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Off to a great start with this one... Looking good. 

Current/But Not immediate Build Logs


I am still gathering the tools I need but starting preliminary work. Nothing to show just yet.


Fair American

Armed Virginia Sloop.


Hello Jim,

I appreciate your visit and especially your compliment.  Please stay in touch to see if I ever make any progress.  Merry christmas..



Posted (edited)

Trust you've had a very festive day. Look forward to your next progress update. I managed 20 minutes today as I wanted to fit the completed flag locker assemblies to the poop deck and micro glazed the skylight assembly windows

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Well, Glenn...Looks like you had a very productive 20 minutes.  I decided to goof off today and just take it easy and play some on-line poker.  I keep looking at the Half Moon hull and thinking I really should do some work but I'm a bit too lazy.  Hope you had a nice Christmas and I look forward to your further progress.  Don't forget to roll some flags and put them in the locker..




Good morning, Lawrence.

Yes, it was very enjoyable speaknig with you yesterday; what nice technology Skype is (and it's free!)  Thank you for your information on bending the planks.  If you go back to the preceeding page of this log you will see that Chris suggested the same method and posted a couple of pictures showing the process.  I've been able to bend the planks by soaking them and kneeding them by hand.  I used the same method on Victory.  Right now I'm slowly proceeding with the first planking of the hull and am trying to figure out if the stern is single or double planked.  I haven't found any reference to a second planking of the stern in the directions.  But, I'm going to slowly read the manual again.  I sent a PM to J to ask him about this.  Have a great New years and as always, my best to you.



Greetings Jerry

Hope all is well. Talking about the second planking at the stern not being mentioned, do you get any reference to reducing the width of the keel to match the width of the rudder??? I think you know what I mean. If you are double planking and using say 1mm strip, the width of the keel becomes 4mm wider than the keel width once the planking is completed. What width is the rudder ?? As you well know the rudder will be the same width as the keel, so work of some sort must be done. I think there is a bit of a chance you will know what I mean. Merry Xmas. DAVID

Posted (edited)

Hello David..

Good to hear from you.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too.  Yes, thank you for the heads up on the thickness of the keel.  The strip planking stops about 1/2 inch from the edge of the keel (see picture)  and the instructions also call for this planking to be sanded (tapered) down to "until they almost disappear."  I am aware of the keel matching the rudder but I appreciate your calling it out.  In other words, there is no planking at the edge of the keel where he rudder attaches.  I am close to finishing the first planking on the starboard side of the hull and will probably have ethe all of the first planking done tomorrow.  Take care amigo,



Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone...

The starboard side of the hul has been strip planked with the first layer.  You'll note that the finish is very rough and will require some decent filler and sanding.  I had the same type of finish with HMS Victory but Half of the hull is hidden with copper plating.  If the second layer of planking doesn't materialize the way I hope it will then I will paint the hull white and not stain it as I hope to do.  Tomorrow is New Year's Eve so I guess I won't get too much more done but if time exists I will attempt to finish the first planking of the entire hull.  Best,







Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Nice work. Have a great new year celebration. I've had to stop work as I need a replacement part from Jotika as the part provided in the kit was damaged (not by me, it's a manufacturing defect). I would like to press on with the stern but I need to order some additional paint and other materials from CMB.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn.. And a very Happy New Year to you too.  Many thanks for your visit and compliment.  I hope you receive the part you need soon in order to not lose the excellent mometum you created in working on your Victory.  At least the new part doesn't havee to cross the pond to get to you so I imagine it won't take very long.  I messed up twice during my stint with Victory and had to wait a couple of weeks for replacement parts from Cornwall.  I'm progressing with Half Moon and thanks to JCT I now know for sure that the transom is only panked once;  so I can proceed.  Best with your build,


Posted (edited)

Hello Evertbody... Happy New Year to all....I managed to get a little more work in the drydock today waiting for the new year to roll in.  I must say after completing the first planking, and while in the raw before filling and sanding, my little Half Moon looks like a plucked chicken.  But I've seen this look before and I know what it can turn into so it looks like 2015 will bring forth another ship model to display in the house.  Take care everyone and don't drink and drive.






Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone...The drydock guys decided not to waste any time in the New year so they went to work and have now filled and sanded the hull making it ready for the second planking.  But first the stern needs to be planked so pictures of that will follow another time.  I hope eevryone is sober now and that a great New Year was had by all.  Here are some addional pictures.




P.S.  The hole in the bow is gone now.....





Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Greetings Jerry

Well there we go , that's the first planking done, and after a good sanding, a nice second planking still leaves you the option of a wood finish. Anyway enjoy your take your time second planking. DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid

Happy New Year David and welcome...

Good to hear from you. I hope you had a jolly time of it and were able to fully enjoy the holidays.

I like the way progress is going with this little one.  I'm really enjoying carrying the hull around and the ability to take it outdoors when sanding it.  Tomorrow is my club meeting and we usually bring the project we're working on to show and discuss with all the others.  Victory was too big and cumbersome so after planking it, I never took it out of my house.  I'm planking the stern now and it only gets one layer of planking.  It looks really nice, if I say so myself, because of the different woods that run up and down the transom.  Stay well ole buddy and I'll see you soon,




Hello Brian.

Thank you so much for visiting my log.  Coincidentally I also got my kit on an Ebay auction also about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  Now you're in the position I'm usually in when I order thingss from Cornwall Model Ships.  It usually takes about 10 days fro me to receive something in the mail from the UK; except, when I bought my HMS Victory from Cornwall they shipped it express and I received it in 3 days.  Honestly!!.  

