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Grand Bank Dory by Jim M - FINISHED - Midwest Products/Model Shipways - 1:12

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Good evening, 


I picked up this kit when on sale from Model-Expo. I finished their first kit in the Shipwright Series, but I am not as ready as I wanted to move to next ship in the series. Instead I wanted to do another Dory, and this is challenging me and I am having some fun which is more important.


A little about me, this is my second ship model. The last time I worked on a model, it was almost forty years ago. I have picked up modeling this year, and I have been bitten by the wood model bug. On the side I am also doing some plastic models. 


I stated the kit on August 25, and started to look over the plans, and tonight, I was able to complete the knee, stem, transom, and the cleats. I tried something new today, I used magnets and a stainless steel board as a build board, and it seems to be functioning pretty well. However, I am still a little gun shy on using this method to make the frames, so I am waiting on a piece of cork to be delivered.


The documentation is well written, however there is a bias for using CA glue, which I am not a fan of. I rather use PVA, and that is what I am using primarily with this model. 




In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Looks like you're off to a great start! I'm looking forward to following along, I haven't seen a log for this kit yet and was curious about how it compares with the Model Shipways version. These small fishing boats in a large scale leave a lot of room for creativity and personalization through kitbashing.

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Good morning, I noticed my transom had a small twist favoring the port side. So I removed the transom and knew  using isopropyl. I noticed the knee was not fully 90 degrees, so I reset the angles with some more sanding, then re-assembled.


You can see the twist on the image wit the red squares. The second photo shows the reset for the transom placement.






In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening, my build board arrived today so I was able to make some progress. Considering my cork board is 12x12 I had to cut out the frame plans from the full plan so I could arrange them on the board.






 After adding the images to the board, I covered it with plastic wrap, and then started to build the frames.





After the frames where dry I was able to mount them to the bottom plank.



Finally, I was glued up the mast step.







Edited by Jim M

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening,


I made some more progress today with the Dory. First I trimmed and bevelled the mast step. I had to trim the short end of the mast step to be 1/16 from the center of hole. I trimmed it a little long, and used my sander to get a perfect 90 for all axises (x, y & z). 




Next I added the mast step next to frame #2. 



After gluing i moved to fairing my frames, transom and stem. In hindsight, I should have purchased a wood plane to make the bevelling easier on the stem but overall I am satisfied with the result using my sanding block.





One thing I learned from the Model Shipways Dory, is not to be as aggressive with the fairing. On that project I broke through one of the frames, and I had to fix it by adding some more wood to it. During this phase I did do a dry fit of the planks to make sure they where contacting nicely to the frames.


Finally tonight, I was able to get the strong board ready. The kit arrived with the right dimension for the wood but the lengths where off, so I had to cut the pieces correctly. Below is the dry fit and marking of the board.




Once was satisfied with the fit that includes everything is 90 degrees, I glued the pieces to the strong board. I tried using CA but, alast that product is my bane. I ended up using PVA so that the end of the night. 


Edited by Jim M

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening, 


Tonight, I mounted the Dory to the strong board. 




Then I bevelled the edges of the garboards before fitting them.



I then added the garboards to the Dory.






If you notice on the starboard side at the bow, the plank broke as I was trimming it. I tried to fix with some ca glue but that was a disaster. I guess it will be some wood filler when I remove the Dory from the jig.


Have a good evening...

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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You know its Friday and 3:00ish and you decide you don't want to work. So I stepped away from the computer and did a little dry fitting of the first middle plank. The boss called for a two hour pair programming session, so I did not get as much as I would l have liked done. 


The plans did call to mark 1/16 of an inch down from the top of the garboard, and to bevel opposite sides of the plank. Below you can see the initial dry fitting looks pretty good.


I did fill that one spot with some plastic wood filler, but it is goint to be a bear to clean up after I remove the Dory from the strong board.





In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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On 9/1/2024 at 9:20 PM, JacquesCousteau said:

Looks like you're off to a great start! I'm looking forward to following along, I haven't seen a log for this kit yet and was curious about how it compares with the Model Shipways version. These small fishing boats in a large scale leave a lot of room for creativity and personalization through kitbashing.

Jacques, I am finding this kit is a nice compliment to the Model Shipways Lowell Dory. In some sense it is easier because of the size. I am however learning some better techniques. For example one thing on this kit that is different is the planking we need to bevel the sides so we get a better connection between planks. The strong board approach is also interesting, and unique to this build.

