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Le Pourquoi-Pas? 1907 by Greg Davis - Constructo - i.e., Why Not?

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Got a little behind when I broke a couple of soft metal cleats. It turns out that getting replacement cleats of the same size proved to be a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, I found what I needed for a far price and quick overseas delivery from Cornwall Model Boats!


So the cleats are on, as are all of the mast blocks:


What are the chances I will cut all of the waste material and not any of the block attachements on the main and mizzen masts?

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On 11/11/2023 at 12:21 AM, Greg Davis said:

What are the chances I will cut all of the waste material and not any of the block attachements on the main and mizzen masts?

oh yes- i have been known to have been trimming excess thread binding shrouds and not realised another shroud was in the scissors jaws till it fell away with the other thread😱.

Build is looking great Greg- my collection on hold until i get my outdoor messy modelling garden room finished!



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1 hour ago, clearway said:

i have been known to have been trimming excess thread binding shrouds and not realised another shroud was in the scissors jaws till it fell away with the other thread😱.

 My greatest nightmare!

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I've temporarily pinned the spars to the masts. They are not staying right where they belong, but it is giving me an  idea of how much space this model will take up. Not too wide, so when cased it should easily fit in the office it is destined for.


I guess it is time to get the lower deadeyes in place so that the rigging process can really get underway.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got back to working on this ship.


Since mid-November, I've been spending most of my building time on the new Model Airways Santos-Dumont 14bis kit:


So back to Le Pouquoi-Pas? for a while - maybe straight to the end!


The lower deadeyes are all attached, the masts are erected, and I started putting on the lower shrouds yesterday and today. It's nice to be reeving lanyards again.


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Since yesterday, I was able to add most of the sail handling rigging - the last bit, associated with the lower masts will be added later.


A few of these lines are attached to pin rails. When I got to this part I decided to rummage thru odds and ends for enough metal pins to replace the wooden ones provided (that were badly out of scale and historical period for the ship).


Now I have started fashioning the two spars that attach to the mizzen mast.

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The last two spars are in with their respective rigging.


Now I can see just how much room this model will take up. Looks like it is turning into an acceptable display model!


The list of tasks to complete is shrinking:


  • lower mast sail handling rigging
  • braces
  • anchors
  • ship boats
  • finishing touches
  • display mounts
  • display case

The launch date is coming into view!




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Braces have been taken care of. No more rigging planned at this point.


I'll be setting the main assembly aside for a while; hopefully in a safe place! I'm looking to have the project complete for when it warms up and the snow / ice goes away - probably well into April. Likely on and off work till then.


Time to work out what the case will be made of. Currently thinking of using Cherry so the case can be darker in nature and complement the hull. Once the case of the base is done, I'll make the two cradle type mounts - these will be painted black and attached to the case base. Once the ship is mounted, I plan to add the anchors, either hanging or laying on the case base. 


Additionally, I want the ship to have all 6 boats. The kit came with two cast boats that are the correct size for the upper deck. There should be two slightly shorter boats alongside the smoke stack and then two additional (even shorter) boats ahead of the foremast. I have searched the web countless times looking for boats that fit the need of this ship but have not been able to find anything that will work. Looks like I will need to fabricate them myself. 

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 Greg, check out the below. These folks are out of New Zealand, their products are gorgeous and very pricey. The third link is their 1:72 boats which is as close to your 1:80 scale that they sell. Search through all the boats, you might find something that would work for you. i've not bought from them but I'm very tempted, let me know what you think. 








There's also Cornwall Model Boats in the UK. Very nice folks, I've ordered from them several times.



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25 minutes ago, Keith Black said:

 Greg, check out the below. These folks are out of New Zealand, their products are gorgeous and very pricey. The third link is their 1:72 boats which is as close to your 1:80 scale that they sell. Search through all the boats, you might find something that would work for you. i've not bought from them but I'm very tempted, let me know what you think. 








There's also Cornwall Model Boats in the UK. Very nice folks, I've ordered from them several times.





Thank you for the links - the micromaster boats are amazing, but there is no way I'm spending > $250 on boats to give away! They must have a pretty nice 3-D printer. I've recently thought about getting a 3-D printer for making some parts myself. I haven't been able to determine what a minimal outlay for reasonable results would be. There are so many printers on the market.


I've already been thru the Cornwall site a few times and didn't see what I wanted. I've ordered from them previously and, like you, have had good experiences. 


Thanks again,



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  • 1 month later...

Hello Peter, good luck for your search for the manual. It may sound silly at first... but if you have the plans and still feel the need to a pictorical manual, look thorugh a manual of a different ship from the website of Artesania Latina or Occre. These type of kits have very similar design, and you may get answers to building sequence, planking tips etc, even it's a different ship. Hope you find what you are looking for, though.

Past builds: Prins Willem,  Amati Coca

Current Build: Occre Diana

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