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Don Quixote

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Posts posted by Don Quixote

  1. 1ST, I use Elmer's Carpenter's Woodfiller. BIG HINT! Reach to the back of the rows and grab from there. They rotate the stock and the stuff in the front with dust all over is already dried by the time you open it. Stuff in the back is FAR more pliable. At least that's the case at ACE Hardware here in the BIG city of Oakdale California. All 20,000 people. Heck, I bet they sell a good 12 bottles a year here!


    Regarding colors. Send and email here: info@flagshipniagara.org and ask for support from Captain Timothy P. McLaughlin. I had a question regarding the hammocks and he went out and measured and drew me a picture with the measurements included. Seems like it must have had to have something between the wood of the hull and the water, else she's have been too water logged to move at all. Tar would be hard to find in that part of the country. My old stomping grounds. I suppose they could have brought it in over land.

  2. What's really sad? I have a shortcut to your build as a tab at the top of my browser and forgot to check it. LOVE the way you did your deadeyes. Wish I'd thought of that. I WILL remember that when I do the rest.


    I like the idea of notching that out like you say. That's what I'll do. I've been at a stale mate for a few days now.




    MSW Rules!

  3. As you can see in the picture, I need an "elongated" hole to accommodate the deadeye hooks. I've ruined several pcs of scrap wood trying to make them with my drill press. I have a jewelers press (mfg unknown) that will hold any bit I've tried so far and a Microlux X-Y table as well as a... ah, heck, here's a picture:)  


    The jaws will not accommodate the top and even if they did they'd probably crush it. I simply cannot get several holes to line up straight. I'm thinking an x-acto knife aint gonna cut it. Pardon the pun. Ideas?



  4. Mike, I've been at it for some 28 months. You'll be done before I get the masts up. I have the bowsprit in as of Sunday and am starting the forward mast now. Just because I don't work, the Admiral thinks *I* should do all the cleaning. And cooking. Sheesh, A guy goes to culinary school and... Then I have to sit out front with cup of coffee and a cigar now and then, then a bloody mary and a cigar in the evening. I live across from a large park. They play baseball, football, soccer.


    Just put a cherry pie in the oven and I'm going to start slicing about 30 pounds of bacon I smoked Sunday.

  5. LOL! Nah, man... Just don't do anything I do and you'll be fine.


    Seriously though. You don't "have" to go through it. You "get" to! I wear tri-foculs and even those are only okay...


    Thanks for looking in. You're already doing a great job. I was designed for wrenches and ratchets, not hammers and saws. For me it's all about the bloody mary, the rock and roll and the solitude. I used to be into plastic models and railroading. I got plastic models down to such a science that I can build one detailed rod in a couple days. No room for railroading and I always have loved tall ships so... 


    I'm calling this a scratch build. I stare at the plans and scratch my ***. I'm not worried about authenticity or anything, I just want to know how to plank and strop and seize and all that. Next one will look better and probably take half as long.


    That model is about 17 years old. Only took a week. She's getting dusty and falling apart. See the exhaust pipe came loose?


    Wood. SERIOUS challenge for me. And lovin' every minute of it.


    Hey, join us in Shore leave. What have you done today and them old jokes. And others that are great too.



  6. Getting cross eyed. Looks to me like they're supposed to go from pins 3 on port and starboard side to a pulley to an eye in the bullwark, back to the pulley to a hole in the dolphin stiker to the dumb sheave in the end of the (flying?) jib boom. Looking at the photo from GreatGallion's build I can't tell exactly where it goes. It looks like it might go from pins 3 to an eye on the cap and back to the spritsail yard?


    So, where the h*** does it go?


    Doesn't seem a good idea to go to the striker as it would have to go from outside to the middle under the bowsprit which would mean it bends against the bowsprit. I kinda like the idea of going to the cap and back to the spritsail yard.



  7. I had the exact same problem. As you'd see from my log, I ran into the issue much earlier that you. I pulled most of those planks off and started over, but I wound up using drop planks to fill in the space. In that document "plankingprojectbeginners.pdf" I sent you via private mail, it's explained on page 22. If you don't have it, pm me and I'll send it.

