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Ships Boats Update

Mid Deck Mounting


The AoTS indicated 3 boat chocks each for the 2 lower boats to be strapped down onto. Each consists of laminating 0.6mm ply either side of balsa.



Chocks painted and in place for boats.


2 largest boats just fit in between the Gallow Frames.



Reserve Spares


I had enough dowel to make 7 Spare Spars:

- Fore Top Mast

- Main Top Mast

- Mizzen Top Mast

- 2 x Fore Top Gallant Mast

- 2 x Main Top Gallant Mast


The reserve spars arranged(trial fit) on the gallows top beams.



Next > onto the tie down lashings.


Dave R


Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Ships Cannons Update

Mid Deck Mounting


The boys in the shipyard retrieved the 6 cannons out of storage(made in April 2016) and fitted them in place on the mid deck(as per AoTS).

With the Longboat and Pinnace in the middle, the deck is getting crowded.



Down the middle - from the Bow.

Did my best to spool the rope ends on the deck.


Starboard Side.


Post side.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Next Steps.

Before I get too far along adding items to the deck, I will double check I have accounted for all the Standing and Running deck eye bolts.

Will add blocks to the eye-bolts now, so later all going well, run the ropes, sheets through.


Well that is the plan, as I note with thanks to the many who have rigged the Endeavour "commented in the build logs", have with somewhat difficulty, "add eye-bolts and blocks" along the way.



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768




As usual, impeccable work. It's so nice to look at your photos. They are grand.




That looks great Dave.  Your photos reinforce why I did not go for the AOTS boat stowage as there would not have been enough room at the back of the gun for recoil yet alone working the guns.  My preference was stacking on the gallows.  You have done an excellent job on the finish though, they look great in situ.





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)

20 hours ago, BANYAN said:

That looks great Dave.  Your photos reinforce why I did not go for the AOTS boat stowage as there would not have been enough room at the back of the gun for recoil yet alone working the guns.  My preference was stacking on the gallows.  You have done an excellent job on the finish though, they look great in situ.





I don't know how it all could of worked out on board.

At sea on long legs, maybe the cannons were moved down into the hull, more weight lower for ballast ?

Then bring em' up when closer to land.


All I can say it must of been overall, very crowded on board the ship.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Running Sheets

Extra Blocks on the Decks /Mounting


Following on from my post #593

I added in more sheet blocks and eye-bolts to the decks.

Left them "loose" for now, glue in later if I need to take out to thread or attach ropes.


Fore Deck: 2 x 4mm singles, 2 x eye-bolts



Mid Deck: 2 x 4mm & 1 x 3mm single


Rear Deck: 3 x 3mm single, 2 x eye-bolts


PS I now have a multitude of eye-bolts, some with blocks, and even some extra holes I drilled about the Mizzen mast, just in case I have missed some fixing points.

How many, dozens of them.


Adding Blocks to Eye-Bolts 

Thought I share my process to make the block/eye-bolt work.


This is a 4mm single block, ring and eye-bolt.

Held either end which allows me to use both hands to thread ropes around and tie off.

Dab a drop of CA fast drying glue about the thread, which soaks in to seal the thread and holds it all together pretty much solid.


After the CA glue dries, trim the excess threads off.

Ready to mount on the decks.


I didn't add a ring to the 3mm blocks, direct to the eye-bolt, very small and without the ring they stand up. 


Onward and upwards.....


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


10 hours ago, DaveRow said:

I don't know how it all could of worked out on board.

At sea on long legs, maybe the cannons were moved down into the hull, more weight lower for ballast ?

Then bring em' up when closer to land.


All I can say it must of been overall, very crowded on board the ship.


Dave R


G'Day Dave 

In my research about the Endeavour years ago, I read somewhere that they moved the cannons from one deck to another to even out the weight in heavy weather. But I don't recall that they moved them down below decks. 

That's all I can remember. Sorry about that! 




"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



Very crowded indeed. The guns on deck (small bore so not technically cannons) were rigged fore and aft at sea. We did the same on the replica when sailing back from the U.K. To Australia. We even had goats, sheep and chickens on board. Love a good goat curry! Haha Also we did the same on the Duyfken replica. Guns rigged fore and aft for sea stowage and re rigged for 'action' when coming into harbour. 