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening, 


Today I completed, the mid planks on the dory.


One lesson I learned on the Model Shipways Dory, it is ok to use more glue. This time arround I was more heavy handed with the glue, before clamping and fitting the planks.




Also if you look below I had to bevel opposite sides of the plan so that it meets up better. If you remember when I added the garboard, I had a bevel that was facing out, and on the plank I had the same bevel facing inside of the boat, along with a bevel that faces out on the top of the plank. Does this make sense?


Here is the first mid plank clamped up.




I did both sides before moving on to the second mid plank. Before doing the port side, I removed the excess from the planks after a good 30 minute soaking.


Here I am clamping the second mid plank on the starboard side, if you notice the arrows on the prepped plank and the plank that is clamped you those are bevels.




Finally the second mid plank is added to the port side.




Another view of the starboard side.



In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening, I mad a lot more progress on the dory. In fact I am about 1/2 done with the project, according to documents. Step 95/190. :)


Today I added the shear planks but before I noticed on the starboard side, that one of the planks on the top middle plank did not have enough glue so I added more and proceed with adding the shear plank to the port side after removing the braces on the stem with some isopropyl.




After the glue had a chance to dry, I also added the shear plan to the starboard side.

About an hour later, I removed the Dory from the strong board by removing the pins in the center, and the braces on the transom with some isopropyl.

I then plugged the two holes with toothpicks, and remove the excess plank material from the transom and bow.




I also leveled out the garboards to be even with the bottom using my micro plane and sanding stick.



I cleaned up the transom, and added some fairing on the planks.



I also did some putty work on the tramsome and planks to clean up any gouges from scraping the glue, or obvious glue. By the way does anyone have a good recommendation of a putty that is better than the dap putty I am using?


The plans call to add a false stem on the bow and you can see the curvature that is needed. The plans indicated to use ca and just bend it the plank.



I rather use pva, so I soaked the stem in some hot water and used a plank bender to clean up the curve.




I am really impressed with that tool. However the scorch marks  where horrendous. I spent better part of 40 minutes cleaning up the marks, and it still not perfect.


Next I applyied pva and glued the false stem to the bow after some sanding and planing to get a nice contact. I also added some fairing to the planks.




Finally, the plans called to fair the false stem to a point, and again I used my micro plane and sanding block. I think this turned out rather nice.



I highly recommend a micro plane it makes this work much easier and cleaner. Though my wife is tapping her foot as I need to vacuum the game room again.


In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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I'm enjoying your build log. I did the Model Shipways dory as my first model. Seeing the one you're doing, I'm thinking the larger scale might have made it  easier for a beginner.


When you praise your micro plane, do you mean a very small wood plane, or a Microplane (tm) brand tool of some sort? 

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29 minutes ago, Dan Poirier said:

I'm enjoying your build log. I did the Model Shipways dory as my first model. Seeing the one you're doing, I'm thinking the larger scale might have made it  easier for a beginner.


When you praise your micro plane, do you mean a very small wood plane, or a Microplane (tm) brand tool of some sort? 

yeah i did the model shipways dory and this is a nice complement to the project and in general i would suggest this build first then move to shipwright series.  

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good morning, 


A quick update from yesterday. I started work on the gunwales with adding the bands on the port and starboard sides.

First I dry fitted the external plank and marked the bow angle.



After trimming and sanding, I then glued to the side of the dory. The curve was not excessive so there was no need to use my plank bender.



I repeated the process for the other side, and let it sit over night. Here is the results after removing the clamps.


In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening. I made some more progress on the Dory tonight with getting the gunwales partially installed. 


First I added the first layer of the inner gunwale between the frame.





After the glue dried i then cut the frame flush with the gunwale. 




Next I added  notches in the frames for the next layer of the gunwale. 




I then fitted the final piece of the inner gunwale. 




Finally I did some sanding and added filler in preparing for paint. 




In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Looking good!

