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HMS Victory by Paul0367 - Constructo - Scale 1:94 - First wooden ship build

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Cheers guys

I have moved upfront to the bow decoration, this is a crucial part as it is quite a focal point of the whole ship and has to be spot on. Lots of paper templates to get the shape and then back to bending wood that's constantly battling to stay straight.



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Should I, shouldn't I, well I should / have to,, tearing away at previous work seams to be common place for me at the moment. Looking at pictures of her in Portsmouth its clear the upper side windows ain't little boxes floating between the trims, there far larger and mine need to be a little closer to her. That said strip a strip down/chop and rebuild is requiredrequired but the way its going they will all be ripped out




Edited by Paul0367
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I have put the rebuild of the rear windows on hold whilst I continue with the bow section, really I actually thought this would be an easy stage but should know better, unlike some kits the pillars have to be made from stock and the wire is tough to bend so small and getting them all even is a nightmare. The kit shows the curved galleries level wih the deck but the real ship has them over the the edge of the deck, this is what I have done and will worry about the implications of doing this later in the build ( The last two picture are an attempt to shows this ).






Edited by Paul0367
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Ha Ha, my brother said the same thing after seeing these images first then the ship. The bow section is quite tricky ( whilst were talking small), its a focal point of the vessel and has a lot of repetitive parts which all have to be identical width / hight. Wait until you bend the brass colour wire, oh you will love it, not

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I have been busy this weekend throwing a lot of hours in. The two posts either side ( Riding bits ) had to be removed and re-made, anyone building this kit, please save time and wood doing a dry fit first, the instructions just tell you to make them 20 mm long with a taper at the top and bottom, ok ! how deep should the top taper actually be, well that would be a little to much info to give us. My first attempt was to deep and ended up below the rail I fitted later ( tried to fit) If your wood diameter is the same as the instructions a 4mm drop on the taper will see you good. Ok thats sorted upwards and onwards.

No sorry, another error.

I have come to the conclusion our Spanish designers of this kit did'nt bother to buy a plane ticket and study the real ship in Portsmouth. Why!

Look at the curved sections of the bow handrail where the canons are to protrude, the real ship has them more central / inside the gap between the quater galleries, Contructo has them part over the galleries, I have matched the real ship but to do this the rails needed to be 22mm long (outside the curves) funny thing is the kit says there 22mm long. Have Constucto not followed there own plans, plans are 16.3mm,,,, mmmmm maybe.


I have put pictures on which I hope clears up what im trying to point out.... ok I, like many are not building a museum piece but come on lets get some basics correct , oh look at the real ship in the snap shot and its got a post near the riding bits which the kit seams to have forgot to fit or even ilustrate...





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between the heads and the doors there also two gunports

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Looking at your image of the kit, Yours has 8 pillars between the quarter galleries my kit only has 6. Oh nooooo it gets worse.

I will scratch build the missing hatches, thankyou for the picture Kevin.


I should have bought the beautiful Caldercraft version but as a newbie I had no idea I could even build a ship and its a lot of cash to cut my teeth with.....

future for sure

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paull although the Caldercraft is correct the picture is from the new amarti kit that has not been released yet

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no the kit is designed by Chris watton -a member on MSW

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I have took a little time out to reflect on whats been done and the time taken to get this far, I started on 01/04/14 that's right April fools.
My build log states I have so far put in 351 1/4 Hours into her and a long way yet to go. Plus a few pictures of where i'm at todate










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  • 2 weeks later...

I have avoided this part of the build until now but despite this the instructions really need to have this step addressed much sooner in the build, possibly before planks are fitted on this deck, like the main and poop decks (just plank around the the hole). Problem I knew was coming, is splitting the deck due to a drill going in at an angle, even small drill bits never prevented my deck tearing up as you can see. 10mm final hole, I ended up making the bow spits first section to acheive the correct angle, not to mention repair the torn decks, this is a scary part of the build being in such a visual place on the ship. The picture shown is not the full damage, I had replaced the rear curved sections and started on the front prior to stopping to grab the picture. If your building this kit drill before you lay the deck.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been busy on the bow decoration and now my ship looks like she wears the Victory's face. I have a nice pile of scale bonfire wood to show for the difficulty though, bending the 2mm x 2mm Ayous is frustrating beyond belief. Soak this wood and it becomes fibrous and stringy, not wet enough it will snap, not wet at all and yes it snaps but also burns on the soldering iron used to bend. For those painting the ship the burns are not an issue but for me, big problem.








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I'm a late-comer to your build, Paul.

(I'll 'fess up and admit that my interest was piqued as this is the same kit I built as my introduction to wooden ship-modelling.)


Allow me to say that you are doing a far superior job to what I did.

Your work is just brilliant !!

Edited by CaptainSteve

Current Build:  HM Granado Bomb Vessel (Caldercraft)

My BathTub:    Queen Anne Barge (Syren Ship Models)       Log:  Queen Anne Barge (an build log)

                        Bounty Launch (Model Shipways)                 Log:  Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve
                        Apostol Felipe (OcCre)
                        HMS Victory (Constructo)
Check It Out:   The Kit-Basher's Guide to The Galaxy

Website:          The Life & Boats of CaptainSteve

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