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Had a quick look over on Abebooks (Yup, that name Again.. ;)  I luv them!! I blame Dee_Dee for putting me onto them) and the book is sitting there for £12 inc delivery to your 


I've been (wrongly) blamed for worse things, so it's OK, you can blame me B)


Your build is looking super and hoping you get your new wood today!

Current Build

 - Glad Tidings -MS  

Completed Builds

 - Dragon - Corel - One design International Class Yacht

 - Sloup Coquillier / Shell Fish Sloop - Corel - Based on 'Bergere de Domremy / Shepherdess from Domremy

 - Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Scratch build based on drawings from Chapelle's book "American Small Sailing Craft" 

On the Shelf

 - Gretel-Mamoli     - Emma C. Berry-MS    - Chesapeake Bay Pilot Boat, Semi-scratch 



Find yourself hoping you never reach your destination



Thanks Eamonn will check out abe books and try not to spend too much :D I don't want to upset you,but I have come home to find a card from the postie,possibly my limewood :huh:  :huh:


Kind Regards Nigel


P.S.Ridge tiles in the post :D  :D  :D  :D

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Checked out Abe books,didn't get Keith's book as I bought both anatomy of the ship victory and longridge's book for less than £34 delivered!!!!!! :D  :D  :D  :D Been after AOS book for ages but some secondhand examples have been up for three figures on Amazon!!I shall be returning there frequently ;)


Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Hi Folks,


I was just taking Ollies advice to go do something else whilst awaiting my Timber.. So I built the Serving Machine (I'll have some photos tomorrow hopefully, if it hasn't fallen apart in the meantime! :P ) I haven't tried it yet but the bits rotate the way they are supposed to anyhoo so we shall see!


Jim: Shipments from CMB can take a bit longer to reach me over here and the weather I'm sure hasn't helped, I won't panic until mid next week, than I'll get onto Sam (When I order a big parcel, with a Kit in it for example, it only takes 2 to 3 days, but this timber shipment would be coming via regular mail) Hope your own Ballahoo is moving along better than mine ^_^


Kester: Am looking forward to your photo updates on Sherbourne (don't forget to photograph the Servings) but it wasn't me chasing the photos of the Mast Head, but I do recall reading the request over on your build!


Jan: Welcome on board as they say, I was planning on starting my own little Sherbourne build shortly (around now in fact! or at least after 2nd planking on Ballahoo) but the delay and the fact that I'm having such fun with Ballahoo may mean I put it off for a bit longer, I shall have a think about it, originally I had planned on taking the lessons learned on Ballahoo immediately over to the other builds in case I forgot them but I think I'll be ok!


Dee_Dee:  Yup, I'm still blaming you for putting me onto Abebooks.. :P  :P  thanks for putting me onto them, a brilliant book shop!! How goes the Lobster Smack by the way?


Nigel: No worries re Abebooks, we can both blame Dee_Dee for that (Sorry Dee Dee ;) ) could spend a lot of money on there!  I picked up the Longridge book about 15 years ago when I was over in Falmouth (there was a fantastic Nautical Bookshop not far from the Harbour, it was an Aladdin's Cave and I had to be literally dragged out of the place) I understand that the Vikky he built isn't in the best of condition at present, heard that on here somewhere,  sad really as it is an amazing model!!


Lawrence: Thanks for dropping by again, as you probably gather I've still no Timber :( but I'm occupying myself by visiting all the other builds on here (oh and making Serving Machines of course) I see you are starting to put the 'sticks' on Vikky, and mighty fine it looks too!


All the Best Folks




Hope I didn't miss anyone! :mellow:


I'm off now to make up some 'tools' to help feed the string into the serving machine!

Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄

Posted (edited)



Worming, parceling and serving, were all part of protecting the rigging (more particularly the shrouds and stays) from the weather, and general wear and tear. The first two practices were applied with the lay of the rope, whilst the serving was done in the opposite direction, hence the old saying, 'worm and parcel with the lay, turn and serve the other way'. 


For model purposes, only the serving part is normally done – the shroud, etc, would be far to thick if the first two were done as well, and they are not necessary. The serving process is rather difficult to do properly by hand, so machines have been devised to do it more efficiently:




Alexey's machine, as I mentioned, is very good, and I have used it on my running backstays. I didn't have it before that point, so the shrouds are done in the old way – you can spot the difference! You can also use it for seizing blocks to rigging.

Edited by Stockholm tar



Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.




We aim to please. The things you talk about when waiting for wood – is there any sign of it yet?


I'd be interesting in seeing your machine. I trust it works well?



Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.

Posted (edited)

Hi Kester, your wish is my command.. ;)


Have just finished taking some photos.


The strings used are purely for demonstration purposes (in fact to make the serving clearer there are '3' layers!) I rigged up a thin piece of wire to help hook the line through the holes, and it works a treat.  With some clips I should be able to hold 'blocks' in place to whip the rope ends!

I had to use a tiny dab of CA glue to hold the serving 'rope' to the 'rope' being served (if you follow) else I found it just spins in place without wrapping itself around the standing part.