The kit supplies 0.6x4mm strips for all deck planking.  I have plenty of planking left over from Victory if I need it but I tend to follow the kit almost faifthfully.  I say almost because occasionally I'll bash a bit if I don't agree with the kit instructions.  Now, about the scale.  If the planking I'm using is 4mm wide and the scale is 50:1, then I get the width of the full scale to be 200mm.  That equals 7.8 inches.   200mm / 25.4 = 7.87 inches.  So it loooks like the decking is about real scale.  Thanks again for contacting me and I hope you have a terrific New Year.




Keep up the good work, I'm really impressed with the progress your have made.


When searching in the cupboard earlier today above the HMS Victory workbench a heavy metal object fell out and landed on the quarterdeck smashing the companionway assembly. After much swearing I examined the damage and was able to effect a repair. Work slowing down at moment as urgently needed supplies are currently out of stock from CMB and Caldercraft are on an Xmas shutdown.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Hello Glenn.  

I know exactly how you must feel.  Also I'll bet David knows too.  My Victory actually fell off its table once and the bow was smashed in several places.  Like you, I had a long cry and then went about seeing what I could do.  I had to rebuild several of the bows and many lines and their blocks and after a few hours or so, the ship was as good as before.  And of course, you heard about breaking the pointy thing (bowsprit).  Probably broke that a half dozen times too.  And there was the tip of the main mast.  But all's well that ends well as you know.  And it will be the same with you.  Thanks for your nice comment, I sincerely appreciate that.  Hope you get your parts soon so you can be back in business.


I'm posting a couple more pictures....I just finished planking the stern and here they are.



Edited by Jerry

Good moring J, and thanks.  It's time to think about the 2nd planking.  Take care,



Hello Lawrence..

Nice to see you and thank you for your compliment.  Looks like the world will get back to normal tomorrow with all traces of the holiday season evaporating.  I'll be trying to figure out how to second plank the hull without pin holes, glue smears and ugly spaces.  Talk to you soon.



Posted (edited)

Good morning everyone..  

I imagine that it will be a little while before I post again since I intend to begin the second planking.  I think this will definitely be a more deliberate process as I will try my best to make a very clean surface in order to finish the hull with stain and varnish.  I have a lot of 1x5 mm walnut planking left from my Victory build so I may do the entire hull with walnut and not use the tanganika for the lower hull as suggested and supplied by the kit.  The kit calls for 1x4mm so 1x5mm may be too wide for this scale.  Also, the contrast between tanganika and walnut may look nicer.  What do you think?  Best,





Edited by Jerry

Good evening( your time) Brian..


Many thanks for your drop in and for your nice words; believe me I plan to go very slowly with the 2nd planking as mentioned.  I hope to get a good surface with no holes or other marks so I can stain and varnish the hull.  However, if not, I'll paint the hull below the waterline white and play around with some jazzy colors for the rest of the bugger.


Take care,



Greetings Jerry

It looks really good. Looks like a cracking surface for the second planking, and as Brian says take your time. OK head down and away you go, a week should do it. Keep all the walnut sawdust for any filler you may need , not that I expect any to be needed. Just enjoy it . DAVID


Hello David..

I already began to collect walnut sawdust.  I have a formula for turning it into wood filler.  really, no kidding.  I take some airplane dope and mix it with finely grounded walnut sawdust and use a paint brush to coat a surface.  This dries to a very nice sandable surface which when sanded finely becomes a very useful walnut colored filler.  Try it sometime.  You need to pick up some model airplane dope at a hobby shop.  I grind the walnut in an electric pencil sharpener and thats how I get my ingrediants.  It's very important to make the right mix.  Too much dope and you end up with gunk; too much walnut sawdust and you end up with a scaly coat.  Trial and error is very important but I know you can do it, David.  But a word of caution...be careful not to inhale too much dope or you'll end up painting your walls and ceiling.  Enjoy your evening in frigid northern England...LOL



Good morning Lawrence.... and many thanks for your visit to my log.  Yes, the little guy is beginning to take shape and I am really enjoying this build.  it's a lot of fun to be able to pick the model up easily and place it on your work top at any angle to work on it.  I have begun the second planking and am doing my best to   keep it as neat as possible so I can possibly stain and varnish it when the time comes.  I have already used the map pins in the way you mentioned but I find that using CA cement helps a lot when first applying the wood strip.  My concern now is what pattern of stripping do I want to use as there will be no copper plates or paint covering up the wood.  The tanganika 1mm thick strips seem to be very plyable after soaking them in water for a while so I plan to work my way down from just below the gunports to the keel and see what happens.  Ihope to see you on Skype later and will show you my progress then.  Have a great day and my best to Bernie.


Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone.  

Just a short progress report....I have begun the second planking and find it very interesting.  So far by tapering the strips at the bow I've been able to run a plank from stem to stern.  I don't know if I'll be able to keep doing that as even the wet strips seem like they're very stressed and i'm concerned with their breaking.  I added a couiple of walnut strips to the hull to give it a little design; this is not called for in  the kit.  I also thought I might run out of Tanganika strips so this allowed me to save 4 strips.  

Anyway, I visited Lawrence, Canoe21 on Skype this afternoon and managed to capture his smiling image while snapping one of my attached photos.  More to come in a day or two,  Happy evening everyone,






Edited by Jerry

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