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18 hours ago, Roger Pellett said:

Bravo Zulu,  it’s been a long haul.



Thanks, Roger - yeah, been long and expensive!!! But, more space than I've had dedicated to a hobby - I feel quite lucky to have gotten this far with all this.



Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

6 hours ago, Ian B said:

Note to self----


Stop reading this super thread and getting more bitter and twisted by the day  working on a small table in my dinning room..LOL     :) 

Ian, back in the '70s I lived in a studio apartment and had no space for anything. I built a Kentucky percussion cap carbine kit on my lap during that time. It can be done!!! FYI - the kit came out great - I still have that muzzle loader!!


Thanks for the comments!!!



Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

51 minutes ago, Roger Pellett said:

Do you still shoot it?



This was 1977 and I think that was a CVA (Connecticut Valley Arms) kit, a 36 cal. percussion cap Plains Carbine w/octagonal barrel. Answer - No! I've never fired that weapon. I also have 2 of the CVA pistol kits that are yet to be built - 1 a flintlock and the other a percussion cap model. Both, 36 cal. I got rid of all my priming & loading powder many years ago (all DuPont Black Powder - the REAL stuff!!!!). I may get the carbine out of my safe and hang it on a rack in the shop. That would be appropriate. With an actual powder horn/leather ball & shot bag my dad had that I think is somewhere in the 1850's vintage. Needs a lot of leather oil and rubbing, not in good condition. I did have a .36 cal Navy Arms (Italian) Colt revolver that I nearly wore out shooting off the deck of my house (into the woods behind) back in the early '80s - that was fun!!!!


Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

9 hours ago, Bob Cleek said:


I'd suggest you have that 1850's powder horn appraised if you haven't already. :D


Bob, No - I haven't had it appraised; you are right, however, I should do that. You don't know the schedule for Antinque's Roadshow, do you????:stunned:


I've had a day of cool and did run the a/c on heat for a short while - seems to work OK on the AUTO mode with the thermostat set about 8° warmer than the room temp. So, I'm giving the unit a "passing" grade at this point. 

Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

7 hours ago, Hank said:

Bob, No - I haven't had it appraised; you are right, however, I should do that. You don't know the schedule for Antinque's Roadshow, do you????:stunned:



"Powder horn values range widely depending on condition, type of carving, and market conditions. A simple piece containing a name and date could be worth a few thousand dollars, while intricate examples with historical engravings have been valued at $30,000 or more." https://www.invaluable.com/powder-horns/sc-UVH6H0R6BL/


See:  https://www.pbs.org/video/antiques-roadshow-appraisal-1849-ohio-carved-powder-horn/ 

1 hour ago, Bob Cleek said:



"Powder horn values range widely depending on condition, type of carving, and market conditions. A simple piece containing a name and date could be worth a few thousand dollars, while intricate examples with historical engravings have been valued at $30,000 or more." https://www.invaluable.com/powder-horns/sc-UVH6H0R6BL/


See:  https://www.pbs.org/video/antiques-roadshow-appraisal-1849-ohio-carved-powder-horn/ 


Thanks for the links. I'll have to look into that - always something else to do, right?


Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

1 hour ago, dragonflyxlii said:

Hi Hank: I almost, make that never send messages, but this has been my favorite "Project" to follow progress upon over the past months!  Thanks so much!


Regards, Dave



Thanks so much - I've also enjoyed posting the progress and also "messing witch people" along the way. I hope my humor played into this trip!!!



Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

Just now, Hank said:


Thanks so much for your kind remarks! - I've also enjoyed posting the progress and also "messing witch people" along the way. I hope my humor played into this trip!!!




Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

  • 1 month later...

OK, so here's a post-election/pre-Turkey Day Update:

Needing additional work space (I mean we all realize that 2 sides of the shop utilizing a work bench isn't REALLY enough, is it???) I've added a slide in/out work tray under the back work surface under the window. I used left-overs and a piece of glued-up pine board (24"Wx15"D) that was a remainder, so have no extra cost involved. Well, since I don't pay myself.....yeah, that's right!!!

So, here is the open/shut case photos on this little project:


And finally, here is the board in use - I'm making small part assemblies for the 3"/50 Dual R.F. gun mounts on my 1/144 scale USS STODDARD project:


Oh, did I mention (no, I didn't :default_wallbash:) that I'm now in the long learning curve of a 3D mechanical modeling program (Design Spark - Mechanical) - free version, of course!! Hope to sometime in the near future begin printing my own parts!!






Construction Underway:

Entering Builder's Yard - USS STODDARD (DD-566) 1967-68 Configuration (Revell 1:144 FLETCHER - bashed)

In Development - T2 or T3 Fleet Oil Tanker (1:144 Scratch Build Model) - 1950s era

Currently - 3D Design/Printed 1/48 scale various U.S.N. Gun Mounts/Turrets and GFCS Directors (Mk. 34, 37, 38, 54)

Armed Virginia Sloop (1768)
Royal Caroline (1748)
Sloop/Ship PEACOCK (1813) (Scratchbuilt)

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1967-69 Configuration (Trumpeter 1:200 bashed MISSOURI)

New Bern Ship Modeler's Guild

NCMM Beaufort -CSMA

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