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HMS Victory by Yon - Caldercraft 1:72

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No modelspan is tissue but stronger than the stuff you blow your nose on.  I think paper would be too thick if you wanted to get the folded effect in such a small area.  The colour is painted on - just the CC red & yellow ocre, blue and black paints.

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sorry i misread the first answer, 

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Nice work                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  i hope mine turns out the same....Per-Olof

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For the last week or so I've been working on the poop ladders, fire buckets and hammock netting.  The poop ladders were OK but strangely they look skewed in the pictures...The fire buckets were a pain - they don't really look very good but are largely overshadowed by the hammock netting.


Now I intend to finish the netting on the poop, the rudder, the outer hull decoration, chain plates before starting on the gun port lids.


I notice from the instructions that in 1805 the Victory had a "barricade" on the poop deck.  It looks a bit ugly to me (although I'm sure it provided welcome protection at Trafalgar) and from reviewing other builds I see most have not put this in place.  I'm probably not going to have a barricade but was curious as to whether anyone else did intend to add one to their model...


Some pictures:-









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i might fit it, as i want to move some daviits back there for the boat stowage, i am at present trying to work out what the best arrangement for the poop area, would suit me, oh and to be different

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Hi Kevin


I'm interested to see what you come up with.  I like the idea of having the boats stowed off the poop. I notice that the model on your log which does that, doesn't have the barricade.  I guess its a question of historical accuracy v aesthetics or whether one is building the 1805 version.

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hi yon


i guess i will have to decide soon

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Hello yon

I wish my buckets were as good as yours, yours look pretty good to me. With a bit of luck I may be able to adjust the hooks to make mine presentable. Yep the barricade looks ugly, and I was hoping to find an alternative , or as you say not fit one. Your work as always is excellent , it's coming on fine. Regards DAVID

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Hello yon i am about to attempt those buckets myself now,i am going to cut down on them,there is 21 in total,going to put 15 up only.Re poop deck yep was wondering about life boats up there myself it just seems a shame to cover up the last bit on where you can see the deck below,will they fit on poop deck ? to be honest it might not be historically correct,depends on how worried you are over that,to me if it fits on there,the whole build will look better for it,just my personal opinion.    DEREK     :pirate41:

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Hi Guys - Thanks - I think the photo might be flattering the look of my buckets. No doubt about it, they are very tricky. Cutting down from 21 to 15 sounds like a good idea as you will be able to get between them to rig the handles.


Most builders seem to leave the poop after attaching the hammock nets - I think that's what I'm going to do.


As for the boats - I agree it is a shame to position them where they cover up the deck below.  Kevin has posted a picture of another model which shows a boat hanging off the poop.  Looks rather good.  You could still have 1-2 boats on the main deck and it wouldn't obscure so much of the gun deck.  Another alternative that you see sometimes is for the boats to be deployed off the stern.


Lots to think about !





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i like the photo's i posted as it shows where to put the davits, for the strern, if i get chance to work on the build after i get home  tonight - ill see if it is feasible for me to put all 3 up there out of the way 


all the best

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Hi Yon ,


I thought i'll be dropping in for a cup of coffee.

Great build!

Only one thing, you are building the Victory i pressume.

At your topic it is saying.....Victoy......



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You can do it by your self or I can ask Anja to do it for you….

She is a moderator.

When I told her that she wanted to change is right away.



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Hello Yon,


Anja changed your topic title.


But you can always amend your own post.

If you want to put extra text in your title, just go to the first post of your build.

Click edit and choose ' full editor'.  No you can change or edit your title.



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Hi Yon,


Just checked in on your build after being gone a while.  Fantastic progress.  I love your flag lockers with the flags.  So many good ideas to store away for the future when I reach that part.  Beautiful work.  Well done.



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