Anton T


Current build

1/78 Sovereign of the Seas - Sergal - kit bashed

1/72 Arleigh Burke class DDG flight iia/iii - Sratch built RC - no log


Waiting for further inspiration

STS Leeuwin II 1/56 scratch built (90% completed)


Previous builds - completed

1/72 HMAS Brisbane, Airwarfare Destroyer 2014 -Scratch built RC - completed

1/64 HMS Diana 1796 - caldercraft kit - completed

1/75 Friesland 1668- mamoli kit - completed

1/96 HMAS Newcastle FFG 2011- scratch built RC - completed

1/75 Vasa - Billing Boats - completed


4 ships Boats Lashed down


What does one do when stuck inside during the tropical cyclone "Debbie" makes its way past.

Lashed all the reserve spars onto the gallows and 2 smaller boats on top .





A little rest to work out what to do next.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Looking superb, nice and crowded and a feast for the eyes!

Anton T


Current build

1/78 Sovereign of the Seas - Sergal - kit bashed

1/72 Arleigh Burke class DDG flight iia/iii - Sratch built RC - no log


Waiting for further inspiration

STS Leeuwin II 1/56 scratch built (90% completed)


Previous builds - completed

1/72 HMAS Brisbane, Airwarfare Destroyer 2014 -Scratch built RC - completed

1/64 HMS Diana 1796 - caldercraft kit - completed

1/75 Friesland 1668- mamoli kit - completed

1/96 HMAS Newcastle FFG 2011- scratch built RC - completed

1/75 Vasa - Billing Boats - completed


G'day Dave 

Looking good mate.

I hoped that you and your family have no damage in the Debbie's wake. It was quite a storm and we are feeling the side effects down here in Sydney. 



"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...




Just keeps getting better and better. How do you get your fingers in as crowded as the deck is? I must have a case of "fat fingers."




Thanks Anton, Greg, Michael and Pat for looking in.

2 pair of long nose tweezers makes the fat fingers work "thinner" to tie knots. 

Glad this is area is done and out of the way.


That Tropical Cyclone "Debbie" came down from up north, lucky at home here we just got some medium rain then a wack of wind at the end. Not much damage at my place, however around us may trees down, some on houses. Dodged the bullet.


Researching the shrouds to the lower masts at the moment.

Been looking at the previous Endeavour build logs, the AoTS and Steel's to work out the rope, block, seizing sizes and all the other intricacies. 



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


1 hour ago, BANYAN said:

I had a discussion on shrouds in my log which may be of some help to you Dave.





Yes have read it a few times. Send pm re this.

Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Hi Dave 

I also did a lot of research before I did my lower shrouds, and concluded that putting rat lines only every sixth between the aft two shrouds was most likely correct. I personally think the AOTS shroud/deadeye arrangement is wrong, it's allowing for two back stays on each side because Cook mentioned in his log on one occasion that both back stays broke, I think Cook meant one on each side not both on one side.



Current Build: HMB Endeavour 1:51 (Eaglemoss part work)

Previous Builds: USS Constitution (Revell plastic) HMS Victory 1:96 (Corel) HMB Endeavour 1:60 (AL)


If you're referring to the Mizzen, yep one backstay either side as we had on the replica.

Anton T


Current build

1/78 Sovereign of the Seas - Sergal - kit bashed

1/72 Arleigh Burke class DDG flight iia/iii - Sratch built RC - no log


Waiting for further inspiration

STS Leeuwin II 1/56 scratch built (90% completed)


Previous builds - completed

1/72 HMAS Brisbane, Airwarfare Destroyer 2014 -Scratch built RC - completed

1/64 HMS Diana 1796 - caldercraft kit - completed

1/75 Friesland 1668- mamoli kit - completed

1/96 HMAS Newcastle FFG 2011- scratch built RC - completed

1/75 Vasa - Billing Boats - completed


Hi All,

Thanks Anton, Steve & Pat for providing background to the Shroud configurations.

After checking on several sources, I must admit I followed the AoTS, early in the build.

So this is why my Endeavour has on:

Fore Mast:     6 large dead-eyes for shrouds, 2 smaller dead-eyes for backstay's on the channel, 1 top-gallant backstay on the hull

Main Mast:     (same as above)

Mizzen Mast:  4 small dead-eyes for shrouds, 1 mizzen backstay on the hull


I would lean to agree the Main & Fore(based on the Deptford draft), these masts probably had 7 shrouds, the rear shroud being a swifter. With single backstay's to the top-mast and top-gallant.

However, as much as I would like to correct my channel/dead-eye configuration, a big change now, which I am not prepared to undertake.