The whole shooting match cost about €10 (and that was for the Lego Cogs, and the Styrene Tubes (the small white bits) all the rest was lying about the house!)


Oh and that's just some tape holding the ends of the string in place, I'll probably notch the white tube ends later!


Bit of a Result I think.. :P




BTW I'm still a timber free zone! :(  :(  :( :(  





Edited by egkb

Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


Serving machine looks good mate B) Nice and straight forward,I don't think there is any need to overcomplicate things.I am thinking along very similar lines although I will make mine powered.This is simply because I have a highly geared 6v motor kicking about from my RC model building.Thinking about all the Technic lego I had as a kid and was given away sold,probably enough to build a planetary ropewalk as well :( .However,I do think unless you particularly like making rope,I think there is a lot to be said for just buying it from Chuck.By the way I have just returned from sorting office with my lime wood,sorry :mellow: .One thing with CMB,and the reason I favour Model dockyard,is that they will take your order without the stuff being in stock.Your timber could be delayed because they simply don't have it on the shelf.With M.dockyard you know the stock situation before you order,so if they haven't got it and you need it quickly,you can try elsewhere.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Hi Nigel, am glad to hear about your Lime Wood :angry: Honestly I am... :mellow:  Not a bit jealous over here or anything!


The Lego Gears I got from eBay had enough bits-n-bobs to make up a rope walk but as you say it is probably a lot easier to order it in (exactly what I'm doing in fact at the moment from Alex in Germany)


Regards the Timber shipment, I am guess in it may be a combination of late postage and weather restrictions that are holding things up, mind you with the cruddy weather we are having it wouldn't be too pleasant in my build room anyhoo, not to mention a bit too dark (I like building using natural light!) this is me being all pragmatic.. :huh:


Sail 'er Easy Mate.



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


I had thought CMB announces availability for each article -- there are many times when I have looked for something on their site and it says 'not currently available' or words to that effect. When I bought the Sherbourne, it was because their site said the Lady Nelson was out of stock, so I rang and asked if there would be anything similar that they had in stock. I was very pleased with their advice to buy the Sherbourne. It may be that with wood they don't advertise stock levels, though.




Hi Tony thanks for dropping by,  I'm usually ok delivery wise from Cornwall (I choose regular post, not via UPS so I really didn't expect to have the parcel delivery guy knocking on my door after a couple of days :P ) I've not had deliveries run this 'late' before from them though but then again the weather would have held it up considerably, if there is nothing by the middle of next week I will email Sam (replacements are most likely going to take a week or 2 on top of that again , which is a right pain to put it mildly) I don't want to start another Build as I've kinda gotten into a Ballahoo mind-set (thinking ahead to obstacles and how to avoid them etc) I also don't wish to start at the Garboard with the Walnut planking that came with the kit as I want full planks at the Bulwarks (and the Wales are laid off these too) I'll just have to be patient and try to get the impetus back when they eventually arrive!

Perhaps I'll make a start at shaping the Masts if nothing shows up by Wed next.


Take Care



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄

Posted (edited)

I would go for the masts Eamonn ;) At least you aren't stalking the postman  :D  :D

You are correct Tony for things like kits,the problem start when you order multiple items.For instance if Eamonn has ordered 20 lengths of planking and there are only 5 in stock,although showing as in stock they don't have the full amount.


Kind Regards Nigel


P.S.ordered a copy of Lavery's  construction and fitting of the sailing  man of war today,that site is addictive!!!!!!!!Gonna have to start attending book buyers anonymous meetings :D  :D  :D  :huh:

Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


I'm a life member of my local branch of BBA.. :mellow:


Posty Dude has a restraining order out against me too,  I don't know Arming & Construction! but I have Arming & Fitting on my shelves, seem to recall there was a title by that name some time ago though.. is it worth a look?



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


Hi Eamonn,check other thread on 'hotlist'now,Antonyuk started this one off :D  :D  :D I got the only copy abe books had but Amazon have a rapidly decreasing supply :D listed around the 30 Quid mark.You can have a new copy if you have the best part of £300!!!I nearly book the book new when it was released :rolleyes: Think there is a moral in there somewhere.


Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Wow £300, and yet you can pick up a reasonable copy of virtually any Chapelle for a few quid (ok some get a bit more expensive but not exactly £300 ;) )

I probably still have a Chatham Publishing catalogue with Arming & Construction in it..



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄

Posted (edited)



BBA? I know it well, although I haven't bought anything for a while. I must rectify that! :) Sorry for the mention of Amazon, by the way. I do buy things from them, but usually through their marketplace. I would never pay those ridiculous prices – and am surprised they don't have a second mortgage scheme!


I like your serving machine, it looks just the job. I know what you mean about fixing the line with a spot of glue. I didn't do that for the first trial, and wondered why it was just going round and round – and no neat serving was appearing. :huh: Alexey actually suggests threading the end of the serving/seizing line through the shroud or whatever with a needle. This does the trick, but it's quite difficult to do with the smaller dimension line, and I still also put on a dab of glue to be sure. 