Current builds:

Le Martegaou - 1:80 - Billing Boats 

Back on the shelf: 

Gretel - Mamoli

Nonsuch 30 - 1:24 - Model Shipway


Completed builds:

Mini Oseberg no 302 -Billing Boats

Sea of Galilee boat

Lowell Grand Banks dory,         Norwegian sailing pram

Muscongus bay lobster smack

Peterboro Canoe- Midwest

Captain John Smith’s shallop - Pavel Nikitin

Chesapeake double kayak

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Thank you @Bryan Woods

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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F7DBABAA-6CEC-4C6D-A744-265ADE7B2525_1_201_a.heic9FF5BC1A-2FF8-44D7-836C-88535D621B4B_1_201_a.heic9FF5BC1A-2FF8-44D7-836C-88535D621B4B_1_201_a.heicGood afternoon, I made some more progress on my Dory. I wanted to get the gunwales finished up before I leave for an extended weekend for my 27th anniversary. 


First I cut the bow stem to be even with the gunwales.  I then planed and sanded to get everything even and smooth.



Next I then notched the transom and dry fitted the gunwale cap. 




I then glued the cap onto the gunwales, where I will let it setup over the weekend.







In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good stopping point. Congratulations on your anniversary. Have a wonderful trip!

Current builds:

Le Martegaou - 1:80 - Billing Boats 

Back on the shelf: 

Gretel - Mamoli

Nonsuch 30 - 1:24 - Model Shipway


Completed builds:

Mini Oseberg no 302 -Billing Boats

Sea of Galilee boat

Lowell Grand Banks dory,         Norwegian sailing pram

Muscongus bay lobster smack

Peterboro Canoe- Midwest

Captain John Smith’s shallop - Pavel Nikitin

Chesapeake double kayak

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thanks @Bryan Woods

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening. A minor update tonight. I did some minor sanding of the Dory and then I installed the breasthook. 


I then tapered the risers.  



Finally I then installed the risers. 





In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening a minor update tonight. 


Today I fitted the thwarts and it is now starting to look like a Dory. 




I am very pleased that the mast is straight. 


As I wait for some filler and stain the plan is to start on the oars and trawl bucket tomorrow. 


I do have some model expo oak stain that is paint :facepalm:  has anyone use this stain?  I did order some Littlefairs stain which arrived this weekend. I am wondering if anyone has use this stain?



In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening, I made some progress today,


First I added the becket holes after having a minor panic attack as I needed a 2, 2.5 and 3 mm drill bits. I found them at Harbor Freight, along with some smaller drill bits for the pin vise.


When drilling, I used the strong back as a backing so the holes do not explode. This was mostly successful, the starboard side at the bow was a little challenged. These holes are 3 mm.




Next I rounded and sanded the thwarts, and gunwales. Last thing is we do not want our sailors getting hurt on sharp edges :)





Next I marked off the thole posts. I did this about three times before I was satisfied that they where even.



Then I drilled the twelve holes with a 2 mm bit.





Then I started to make the thole pins. I used my cutter and cut them 1/2" long, Then used a compass to mark off 1/4" line. From there I was then started to round the pins. the hole size is 2mm.




I found holding the pin in my pliers I was able to use a sanding stick to thin the pin.


Here you can see that I was able to get pins to be even on both sides of the Dory with the dry fit.




Also you can see that the ports are even across the Dory.




All of the pins are pulled and on tape so I do not loose them. I will only seal them with shellac to keep the natural color.




Next I noticed that one the thwart rails was longer, so I trimmed it so it was even with the port side. This error was due to me not compinsating for the 3/16" difference in the rib due to the offset.




Next I drilled the hole for the trawl, it is 2.5mm. Initially I wanted it on the starboard side, but the bit split the rail, so I plugged it with a toothpick and moved the port side. Considering I am left handed, I thought a port trawl is reasonable. As you can see it fits nicely in the hole. When I glue it in, I will have it showing 1/8" under the rail. I am thinking a brass color for it. Any thoughts or ideas?




Finally I started to work on the trawl bucket. I had to cut 40 1 1/4" pieces, and I used my cutter for this. I lined them up against a ruler and square and then added tape to them. I will stain them either english oak or light oak. I am waiting on the stain for this. At the same time, I mounted the ends of the bucket to  its jig.




Have a good evening.



In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening. Today was a productive session. I am getting close to painting the Dory, but before getting there. I started with testing some English Oak Stain I purchased. It is water base, and I am not to sure I really like the color. I have a light oak color coming tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see how it performs. If it does not work well then I will maybe get some of that Vetero alcohol stain for staining my trawl bucket.




