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Wonderful work happening at the moment on your build!!

Thank you for the explanation about the bowsprit, after carefully looking through your build sequence I feel I will be able to alter the provided kit parts to accommodate the off-set bowsprit.  I will, as you have done change the provided gratings for smaller ones' they are just far too big, no need really the company could have included the smaller ones at exactly the same price?



Thank you very much Anja,I now have the side gallieries to design that will match the new stern.I have to admit that the stern does look a bit odd with no carvings in place,but that will come,I will just have to be patient.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Thank you very much Nat.I cannot understand why we get the jumbo gratings either.Artesinia Latina sell 1mm grating kits as fittings so why do we get the oversize ones?Its the same with Victory and Santa Ana as well,it just makes no sense.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-02470900-1372193352_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-59635100-1372193368_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-26873400-1372193390_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-04088000-1372193408_thumb.jpgJust a small update.I have fitted the thro railing uprights for the last two decks(to be trimmed to height later in the build).I decided to treenail the prow deck.Call me mad as it is 1mm gratings but it just looked too plain compared to the hull.After I had cleaned the filler out of the holes using a 1mm sq piece of boxwood,I discovered some of the filler pigment had coloured some areas in the holes.I quite like this and adds a bit of artificial ageing,good job as I don't fancy remaking the deck.I then made a moulding out of pear sheet for where the deck abuts the bulkhead,using a combination of shaped x-acto blade and my pillar drill set up with a dremel milling cutter.Finally I sprayed the assembly with one coat of Ronseal Mattcoat.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-70591100-1372291707_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-14073500-1372291736_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-94554900-1372291760_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-96390600-1372291774_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-79140800-1372291800_thumb.jpgQuick update.As I am not using the kit internal structure,prefering one with my own design of cannon barrel supports and stronger deck beams with camber(decks flat on standard model)I have started cleaning up the inside.I removed the kit bulkheads back to what would be the internal hull face.This has enabled me to dress the insides of the gunport linings.I have fitted the internal ply skins to take the uprights for the remaining uprights.These will be fitted when the other side has been cleaned up.I have made the lower balcony support for one side.This has been planked and treenailed before fitting in areas that would become awkward to get to.The planking is 1mm short of the side to form a rebate for the side panel.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Again some fabulous skills on show!

May I ask what you are doing with the kit parts??  Just interested to know how much of the actual kit you are using?

Even at this early stage the build you have and the one I'm doing wouldn't even look like the ships would be related!!

All fascinating stuff keep those updates coming.



Thank you very much Nat.To date I have used the skeleton and that's all.I have a big pile of unused bits,some of the stock material will go in my stash.I have constantly been asking myself wether it's worth the subscription.However I am planning on competing in modified kit class,so I feel the magazine+instructions belong with the model to demonstrate all the alterations that have been done.I am planning on using the cannons providing there isn't a disappointment with the blind barrels.I cannot say about masting and rigging until I get to that stage as to how much of it is of use.I don't mind because I am getting lots of pleasure from building this and there are features when I get to the decking that I am including i.e.the grated overdecks that every model I have seen {even Culver got this wrong in my opinion)that will make it unique.Have you not thought about doing a log yourself?I thought it might be alot of hassle at first but to be honest I find it good fun and it helps spur you on through the monotonous bits.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline




I am so happy that I discovered your build. Oh My, this is one of those absolutely spectacular projects. Your hull planking is, well, sooo excellent. Your prow deck grating details are so beautiful to look at. Yes, agreed with the votes, and your decision not to paint the hull.


I will learn so much from your build. Astonishing. Looking forward to seeing your progress. I imagine that your "beginnings" were lost when the old server went to Mars? As a "newbie" I certainly have missed a lot...


Several of you "Old World" English guys are doing some amazing builds (:-) As an American colonist. I need to really catch up, assuming that I can....






Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa






Thank you very much indeed for your kind comments Michael.Unfortunately I didn't start a log right from the beginning,only deciding to start one after the planking had been done.However I only started this project eight months ago so I am not sure how it would have been affected by the crash.I am on the deagostini forum,and it is the result of other members encouragement on there that I started the log.I felt that what I was doing would be of interest to members on here as well,and as I have picked up so many techniques from this forums members,it was only fair to run it on here as well.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


That's it I've got you!!!

That is one horrendous cradle pictured!  What possessed you to display something like that ;)

Again the skill on show is breath-taking, and by the way forget any other forum this is the one that matters (for true craftsmen).

With regard to a build diary for my build, it would be an embarrassment :P

No doubt you will come across my effort at some time in the future.

All the very best, Nat..



Late coming to the party, but I will be following after today! Very nice, very nice indeed!!


<p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." - Oscar Wilde</strong></span></p><br />

<p> </p><br />

<p><a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='<a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2720-elsie-by-4whelr-modelshipways/#entry73752'>http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2720-elsie-by-4whelr-modelshipways/#entry73752</a>'><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Current Build - Elsie</strong></span></a>


Hello Nigel,


Bautiful work on the gallery.

The doors look good with the painted hinges.



Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo

Posted (edited)

post-1641-0-58627700-1373662579_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-61645900-1373662594_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-87709100-1373662614_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-60907000-1373662636_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-67204100-1373662651_thumb.jpgpost-1641-0-85036600-1373662666_thumb.jpgAfter I had completed the rail,I wanted to fit the one below.However I thought it may be prudent to produce and fit the vertical carvings first.Each one would need to be scribed to the hull individually as the hull is concave but changes as you move along the ship.To this end I have started on the vertical carvings.I have included as much detail as I feel practical at this scale,faithful to the works of VdeV.

Kind Regards Nigel

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline



Looking fantastic!


<p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." - Oscar Wilde</strong></span></p><br />

<p> </p><br />

<p><a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='<a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2720-elsie-by-4whelr-modelshipways/#entry73752'>http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2720-elsie-by-4whelr-modelshipways/#entry73752</a>'><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Current Build - Elsie</strong></span></a>

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