I'm doing running backstays now, but they're proving to be a bit tricky, causing me a few headaches – and the emission of not a few bad words!  :angry:  I'll write more about that in my log (not the latter obviously).


Sorry to hear you haven't received your wood yet, but you are probably right that it's due to the weather. However, going by the amount of filler you ordered, I expect the captain of your timber ship has had instructions to remain in port. :P

Edited by Stockholm tar



Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.


Hi Again Kester,


I too am a big Amazon buyer (for more much mundane 'new releases' books of course) I find I have to fund my book shopping by 'Knocking Off' the odd Bank in my spare time! BBA have told me that that is just enabling my problem though, and to stop immediately.. ;)


Am looking forward to giving the old Serving Machine a lash, but given the lack of 'Stuff that Trees are Made of' it may be some time away yet! (admittedly some choice words may be spoken by me at that time too, being as how I'm an Ex Sailor & Irish those words may extent to.. dare I say it.. 'Colourful' :mellow: )


Hopefully in a few days I can look back at the Great Timber Shortage of 2014, with a happy tear in my eye and say.. 'Ah Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday' as I take another sip of sherry!!


All The Best



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


Hi Eamonn

If you are in need of Scandinavian softwood,buy it now!!!due to my extensive purchases for Trinnidad's hull this too is in short supply along with your planking ;)


Kind regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Nigel I think we both must have the market in Model Boat Supplies sown up, me with Glue & Filler, and you with 'exotic' Timber's ! well maybe not sooooo exotic, but to a body with not even enough to start a really really small fire it is all pretty exotic :huh:  


All The Best



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


NEWSFLASH....Woo Hoo part 1 of my timber order arrived this morning, that's the good news... the bad news it that the order doesn't have the stuff for Ballahoo's bulwarks.  :huh:



Can't win :(




Let's see wot tomorrow brings..

Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄




Your ship made port then – pity it was only half loaded!


Seriously though, I imagine you'll at least be able to get started. As you say, perhaps the rest will come tomorrow.



Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.


Sorry to hear that Eamonn

I can believe after all that time it was only a part order you received.Makes you wonder whether someone down at CMB is following this thread and thought'we better send something'.I know I would if it was my business,what better way to get free customer feedback ;) Assuming you were thinking of working top down,this really doesn't help :(

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Hi guys, well at least something arrived and it gives me hope for the rest of the consignment, I wouldn't have been able to do anything until Tomorrow at best anyhoo (that's why I was prepared to give till mid week before contacting Cornwall)

It turns out they may have shipped my 2 orders (placed at virtually the same time) separately (I had asked them to combine shipping costs, but I guess dispatch just went ahead and sent them) 


The order that arrived contained various sized Beech timber, and if the worst comes to the worst I'll be able to work with them (after a little bit of sanding that is)


Thanks for checking in,


Am off out shortly for the evening so won't be back in touch until tomorrow morning.


Take Care



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


At Long Last I have Good News to Report...


Yup! you guessed it, my timber arrived this morning and I have the first row of planking in place on the bulwark (just the Starboard side mind you)

I have cut the timber for each row (strake) up into the scale equivalent of approx.18 foot planks.


I should be able to get a few more strakes done on both sides tomorrow.


Thanks for checking in folks, and for keeping an eye on me during the Great Timber Drought of '14.. :P


Incidentally I think Nigel was right when he said that CMB don't always have product in stock when they take an order, even though sometimes they have 'Temporarily out of Stock' marked on some items... as a quick check on the invoice dates show that my shipments are only traveling just over 9 days! (as opposed to the 3 weeks as of tomorrow, since my order was placed)


Will have All New Shinny Photos Soon...


Take Care.



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


That's some great news buddy!I just made back from the shop it in time for your 5 o'clock bulletin ;) I have just received confirmation from Ancre that my payment has been confirmed,so Mr Frolich's book on it's way in the next 24 hours.Looks like it is my turn to stalk the postman :D  :D  :D Longridge at sorting office to collect tomorrow and Lavery's book in the post somewhere :huh: I won't have any building time :D  :D  :D


Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline




Good to hear that, and the fact you're back in the shipyard. Look forward to the photos.


Btw you guys, I've just purchased some blocks... so there! :P



Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.


Postman and CMB are off my 'Hit List' twas a close thing though.. ^_^  (they were in for such a severe frowning upon :angry: :D

There mustn't be a nautical book available in the whole of Europe as Nigel owns them all now.. :P


What blocks did you pick up Kester, 'tisn't something I've looked at with a critical eye yet! are the kit ones not up to scratch or is it that there aren't enough of them?



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄


Be careful Kester :D Are you in receipt of said blocks?or are they in what we now know to be the black hole,the mail order ether :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D If you are considering block replacement Eamonn,I would give serious consideration to Chuck's blocks.Personally I think these are superior to any thing else on the market.Caldercraft blocks are better than many,so to improve on them,that would be the route I would take.You could also get some of Chuck's rope while you were at it ;) Even if you just replaced the larger rope,the improvement would be well worthwhile,easier than making a planetary ropewalk out of lego :D

BTW expect a branch of NMBrook's nautical library appearing in a European town near you soon :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D


Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

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