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About Mick_S

  • Birthday 09/01/1957

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  • Location
    West Sussex
  • Interests
    Making Models
    Classic Cars

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  1. Thanks. No build log yet, not felt brave enough or made progress that regularly. Started a few years ago and it sat on a shelf when the planking got a bit tricky..😂. I have spent a bit more time recently and finished the planking and then moved on to some other bits. I think we are pretty much at the same stage now.... If I worked out how to post them there are a couple of pics below. Will be following your progress with interest. Great lithographs by the way....👍 Mick.
  2. I really don’t think you should be embarrassed at all as you are doing a great job and the bulkheads will look fine once installed. I am part way through the Granado and will be doing mine the same as yours. It’s a great kit and if you take your time and think it through you’ll end up with an excellent model.
  3. Hi Sam, good build log, I sure it will be invaluable one day when I get round to starting mine. You are doing a fine job.....👍👍
  4. Hi, just found your build log and would like to say what an amazing job you are doing on the build. I have the same kit to make in the future and was disappointed to hear a lot of negative comments about it from others but the work you are doing shows it can be built into a really great model. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your update. Best Wishes, Mick
  5. Thank you Sjors. It’s good to be back and I have started my Caldercraft Granado again and I also have a very old Mantua Endeavour model.....I will try and make something of that as well. i also caught up on your other build....the Nuestra Senora....but it looks like that one is causing you some problems...? I hope you can succeed with it. i look forward to your updates. Best Wishes. Mick
  6. Hi Sjors, I haven’t been on the forum for a while but I remember following your Agamemnon build and it was excellent. Looking forward to seeing you put this one together. Mick
  7. Thanks for sharing the method of second planking Glenn, will give it a try on my ship as I am just about to start. Have done the wale with a few planks and CA glue but I am not too happy as there's not a lot of movement time and I do like to get a really close fit between the planks. Keep up the good work. Regards Mick
  8. I would agree with Richard, several light cuts do the job. Hold a steel rule firmly on the work and lightly score the first cut while pressing the blade firmly against the steel rule. Once that score is made the later cuts tend to follow but if you find you have wandered off the line you can press back against the rule to take off the remaining piece. The other methods do work as well, i.e a small plane; a razor saw (depending on length of cut) or cutting away from the line and sanding down. Good luck....lots of practice will find you a way that you are comfortable with. Regards, Mick
  9. One down , one to go....hope the second rail goes on smoothly for you. Mick
  10. Good luck with the sheer rail Craig, must admit it's not a part I'm looking forward to; I'm sure I have read it's a tricky bit to do. Mick
  11. I agree, made up a couple of mine as per instructions but prefer the look of yours...!! Cheers Mick
  12. Hi Craig, a question if i may; noticed your cannon's have been painted the same red as the ship....is that personal preference or a result of your research...? Regards, Mick
  13. I should start a log Craig, haven't done one before as it's my first build and I guess wasn't sure if anyone would be too interested given the quality of others in the forum. Will try and get something together.....
  14. I shall be watching you both closely to see what the solution is, I am a while away from that bit but will get there one day..!! I think maybe your option of re-shaping the knees might be worth consideration, the AOTS plan shows them sweeping forwards rather than dropping straight down...?? Good luck..... Mick
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