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Good evening gents,


I've decided to take on a project - I'd originally purchased the print files from Bensworx last year to build a version of his Castle Class Corvette in 1/96 scale as a fleet-mate for my HMCS Bonaventure project.  That said, scaling the print didn't work so well.  The hull wasn't thick enough and many of the superstructure parts scaled down to a single layer (0.4mm) thick plastic which was not thick enough to be workable.  So, to the backburner it went.


Then I saw this thread by King Derelict:




I enjoyed reading his work, but wasn't really in the mindset of building the Castle after the initial issues I had at 1/96 with her.  Additionally, due to the size of the prints, they'd be a tight fit on my Prusa printer.


Then.  I had a change of heart.  


We had our monthly modeling guild meeting, and there were a couple of things that came up.  First - our club normally maintains the RMS Titanic model that floats in the Halifax Public Gardens.  Well, that model sank last summer, and needs some 'considerable repair work' to get her back suitable for service.


At the end of the meeting, we had a chat about getting the old model fixed up, or...should I try and print another one?  So...I'm working down that path right now working with a 3D modeler to adjust his 1/1000 scale model to 1/100, and provide me with a hollow interior solid object that I can print, with hull sides of about 5mm thickness.  At the same time, I found myself a 'new to me' Creality 10S Pro that I need to sort out - I'll need the larger printer (30x30x40 cm) to be able to print the Titanic hull modules, so I decided to print some of the Castle files as test-jobs. 


Then I found out that the "Friends of HMCS SACKVILLE" organization in Halifax normally provide a model of the Sackville to be anchored out in the pond as well.  The status of that model is uncertain...and I realized that I have a set of plans for a Castle Class Corvette....and...as luck would have it, an old shipmate of mine is now the XO of the Naval Reserve Division in St. Thomas Ontario - and one of the 12 Castles in RCN Service was the HMCS ST.THOMAS.




Current 'plan' is to print the Castle, set her up as the HMCS ST.THOMAS, and once the hull files are clear of the bigger printer, I should be able to print everything else on the Prusa, as I switch the bigger printer over to hammering out the Titanic parts. 


I've briefly mentioned to my buddy, and he may end up coming to Halifax for either the Launch, or the Recovery, as the intent is that the HMCS St Thomas will end up following him back to his unit for display.


We'll see how it goes.


For now, here's a picture of the original Titanic model in the pond at the park.


Here's the link to the 3D print files as well in case you're interested:


1 48 Castle Class Corvette RC Model Ship 3D model 3D printable | CGTrader







Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


And, in keeping with the way my life usually goes, here's the beginning, and the failed end of one of the modules being printed.


This was still in the 'troubleshoot the new-to-me' printer stage, so I'm not hugely concerned about the failed print.  It helped me figure out the real core problem, and things are trucking along now.  I've got 2 modules completed, and the 3rd will be done in about 3 hours.





Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Here's how the printing is going....module 6 of 8 is going to be done later this afternoon.  I should have the hull printing done early next week!







Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Tonight's update:


No description available.



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


OK, one hull module left to go!

No description available.



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


And....25.5 hours into a 26 hour print...things went off the rails and I'm having to redo the last module.






Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


The re-print is at 94%...


No description available.



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Hull is 100% printed.


Switching the big printer over to the 'next' project, and I'm now doing the details on the Prusa for this ship.


No description available.



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Of note....this boat is going to be 63 inches long.  For some reason I didn't think it was going to be that huge.


On the other hand, the Titanic is going to be over 8 feet long when it's all done...and the first module for it is now on the printer.



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 

1 hour ago, Prowler901 said:

Excellent looking prints.  What filament are you printing with?  I have the Ender 3 Max.  Still tweaking it's settings for best prints.



I use PLA that I get at the local shop - Eurekatek.  They're just around the corner from me.


My experience is that their Royal Blue is absolutely delightful to print with. 



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 

Posted (edited)

The printing is substantially complete - I have a few detail bits left to go (boats, etc) but have moved the 'bulk' of the kit out to the garage to get things started.


Here's the first bit of sanding and a layer of primer on the 'bow half'.  






Edited by NavyShooter



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Here's a couple more pictures of tonight's progress.


A bit more printing (small boats) plus some more sanding, and the first layer of gel-coat applied.  We'll see how well that dries in the garage overnight.







Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Gel coat is still...gelling...as of last evening.  I think I need to re-apply with a heavier input of hardener this time....doing by guess and by eye seems not to cut it.  I'll see how things are when I get home from work today. 



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


OK, a bit more hardener, an extra layer on the bow, and a layer on the stern (no primer on it first this time...I decided to see how it'd look without.


35 drops of hardener in this batch of gelcoat instead of 20 - things were getting tacky by the time I finished painting the coat on!




Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Ahoy, and I really don't know - this is the 3D model as printed, designed by someone else.


Do you have a higher resolution version of that docking plan that I could look at and compare?



Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


Looks like we're going to be able to do an apples to apples comparison of the HMCS St Thomas with the HMCS Copper Cliffs.






Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


I really don't know what you mean?

Also, WRT any inaccuracies in the hull, well, I've printed the hull as I got it from the gentleman that created the 3D model - Bens Worx.  I'm not able to edit the hull or modify it in any way - so it is what it is.


I'm 2 layers deep on the gel coat now, and things are fairly smooth.  I think one more layer after I join the two hull halves should do me fine.





Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 

  • 3 weeks later...

I found some epoxy spray paint over the weekend, and used that on the interior and some of the upper deck structures to help make them waterproof.


Then I joined the forward and after portions of the hull together.


Here's some update pictures of the project - the main upper decks received another layer of gel-coat as well last night.   Both the hull and the decks need at least one more coat I think.  Then I can move on to primer again!










Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


5th layer of gelcoat applied - the hull is now quite smooth.  I think a light sanding and some primer will be the next step tomorrow!




Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 

  • 2 weeks later...

OK....so....I knew that the drying time on the epoxy paint was 7 days between coats...I read that very clearly on the instructions.


I chose NOT to wait 7 days.

I am an idiot.






Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


So, after an appropriate length of time for the epoxy paint to dry, I had a go with the sander and got it almost all off.




Let's try this again. 





Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


And, you can see from the previous photo, and this one, that I've started on the ballasting.  


Some lead shot, some additional strength from some fiberglass sheeting and a bit of resin to hold it all together.  


Intent is to add more weight in the form of additional metal bars (I'm almost out of lead shot!) and hold them in place with resin as well.





Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 


And  finally, we have a layer of primer on the hull.  


A bit of sanding and tidying still ahead.





Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 

  • 2 weeks later...

A bit more progress over the weekend.  If I can get back out to the garage this afternoon, I'll assemble some of the AA Weapons systems.





Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 







Build Log: HMS Puncher by NavyShooter - 3D Print - 1/144

Build Log:   HMCS Bonaventure- 1/96 - A Fitting Out

Completed Build: HMS Blackpool - 1/144 3D Print RC

Completed Build: RMS Titanic - 1/100 - 3D Print - Pond Float display

Completed Build:  HMCS St Thomas - 1/48 - 3D printed Bens Worx

Completed Build:  3D Printed Liberty Ship - 1/96 - RC


A slightly grumpy, not quite retired ex-RCN Chief....hanging my hat (or helmet now...) in the Halifax NS area. 

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