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HM Armed Cutter Sherbourne by Dan Poirier - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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I'm starting on Vanguard Models' HM Armed Cutter Sherbourne.  It's described as a Novice level kit, but it looks significantly more involved than my prior models, the three Model Shipways starter models.


I took a few unboxing photos. The box has some nice photos of the completed model on the outside.




Inside, by far the nicest set of instructions I've seen is right on top.


IMG_2093.jpg.e7f43c54d91fd3af491c28a529714caa.jpg IMG_2098.jpg.aa662f182e80cbdd7872ed2e51238bc9.jpg


There are what appear to be diagrams of the laser-cut parts sheets, as well as rigging guides.




Fittings, "rope", etc.




Long thin pieces and flat pieces 🙂


IMG_2096.jpg.aa6ab7dd10c66ff96983651a3a2d5d73.jpg IMG_2097.jpg.552033f49f7a0f90bfc89766f03b5f21.jpg


I'm looking forward to getting started.

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Good luck on your journey,   Going to follow along   :cheers: if you don't mind. 

Start so you can Finish !!

Finished:         The Sea of Galilee Boat-Scott Miller-1:20 ,   Amati } Hannah Ship in a Bottle:Santa Maria : LA  Pinta : La Nana : The Mayflower : Viking Ship Drakkar  The King Of the Mississippi  Artesania Latina  1:80 


 Current Build: Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston-Vanguard Models :)

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Have fun, the Vanguard Models are excellent.



Current Build Hayling Hoy 1760 - First POF scratch build


Completed HMB Endeavour's Longboat by Artesania Latina

Completed HM Armed Cutter Alert by Vanguard Models

Completed 18ft cutter and 34ft launch by Vanguard Models

Completed Pen Duick by Artesania Latina

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I'm assembling the skeleton of the ship (is there a naval term for this?) and it's really clever how all the flat pieces of wood are designed to slot together in different orientations until the whole thing is rock solid. 


One minor problem: bulkhead #17 seems to have wandered off sometime between when I installed it yesterday and after I'd been working on the model for a while today. It's not on the desk, under anything on the desk, under the desk, under other furniture, in the laundry, in the Roomba's dirt bag... just gone. I'm working on making a replacement from scrap wood but it's a challenge. All these pieces have lots of slots to fit together with other pieces, and that leaves some narrow weak points where things keep breaking. I'll keep at it, but it'll be a lot easier if the original piece finally turns up.

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Good luck. Cutters make great projects. There are a number of sherbourne build logs on MSW you should take a look at to help guide you through the process. You may find that Trial, Alert or Cheerful build logs might also be useful. Lots of collective wisdom to draw on to learn from everyone else’s mistakes.

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I've finished the framework/skeleton that the outside of the hull will be built onto.


Here are a few photos, but honestly, they look about the same as the (copious) photos in the instructions.


IMG_2100.jpg.127ee757a704611c0cf4bab2ee790a2c.jpg IMG_2101.jpg.c831acb967df432a9485a2966f583d23.jpg IMG_2102.jpg.e50068e23e1c6ebc6c672463911f6b30.jpg IMG_2103.jpg.acf4e6b345b5994c7e7098f5ad30d45c.jpg IMG_2104.jpg.de24f0844d6fc976e97422c9f64de8f4.jpg


One thing the instructions didn't mention or show was how easy it was to accidentally snap off the top tab from one of the bulkheads while installing the false deck. I glued the tab back on. (I had seen other build logs and knew I'd be snapping them all off eventually, so I didn't sweat it much.)




The stern counter and transom glued in place.




Next up: fairing the bulkheads, prow, keel, and two bulwarks.

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On 9/18/2024 at 1:03 AM, Dan Poirier said:

One minor problem: bulkhead #17 seems to have wandered off sometime between when I installed it yesterday and after I'd been working on the model for a while today. It's not on the desk, under anything on the desk, under the desk, under other furniture, in the laundry, in the Roomba's dirt bag... just gone. I'm working on making a replacement from scrap wood but it's a challenge. All these pieces have lots of slots to fit together with other pieces, and that leaves some narrow weak points where things keep breaking. I'll keep at it, but it'll be a lot easier if the original piece finally turns up.

Don't worry Dan you are in very good company! (We even have a whole thread dedicated to the phenomenon!)


You are making excellent progress! 👍

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After fairing the bulkheads, it was time to add the prow and keel:




Then two inner bulwarks were glued around the false deck. I first shaped them with an electric plank bender.


IMG_2113.jpg.d926a687b073ac809e8606c73d96372d.jpg IMG_2114.jpg.6d6c985790230b42cebfb51591f42fbb.jpg IMG_2115.jpg.15aed2942b57fbd0d576bbe31603454a.jpg


The bulwarks were slightly longer than needed at the stern, and so needed to be trimmed down even with it.




One comment about the instructions here. I knew from other build logs that I'd be snapping off the tops of the bulkheads later (p. 25 of the instructions), so I didn't want to glue them to the bulwarks. As far as I could see, the instructions here (pp. 10-11) didn't mention it. So, thanks again for the build logs!

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