Next I started to shape the oars, after cutting the dowel to size. I then used a compass to transfer the transition to the dowel. IMG_2311.thumb.jpeg.6fd9d720f2f5bc256434ba0c8cdcb014.jpeg


I then shaped the handle by a combination of scoring the cheek cut, and carving out the handle. From there I used my drill as a makeshift lathe for sanding the handle.




I then proceed to cut the oar blades, and then shape them using my sander.



The angle I used was 10 degrees, though the plan was probably closer to 9 degrees.


Next I created a jig out of double sided tape, and some stock so I can add the blades to the oar and that it is mostly centered so that I can do the final shaping tomorrow.




This is the result after gluing.




Next I started work on the mast and the main stay. Using my compass i transferred the marks I needed to drill. 





After drilling, I then shaped the mast and main stay using my drill. The main stay had a nasty flat spot on the dowel, so I gave it a minor taper.




Hopefully tomorrow I can do the finish sanding, and then sealing of the Dory with shellac before I paint it this weekend. I am hoping to finish the sail this weekend and then seal the model with some matt varnish. The oars I am going to leave a natural color along with the mainstay and mast.


In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good afternoon, a minor update for this weekend.


I am moving to the home stretch of having the Dory complete. This weekend I was able to accomplish some minor prep for completion.


First I stained and glued the trawl bucket. I used a combination of English Oak and Medium Oak to get the weathered look.



Next I also stained the display stand (two ties) using the English Oak dye.




After that, I started to fill in my mistakes and I corrected gunwale on the starboard side. I moved the trawl rig to the starboard side. I also corrected some minor holes with filler. I then proceeded to sand with 320 and 400 to get everything ready for sealing.




Next I applied some shellac on the died pieces, oars, mast, main stay, and thole pins. Multiple coats where done. I then thinned the the remaining shellac with isopropyl to a 3:1 and sealed the thwarts. The plan is to prime and paint them, whereas the oars, mast and main stay is going to remain the natural color.





Between coats I gave a light sanding with 1000 grit to make sure each was smooth.


Finally I sprayed the Dory with a light coat of shellac (full strength) so I can seal the wood. I then proceeded with a light sanding with 1000 grit. 




I finally decided on a color scheme for the Dory:


First I will prime the model with Surfacer 1200 grey and correct any defects. Once I am happy, I will then add Surfacer 1500 grey to the interior. The exterior I will spray Surfacer 1500 pink. This will deepen the yellow to something closer to ochre yellow.



The interior will be 338 Light grey.

The thwarts and gunwales will be 383 Dark green

Exterior 329 yellow.


The trawl rig, I am debating on Metal color 219 Brass or 214 Dark iron. This will be sprayed over a Surfacer 1500 black. I am open to suggestions.


Finally I will seal with a semi-mat coat.


Then the final piece is to finish the sail. I am pushing to get this into our club  is hosting in November. 










Edited by Jim M

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening, a minor update today.


Today's focus was completing the sail for the Dory.


First I mounted the sail material after ironing it to a building board over top the plans. Then I traced the lines per the plans.




Per the instructions I then put some mat varish on the edges.



I hung the sail up to dry. During this timeframe I then created the brass sail connectors, after wrapping the boom and mast with some tape to thicken. I cut the brass with some cutters at 1 1/8 of an inch and made hoops. 




I then cut out the same and well I was not overly happy with only the lines from the pencil, so I decided to thinken the edges so the sail looks more authentic. I did this by gluing on more sail cloth with some white PVA.



Finally I trimmed the edges with my scalpel and then used a pin to create the holes for the rigging hoops and line. The PVA is still a little wet, and this helped hole my ruler from sliding.


Here is the finished product.




Next steps is to do the finish work of painting. Then final assembly. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. :)







In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Thanks for taking time on the step by step log. That's very helpful to see how you do things.  Model is looking good. 


I was reviewing your work on the mast and stay.  What is the original diameter of the dowels for those pieces.  Also, the diameter of the hole for the step?

I plan to add a sail/mast to my 1:14 scale peapod and want to be close to scale at least.  I want to use what supplied here as a sanity check to my own calculations. 


Thanks in advance for information.  



Robert Chenoweth


Current Build: Maine Peapod; Midwest Models; 1/14 scale.


In the research department:

Nothing at this time.


Completed models (Links to galleries): 

Monitor and Merrimack; Metal Earth; 1:370 and 1:390 respectively.  (Link to Build Log.)

