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Hi all.


After having finally finished the San Francisco (first version) I tackle my next project: H.M.S. Bellona.

I believe I have made every mistake in the book with my previous builds (a generic clipper, a botter, the Gretel, SF1) and I now feel emboldened enough to start something big.

Why the Bellona? Well, I wanted to build a ship that comes with a real history, I like the size -not too big-, I want to use paint and I believe there's quite some stuff that can be added and/or changed. E.g. the kit comes without boats and without spare yards or masts. I also want to try some sculpting but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


About the kit.

Everything comes neatly packed, instructions seem clear, there are accompanied by 14 70x50cm detailed drawings. Apart from these I will probably be using Lavery's book on Bellona a lot. This kit looks like a different version of Bellona that Harlequin is building because it doesn't have the metal gun ports, I'm curious what more has been changed.  Nope, it's the same version. Harlequin added the metal gun ports.


All the pieces come detached, that makes life a little easier. Nothing seems to be warped. Even the gun carriages are precut but I haven't looked at them in detail. Wood quality seems very good, there's some rigging material in brownish colors, no black included. Blocks are of the same quality that I know from other builds, they look ok, correction: the smallest blocks are crap, I'll have to order replacements.

Not sure what I am going to do with the bling ... the photo edged sheet looks nice though.

I plan to paint the upper part of the hull, I already bought the required admiralty colors. I won't copper the lower part because I am not going to cover up what will probably be achieved with blood, toil, tears and sweat over the many months to come. 

Well, like the Dutch say: my fingers are itching, this is going to be an exciting journey ;o)









Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona


Gidday peveka.

Like you I have made every mistake in the book. So I am currently writing the second volume of mistakes.

Please forgive my attempt at humour.

The kit looks very good. Is there a mixture of metal and plastic in the gilt parts?

Looking forward to your build.

Wishing you all the best.



Thank you very much for your kind offer Harlequin, I will certainly come back to you ;o)

At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to fit the poop deck with it's camber ... it needs quite a lot of pressure to hold it down. Do you remember how you did that?



Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona

12 hours ago, peveka said:

Question for the mods: will this log be visible on facebook?

Build logs are not visible via FB. FB users can only view logs by visiting MSW. We occasionally share photos from build logs to our FB page to highlight activity here in an effort to attract visitors to our site.

Chris Coyle
Greer, South Carolina

When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
- Tuco

Current builds: Brigantine Phoenix, Mitsubishi A6M5a


Gidday Pieter.

If you are experiencing difficulty with the deck camber you can attempt to lightly, I mean lightly, score the underside of the deck. This technique can be fraught with danger as you may cut too deep. I have used this method and it worked for me. Others with more knowledge may have a method that is easier on the deck.

Wishing you all the best with your build.

(I don't eat red meat so can you please put some fish on the B.B.Q.)


Posted (edited)

Right and off we go.

I think there should be an expression for this special moment in the ship modeling process where one glues the first parts together. Something like "first light" in astronomy. I humbly suggest "first glue".


Everything fits perfectly, no wobbling and I only needed a few strokes with a fine file on certain pieces. I haven't yet glued pieces 6 and 13 because it was already a bit of a pain to fit the poop- and the main deck with all pieces dry fitted.


Tip for young parents: it really pays off to invest in lego/duplo. Far more useful than Barbies horse.  DSC_8686log.JPG.6a9d65f030e0af44c59dbafdca8bf4eb.JPGDSC_8689log.JPG.3c2db19a82336dd144de77ad3ab04b8d.JPG





Edited by peveka

Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona

Posted (edited)


To place the dummy guns Bellona's plans ask for some 40 small "boxes" to be placed before the planking starts. That seems a lot of work as compared to the solution for HMS Bellerophon (flyer -Peter- from Switzerland, thank you for your pictures!).




What would speak against using the Bellerophon method on Bellona? Is there something I missed? IMHO gluing horizontal "platforms" and vertical "walls" between the vertical frames would only add to the hull's stability and I would have more room to manoeuver.

I stole Peter's picture to show the Bellerophon method (hope you don't mind!).


Any ideas?


