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Since I went EBay crazy and bought a few midwest kits, I figured I would start with the kits I had doubles of 😂...but the opened ones first of course....




these kits are so nice, it’s a shame someone doesn’t jump on board and build these or similar.  I have also got into the habit of scanning the plans so in the future when or if I decide to scratch build they might be of assistance.


The best part about these kits is the clear instructions and plans...so I followed them....




I did fix that frame, I noticed it before I glued.  I have learned on my last kit (s) to dry fit before gluing and double check twice... 


so I continued following the plans and instructions,  making sure to take my time, these kits are perfect to try to really get everything exact.199CDC1B-5196-469F-98F4-CCBC92F28F71.thumb.jpeg.47b9adbcc5c267939b5164fe600cda9d.jpeg28408638-8A57-476A-A9B9-792F3BBD1C0A.thumb.jpeg.c647e86a0c4c8604620bdf7961dd770d.jpeg05A5BF26-FFB3-487B-A696-6A8EC3FECF23.thumb.jpeg.c2cf7dcfef7f3ee48faa43846e0db21f.jpeg48D85BE9-B2BF-47CB-8C20-03AD38BCD161.thumb.jpeg.f8547623526b5a5261b996b86cc726e1.jpeg


Frames got sanded at an angle and installed, this model went together quickly which was nice.  I enjoy these simple kits for the quick satisfaction.


blocks come with the kit and you must set up a build board...also another reason I make a copy of the plans so I can cut one up and damage it lol.



I thought this was a great idea, but I’ll admit the board did not make it any easier, but I wanted to avoid putting tacks through the hull.


Once I got the bottom two planks on (starboard and port side) I was able to remove the boat from the board without it losing its curve.D8192971-A2E5-46A6-807C-C8E0A2A20EF4.thumb.jpeg.343d281ab56cc20f5334a11c864a4fc0.jpegA15DA75E-D5C2-4909-B0E7-632A19320BCF.thumb.jpeg.55c555cc04dc5c11f8ad9a2e759dd1ab.jpegBF2F7605-E497-4F45-9125-166A5B2B13F8.thumb.jpeg.e62f38b8e50e254938d6464128babd5a.jpeg4624D6BC-F060-446B-A985-447891F199C2.thumb.jpeg.15cc9616c69297ea983efb9b7d4c1c33.jpeg


I did my best to avoid excess glue, I didn’t do terrible, but I’m not sure how much less glue I could possibly loose.  As soon as I squeeze it, it’s bound to ooze.  I dont really want to use CA however.  I guess just more practice...8B21FFB2-00E6-46D0-8108-92611508533D.thumb.jpeg.a93a4f6df99a16e56fc91f51f4b5e603.jpegB9EEE57B-FFC8-493A-992D-0D1DA64CD0B3.thumb.jpeg.9cddd8f52c196871508deb30d6be2af5.jpeg


So all planking is complete and I was very happy with the outcome.  The wood in these kits is not terrible, but brittle.  I would love to see the wood in a brand new kit.  So instructions said to sand everything even...0000640D-6483-447D-9AA7-4FD327377B49.thumb.jpeg.7247a2f6efdc1caeed7d9234acf0a9e8.jpeg43FFBE61-AA35-457E-8E32-EAA6847D2CE4.thumb.jpeg.a33a4f32b82ceb35e70759f9bbbd8048.jpeg9AA0788C-ECAB-435A-B95D-CDB2F15C438E.thumb.jpeg.c0bd064e157e4df7bb18a1440eee1c05.jpeg3EAF1488-071D-4466-979A-F0415F8291C5.thumb.jpeg.99948e88c1de77f858d2c366cbf99091.jpeg323FBA69-6B44-4A33-AAF7-38FD69D55EBA.thumb.jpeg.89c1f65d1d07b1762dabf0cba3977878.jpeg674B0068-1975-4C94-8E59-12AF6BFACD28.thumb.jpeg.cc9d6c7a9b1235760f222d045e199776.jpeg


Trying to make sure the inwales, risers and quarter knees fit well.  This is where I am trying to improve myself by taking the extra time to make sure they fit nicely.




Thank you all for the likes and compliments!  It means a lot honestly.  9E63A53B-9C6E-4F47-8529-2293247E4478.thumb.jpeg.ec1ae20dcd1d1e57556a9fc6ca3b1eda.jpeg32A937CC-292D-4FB5-AB7E-2C8E06759152.thumb.jpeg.415d8c6014773921ed15596300eb086b.jpeg79688B76-F3DE-415B-AC36-EFD758A7D085.thumb.jpeg.7dcad0b213c7dbd7fc82edeeea8c70b5.jpegA2942530-603F-4538-80E1-10C19EC02456.thumb.jpeg.26f01b615323c5a975841e3defc7e9a2.jpegI ended up switching out some of the bass wood pieces with cherry I bought from model expo and I really like  the way it is looking.  I guess practice really does make you a little better each time...I’ve enjoyed this model very much!


Started the oars, blades are cherry




I cut the frames down...





im not sure what this is called but it is also cherry...I pre-bent it as well to the shape of the plan.




I cut the oars and had enough for the night.




all thats left left is the seats, paint, shaping oars, the stand and rope.


I have finished trimming the “Grip”...now I have to finish the skeg, guards and seats.




Only got the oars done today...they are a mix of basswood and cherry.  Actually still need to finish the handles...






Beware of the kits they put out at the end of production! My neighbor was interested in a simple kit, so I bought the last one Hobby Lobby had, after they stopped production, and gave it to him as a gift. When he started it, they had only supplied the planking for one side, and had changed the parts list in the instructions from Quantity 2 to Quantity 1! I gave him my older kit so he could finish it. That kit listed quantities of 2 for these parts.

10 hours ago, Jim Lad said:

Very classy looking oars, David!



Thank you John!


2 hours ago, thibaultron said:

Beware of the kits they put out at the end of production! My neighbor was interested in a simple kit, so I bought the last one Hobby Lobby had, after they stopped production, and gave it to him as a gift. When he started it, they had only supplied the planking for one side, and had changed the parts list in the instructions from Quantity 2 to Quantity 1! I gave him my older kit so he could finish it. That kit listed quantities of 2 for these parts.

Surprising they went to the trouble of changing the parts list!  I notice the boxes are either yellow, or white...do you which ones are newer?


Finished the oars...




I also got both of the guards on....





as I note, I love the alligator clips that don’t have teeth for tight areas!  All I have left is fitting the seats, the oar locks, the tie down...I’m not doing the bumper with the rope, the rope is super twisted.


Posted (edited)

Even though I have to work tomorrow I couldn’t resist playing around a little...





Edited by Duanelaker
On 12/30/2019 at 11:01 AM, Duanelaker said:

do you which ones are newer?

The yellow box is the older. The build is looking great! How did you decide to make the oar handles?

22 hours ago, EricWilliamMarshall said:

The yellow box is the older. The build is looking great! How did you decide to make the oar handles?

I pretty much copied the handle design on the plan.   The instructions said to use a scalpel, but I used a round file and made the groove and then sanded them into the tear drop shape.  Easier then I thought!

21 hours ago, yvesvidal said:

What a precious jewel of a model. Great job.



Thank you!  Very kind of you 😊 


I have been adding more coats of poly satin finish on...so far so good!  I also finished the seats.  I should be wrapping this one up by end of week for sure.




I did a few more coats, made a rope coil and I think I am calling this one finished.



2 hours ago, yvesvidal said:

Small but beautiful collection.




52 minutes ago, GrandpaPhil said:

Well done!

Thanks everyone!  They were quite enjoyable builds...not sure what’s next after the Dory.  

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