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You've come a long way during this voyage.  At this rate you'll be tying knots in 3/16" square stock soon!



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956


My davit factory is still humming. Here I've cut the davits to size and filled in the bonding lines between the two laminated bent planks. I've also lessened the curvature to better match the davits on the USS Constitution in Boston. Constructo wanted them bend almost 90 degrees, the Davits in Boston are not as extreme. 



What a wonderful job you are doing on the Constructo version of the Constitution. I'm itching to build one of these myself. I have built the Mamoli version as well as the Model Shipways version of the Connie.


Davit factory still going strong. My fat, shaky fingers had to bend these tiny brass trim pieces that will adorn the side davits. I managed to drop everyone of them at least once on the floor and have to get on my hands & knees to find them. You think I'd have learned by now to set up in the center of a big table to avoid these frustrations. I guess I'm un-trainable!



Smart move this way it will be harder to have them accidently knocked off.  I hate when that happens.

David B


Well, the nose of the camel is now under my tent when it comes to rigging. I've had to fit the bowsprit into the hole I had drilled months ago in order to finish all the deck trim. I'm still a ways from rigging,, but it's the first step.



Since the bowsprit doesn't penetrate the deck for support, the way it is, it will only have glue where it meets the deck and glue where it passes  through the hull. That seems fragile to me. Any ideas as to how to lock the bowsprit so it  will be held robustly? 

Posted (edited)


Been following quietly lately, She is looking great. For your bowsprit, if there is enough play you could pin it like your davits. Or through "bolt" it by drilling all the way through and inserting some treenails or brass pins.

And epoxy rather than wood blue glue (stupid I Phone)i would think.


Edited by src

Current Build Constructo Enterprise


Another thing is to add several inches to the bowsprit and just drill a through hole in the deck.  Just rememember to start out small and widen it for a snug fit.

David B


I thought of drilling the deck, but I get cold feet thinking about drilling in the deck. Pinning might be good. I also thought about doweling it so the dowel would match the bowsprit wood. What do you all think of that?


I simulated the bowsprit dowel process by using a very small dowel and drilling a like size hole through the bowsprit into the simulated deck and using PVA, glued it. Wow! Pretty strong bond. and even through I did a sloppy job, you can hardly see the dowel.



My version of miniature carpentry continues. You can't see my thumbs...but they both have bandaids on them since I discovered my miter box and micro-sander both had a sharp edge and cut each thumb. I kept wondering where the blood was coming from?






I made the chimney from a 6mm dowel and painted it. I drilled out some material in the end to make it look like the chimney opening. I'll pin and glue it tomorrow.


I  glued all grates except the bowsprit grate. I also glued a shim in the bowsprit hole so the bowsprit slides in perfectly exactly at the correct angle. Next, I'll make the dowel hole through the bowsprit and deck, so when it comes time to mount it, it should just slip into place. 






They are kinda thin on direction arent they? I hope the parts supplied with your kit are better milled than mine were. As far as assembling them, you need a way to cut many parts the same length, the way you did your gun ports looks like it worked for you. That might be a start.


I am at the same point with my build at the moment. To clamp everything together I was considering a nice straight pice of wood glued/ screwed down and a small wedge glued far enough away that you can get your ladders in place. A second wedge would be used as the clamping force, you will have to make sure everything is nice and parallel when you clamp up. A much easier way would be a set of machinist parallel clamps - I just dont own any myself. The wedges will work if you dont want to wait/spend the money on tools. Dont spend money on tools?!?!?! who am I kidding? We are all tool junkies here.  :)


Have fun, your past tells me will find your solution and work through it. 


Current Build Constructo Enterprise



I like the idea of a wedge or block down below. I dropped a piece in and had to fish it out of the hull....no fun.


You're right....I continue to buy new tools. My Admiral marvels at how my work area has grown and grown and grown!



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