Problem solved. It helps when one compares the numbers on the drawings with the numbers in the instruction manual and the numbers on the list of materials AND the actual material in the box...





Edited by peveka
Problem solved

Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona


Progress report.

Put some balsa on the bow and reinforced a bulwark near the stern where I sort of expect some trouble because of the acute angels of the planks. I cut out some space for the dummy-gun-boxes. The part of the stern (the transom?) was fidgety but finally fits nicely. When all is dry I can start fairing tomorrow. 

Part 3, 6 and 13 are not yet glued, I first want to place the decks.

Note to self: don't forget the hole for the bowsprit in 3!







Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona


Thanks for the thumbs up! Or is it the thumb ups?


Today's progress.

Glued the main deck. Been struggling a bit with how to get an even pressure to hold it down and ended up with this solution. Seems to work alright. Piece 6 is glued too now. Right now I'm very busy letting the glue set.DSC_8704log.JPG.779501948f82f86e837658434c777e0e.JPGDSC_8708log.JPG.684e82d06dbe4a7940617ecba81a9925.JPG




Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona


Like a scene from gullivers travels.



Current builds  

28mm  Battle of Waterloo   attack on La Haye Saint   Diorama.

1/700  HMS Hood   Flyhawk   with  PE, Resin  and Wood Decking.




Completed works.


Dragon 1/700 HMS Edinburgh type 42 batch 3 Destroyer plastic.

HMS Warspite Academy 1/350 plastic kit and wem parts.

HMS Trafalgar Airfix 1/350 submarine  plastic.

Black Pearl  1/72  Revell   with  pirate crew.

Revell  1/48  Mosquito  B IV

Eduard  1/48  Spitfire IX

ICM    1/48   Seafire Mk.III   Special Conversion

1/48  Kinetic  Sea Harrier  FRS1

8 minutes ago, peveka said:

I knew I'd seen it before somewhere ... ;o)



Good start on the build all the best.



Current builds  

28mm  Battle of Waterloo   attack on La Haye Saint   Diorama.

1/700  HMS Hood   Flyhawk   with  PE, Resin  and Wood Decking.




Completed works.


Dragon 1/700 HMS Edinburgh type 42 batch 3 Destroyer plastic.

HMS Warspite Academy 1/350 plastic kit and wem parts.

HMS Trafalgar Airfix 1/350 submarine  plastic.

Black Pearl  1/72  Revell   with  pirate crew.

Revell  1/48  Mosquito  B IV

Eduard  1/48  Spitfire IX

ICM    1/48   Seafire Mk.III   Special Conversion

1/48  Kinetic  Sea Harrier  FRS1


(Not so much) progress report


What could be more exciting than watching paint dry ...

I wanted to glue the other two decks and start fairing the hull but it seems like a good idea to position some PE parts first because with the decks fitted that could get tricky. But they have to be painted first. The Corel manual comes with an extensive list of how to paint which part so that's handy. I use a waterbased primer because the admiralty colors are waterbased too. I put on two layers of primer because one layer didn't cover enough. After that I needed 4 layers of yellow ochre. I really like the colors, they are quite warm and don't sort of explode off the ship if you know what I mean ;o)

I used Harlequin's idea of blackening the windows with a pencil and I think that works quite well, thanks HQ!


Now I just let the paint dry.


Mean time, just to do something useful, I experimented a little with the dummy cannons. They have to be put in small box-like structures. The kit comes with two U-shaped "bars" and one has to cut off different lengths for different cannon sizes. When put in said box it doesn't really look right so I stole someone's idea to make a dummy carriage and that came out like this, not half bad. cannonboxlog.JPG.de4b7a0cc1abab9241654bf7e757704c.JPG

So now I've got to make about 40 of these.


Oh, nearly forgot.

The PE doors come without doorknobs so my admiral supplied me with some raw material to fix that little problem. First layer of primer drying.







Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona


Small update.


Decks are glued, bulwarks are faired (is that the expression?), area at the stern has been prepared to avoid becoming too thick as compared to the rudder ...


Right, let's start planking ;o)


I just saw that 6 people are following this log, thank you for your interest!





Some much wood so little time ...


Current builds: Nulli Cedo, an 18th century Dutch war clog,   HMS Bellona

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