Shrimp Boat; Lindbergh; 1/60 scale (as commission for my brother - a tribute to a friend of his)

North Carolina Shad Boat; half hull lift; scratch built.  Scale: (I forgot).  Done at a class at the NC Maritime Museum.

Dinghy; Midwest Models; 1/12 scale

(Does LEGO Ship in a Bottle count?)


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Posted (edited)
On 10/3/2024 at 6:41 PM, robert952 said:

Thanks for taking time on the step by step log. That's very helpful to see how you do things.  Model is looking good. 


I was reviewing your work on the mast and stay.  What is the original diameter of the dowels for those pieces.  Also, the diameter of the hole for the step?

I plan to add a sail/mast to my 1:14 scale peapod and want to be close to scale at least.  I want to use what supplied here as a sanity check to my own calculations. 


Thanks in advance for information.  


Hey @robert952, sorry for the tardy response. I was in Dallas to see my niece's play. To answer your question, the kit shipped with two round dowels 1/4" x 12" for the mast, and one dowl 3/16" x 8" for the boom. I just lightly sanded both to clean them up. The mast step and the cut in the second thwart is 1/4". As for scale I think they are a little large, but altering them to much would look disportioncate. 


How is the peapod kit?

Edited by Jim M

In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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Good evening, I primed my Dory tonight with Mr Surfacer 1000 (grey) using my airbrush and a .5 needle with a fan cap; you can see I have some work to do to finalize my Dory before I put on the paint. It is amazing how well the primer shows these defects. I guess I will be sanding for the next couple of days to get this nice and smooth.




One thing I did notice is I have a crack on the gunwale that needs some filling.







In progress

Half hull planking tutorial - NRG


In queue

Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Model Shipways

Peterborough Canoe  - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

Batelina - MarisStella



Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks

Grand Bank Dory - Midwest Products/Model Shipways

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On 10/6/2024 at 7:09 PM, Jim M said:

Hey @robert952, sorry for the tardy response. I was in Dallas to see my niece's play. To answer your question, the kit shipped with two round dowels 1/4" x 12" for the mast, and one dowl 3/16" x 8" for the boom. I just lightly sanded both to clean them up. The mast step and the cut in the second thwart is 1/4". As for scale I think they are a little large, but altering them to much would look disportioncate. 


How is the peapod kit?

Thanks for the reply.  No problems with delay.  Family life is important, too. 


As to your question, the kit is one produced by Midwest Models.  Model Expo has re-released the kits. From what I glean here on MSW, it appears they did not change the models. (Maybe laser cut instead of stamped?) The peapod is the second Midwest kit I've built.  (I have 3 or 4 more MW models in my stash.) You might get a better sense of the kit from my build log (link in my signature). 


I think it's a good beginner's model (shown as Skill Level 2 of 4 levels).  I would also suggest this kit for modifications. The kit is as a rowing craft. To push my skill set a bit I am adding gaff rig and sail which requires making a bit more of a keel (scratch built).  'Furled sail' is in the plans, too. This is in line with a plan as a lighthouse tender in Chapman's book book on small craft. 


My feeling is a bit opposite of yours. Based on Chapman's drawing, the mast is 3" diameter.  At 1:14 scale that works out to be 0.214 inch. While 1/4 inch is a bit large it could be my starting point. However, aesthetically, to me that size looks small so I am considering 3/8" (therefore closer to a 5" mast).  Still have time to consider and I have to figure what size the rigging lines should be.  


Thanks for your input. It helped me with my sanity check. Your photos on the step gives me a model to follow also. Those kind of details in build logs helps. (I over thought the process in my head.)  So, also thanks for the build log in general.



Robert Chenoweth


Current Build: Maine Peapod; Midwest Models; 1/14 scale.


In the research department:

Nothing at this time.


Completed models (Links to galleries): 

Monitor and Merrimack; Metal Earth; 1:370 and 1:390 respectively.  (Link to Build Log.)

Shrimp Boat; Lindbergh; 1/60 scale (as commission for my brother - a tribute to a friend of his)

North Carolina Shad Boat; half hull lift; scratch built.  Scale: (I forgot).  Done at a class at the NC Maritime Museum.

Dinghy; Midwest Models; 1/12 scale

(Does LEGO Ship in a Bottle count?)


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