So an update to where the shipyard is at.

Placed all the masts into position to see how they look.


The ForeMast Pendant Tackle - temp. held down for the shrouds to go over.



Shrouds from "Chuck's rope" 0.89mm shroud with 0.2mm serving. 1 of 2 sets made so far.


Main Trestle-Tree with MastTackle & Shrouds


I've tagged each shroud, each will be a different length to the dead-eye.

Plan is to:

- tie a length of seizing to the shroud, at top position of the dead-eye

- take all the shrouds off the mast then

- finish the seizing to the dead-eyes on my rope making jig, where I can clamp and have many hands at work.


This is going to take some time..... 3 masts, 32 shrouds, 96 seizings to the shroud dead-eyes.

How long can that take. ??


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



G'day  Dave 

Love the photo of the whole ship showing all the masks.

I put a straight edge for the stays and they are perfectly straight. Bloody well done. I'm also glad you took the advice regarding the true height of the mizzen mask from the report that I sent you.

To me it looks heaps better than the replica in Sydney. 

Good luck and I doubt that you need it, on the rest of the rigging. 

Are you going to show the sails- full sail of folded up as at on the docks?

Havagoodone mate


"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...


6 hours ago, Greg the peg leg sailor said:

G'day  Dave 

Love the photo of the whole ship showing all the masks.

I put a straight edge for the stays and they are perfectly straight. Bloody well done. I'm also glad you took the advice regarding the true height of the mizzen mask from the report that I sent you.

To me it looks heaps better than the replica in Sydney. 

Good luck and I doubt that you need it, on the rest of the rigging. 

Are you going to show the sails- full sail of folded up as at on the docks?

Havagoodone mate


The longer Bowsprit(50mm) makes the difference, and the taller Mizzen all looks right. 

The sails is a interesting point.

Not under full- sail, however I was considering having the sails furled on the spars, at anchor.


Just another level of detail and work to undertake.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


8 hours ago, BANYAN said:

Not long Dave ;):)





Still chasing the end of the piece of string though.


Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Shipyard Update

Making things.

Shroud Dead Eyes(Turned in Dead Eye):

This is the process I use in tying off the shrouds around the Dead Eyes.

Here I have already got ahead for the pictures, the shroud is already been whipped 4 times around the dead eye(throat seizing) and a dab of CA glue applied and whipped before drying to leave the seizing looking like thread/rope. Trick is I found was to remove the assembly before drying and squeeze the shrouds together before the CA completely dries, so the ropes were close together. The earlier shrouds ended up a bit wide at the throat. 

I then hold the dead eye in the clamp and whip the mid seizing 5 times.


Each seizing is started with a loop from the green clamp, around a hook and then back to the seizing point, where I hold the twine with tweezers and start to wrap around.

After the turns the twine is fed through the loop and pulled under the wrapped twine(to hide the join under the seizing).

This picture shows just before "pulling" the twine under the wrapped twine.


Dab of CA glue applied(wiped off before drying) around the twin/seizing to hold in place.

Trim to 2 ends and finished.

Well maybe not > I think I was too smart for myself as I now find in looking at the replica pictures the seizing was wrapped around between the shrouds. Oops. 



Stay Mouse's(or is it Mice's):

Used the Lathe to turn up some Mouse's for the Mast Stays. Drilled a hole(for rope size) in dowel and then turned down to size(a guess really)


Made a few for the Mast Stays and the Preventor's. Not sure how they will work out ?




Large Hearts

I made some custom Hearts for the Stays(from Pear Wood), for the Fore Stay and Preventor to the Bowsprit.

Aim is to match the other custom half hearts on the Bowsprit which allow the Jib-boom to retract through these ones.

Made a pair for the Main Stay, but ended up too big.


Grooved and stained. Two types, narrow & wider tops.



Main Stay

Started the Main Stay between taking a break from the Dead Eyes on the ends of the Shrouds.

Mouse on the stay ready for next stage. (yes it is wrong way about)


Eye at the top end to loop over the stay. 


The Heart loosely about the Bowsprit for now. I didn't use the ones I had made, bit too big(wide)

I think it was Steve said "bugger to tie off",  it will be.



Main and Fore - Starboard Shrouds ready for Laniards



Used a tan rope for the Laniard, bit of contrast to the black shrouds. In the voting stage as to keep it tan or go black. Open to suggestions.!


Well, lots going on, more to go.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


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