated that issue - Chris makes no mention either.


Like you, I am loving this kit and build. I couldn't wait to get started.




Edited by John Maguire
  • 3 months later...

Hi Martin,


Do you have time to take a couple of pictures for me of your finish planking?


I'd like to see detailed pictures of where you have spilled, dropped planks and added steelers.


An up close view from the side of the stern and also the bow. At the stern I want to see how you planked around the demarcation between the vertical segment and where it begins to "round".


If you have time to do this, would you please do so with the largest file size you can so that I can magnify the pictures. You could send them directly to my email: w1cdo@arrl.net


I want to take advantage of your planking experience because I have never done it before .  .  .  .  . I usually feel that if I can see it I can duplicate it - but - I am not creative so I need something to follow.


Thank you VERY much.



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