  8. Proof of concept ONLY! I went to Ace Hardware and bought a rubber pad, 6" X 6" X 3/32". Laid down my 6" steel measuring ruler and cut off a strip the same width as the ruler. Affixed it with contact cement. Laid down 2 strips of wood. One to be cut, the other to support the ruler so she doesn't sit off at an angle. No, I did no measuring or anything, just proof of concept. My thought was that the rubber would provide enough resistance that the wood wouldn't slide. The ruler didn't slide. I didn't lose 6 outta 7 layers of skin from my finger tips.


    I used to work for a 3M fabricator. Tomorrow I'll call them. There must be an adhesive that is much thinner and even more resistant to movement that we can use. I think I'm on to something here. Let me know what you think!







  9. Well, since we're talking about kids here... As far as I'm concerned nothing is more important than shaping a young mind. Both of my boys grew up building models, fixing cars, lawn mowers, building decks, planting gardens, using telescopes and microscopes... Anything that piques the curiosity... When my oldest was 12 years old, I took the 4 barrel carb off the old '73 Olds Cutlass, sat him down across from me, told him to pay attention and  took it ALL apart. Handed him the rebuild kit with the gaskets and all... Shoved it across the kitchen table to him and told him to put it back together. He did. The car ran. With a few tweaks:)


    Therefore, PM me your address and I'll ship you my Golden Hind Mini Mamoli.


    ONLY if he does a build log!!! I mean it! Communicating with people from all over the world, writing, spelling, laughing, getting advice... PRIDE!!! It makes my heart swell just thinking of the next great engineer you helped create!

  10. Insulating that exhaust hose on a portable AC REALLY makes a difference. If I place my hand on the outside-insulated part of that exhaust hose, it actually feels cool to the touch. Which to me means the transfer of heat to cool (or is it cool to heat) is thorough. The outside of that insulation is retaining the cool air produced by the AC. Heat is not escaping.


    mini Mamoli's



    Around $50 each. These guys rock! Can't tell you how many times I've broken or ruined parts that they replace for free. Shipping and all. It's even in their guarantee. "Lose, bust or ruin a part, just let us know!"


    Sign up for their news letter. At least once a month, usually more, they have sales. One might be 50% off EVERYTHING (including tools and paints) and another for 55% off... EVERYTHING!


    From what I can see of your model, it's probably from modelexpo-online MS2240. Their models are pretty good quality and the owner takes great pride in his business down in Florida. In fact, he retired, but didn't like the way things were being run so he took over again. Friday I sent a message saying I'm missing some rope. Be sure to include your model number (MS2240) and the exact part number. I got an email yesterday from the owner Marc Mosco CC'ing 2 people in telling them. "Please send him the rope".


    They have a lot of tools, but I prefer micromark.com. Good pricing and a great selection.

  12. Oh. How "dumb" of me:)  Bahahahaha.


    So, looking at the photo's from Laxet's build, his is the best shot I can find. It looks like It's wrapped around the bottom half of the bowsprit, then tied over the top. I'd rather put a hole through the bowsprit but then I'd have to seize a loose hanging rope. If any of that even makes sense. Hopefully his pictures explain what I mean.



  13. What's this planking tool and where did you get it? Definitely one plank at a time! It's all about finding the right 4 letter words.


    Regarding the portable AC. The exhaust hose is plastic and gets HOT. Get some insulation and wrap it around it. Believe me! Also keep the unit as far from the wall as you can. If not enough air can pass behind it, it'll get confused as to what the temperature really is. The exhaust will keep it warm back there so It'll just keep running and running. I can't understate how much heat comes off that plastic exhaust hose. I think it literally and exactly counteracts the cooling. Massive insulation around it. Can you tell I can't stress that enough?


    Spent the 1st 45 years of my live in Michigan so I know what you're facing with humidity. I'd ADD a stand alone dehumidifier.


    Don't get discouraged! I think it's all about the next ship. I'm working on eliminating everything not to do so that when I start my next build the only thing left will be uh... Another set of problems to solve.

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