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  • 3 months later...

Noted that I missed some latest postings. 






I expect to continue during the X-mas holiday period (14 days off from work :) )


in the meantime a smal project in between



the Golden Yacht, a ship in a bottle



Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
due to private reasons is my build now in almost dead-slow.

we are at this moment trying to sell our house and for this reason my workshop is cleaned-up now and the Vasa protected under plastic


I started with the preparation of the yards for all the masts






made also a temporary sketch with all blocks summarized for each yard

plan is to finish all yards completly so they can be mounted directly to the masts.

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard




This Vasa can be seen on the Dutch event for historic shipmodels




so all followers in the Netherlands or Belgium are invited

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 2 weeks later...
I have sorted the yards for each mast and kept them in a plastic bag. I made a sketch based on the Corel drawings which blocks needs to be on each yard. 

I also printed the sails already based on FModjars build (thanks)


based on input from Fred Hocker I will use the Corel drawings (till Vasa II is issued :) )


the single blocks 5mm are fixed, next will be the 4mm blocks.





Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 3 weeks later...
in the meantime busy with preparations of the yards, as soon as something new to show I will post some pictures


I have packed the Vasa in plastic to prevent against dust. due to private reasons I cannot work on the rigging and have to wait till summer holiday period.



Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 2 months later...
One week to go before the holidays.

I have re-scaled the frames for the small boat and glued this on some wood.

I am trying to use this as a guidance for the planking.




maybe also some rigging?

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 2 weeks later...
started with the small boat








next step will be fixing these frames

after that start with planking and hopefully remove these temporary frames and replace them with "original" clamps.


Due to private reasons the builds is still very slow although I have  now a holiday break

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard




Hi Jan,

Thanks for sharing photos of the small boat build for the Vasa. 

What plans are you using to build the frames?


Thanks and I hope all is well!




I first am making an contramall from paper and then planking on the paper. I learned this technic from a Russian builder and used this also for a previous small boat.


Later this week once the paper mall is fixed I will publish some pictures. for the paper I am using toiletpaper in combination with wall paper glue (called Papier Mache in the Netherlands)

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



first filled the space between the frames





then added the paper with wall paper glue on the frames



and started with the planking





now patience required for each next part.


To be continued

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard






Nice added bit doing the long boat. Good start.


Have you seen Clayton's on the Vasa Forum? 


Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





  • 3 weeks later...
first I have to saw some pieces of wood for the frames and bended them




then started to fit these frames






next step will be the remaining frames in the bottom part, but that will be for the next time

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

last week we finally sold our house after 2,5 years and bought an new house.

early spring we are moving to the new house.


after finalization of all the painting etc I can prepare my new shipmodel workshop.


until that period the build of the Vasa will be almost on fulstop.

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 2 weeks later...
During the last weeks continued with the long boat, changed the seatings and made a mast











after the painting I will add some ropes and sails.






Due to our planned move in February I will till that time, during the weekly meetings with our model club, do some preparations for the rigging.


Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



  • 1 month later...

as of last week my build is now in full stop.

we are moving to a new house by mid of February and are now busy to pack all item collected after 23 years living in this house.


first job was to save all the modelbuilding items and tools and pack them correctly.


I hope to have everything unpacked and ready for restart the build around the summer as we have also to do some modifications in our new house.

Goal will be to have the Vasa ready to show as it is now during the Meeting of Historical Shipmodels in the Netherlands on May 7, see link below in my signature

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard






Good luck with your move. Congrats on the new house.


BTW Your long boat is an excellent image from the original. Nice work.




Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





  • 1 month later...

we have been moved to our new house. in the coming weeks/months a lot of small jobs to do, like painting and wall papers.


and most important to make a new workshop area for my shipmodelling


all shipmodells survived the move, and the Vasa already has a new "temporary" location in our living





Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard




Good luck with the small jobs


Do not you think this is a dangerous place to put a ship model (even temporarily.)

Hopefully it does not fall.
That would be really pity 


In dutch :

Dat zou zeer, zeer jammer zijn.

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