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Don Quixote

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Posts posted by Don Quixote

  1. I'm going to blame it on my glasses. I can see either close or far, but not down the center. O and N are not level. I tried to carve and shim but that plywood crap is hard to cut. Guess my sailors will get whipped a lot for walking like they're drunk.


    I also broke the top of the keel of amid ship. Looks like it's out of alignment.


  2. Where in the world have I been? I had a '69 LeMans that I sold and I gave a lift away creating a LOT more space in the man cave. Went through and sold or tossed tools I'll never use again, actually everything I could find.


    I forget what it's called and where I got it but I'm sure one of y'all will know. Detailed instruction on the build. Comes with a disc with photo's. Lost it. I have the photo's, but not the book.


    Well for the first time in the 11 years we've lived here, the wife can park in the garage. I was able to add an additional 6' bench and some shelving and I installed some 4' LED lights. NO heat! Almost as bright as my T5 HO's. Spent 2 weeks with the Grand daughter as we do every year. We always go to Arnold, Ca. and rent the same cabin. There's a road that is LONG and down hill and the last half mile is un-cared for. Lots of pot holes, dips, bumps, grooves... Our bikes have shock absorbers, but it's a rough ride. She says she's trying to get me killed. I'm saying, the only will I have is a living one. I fell off my bike twice getting on it. Wife led the way in the truck with the flashers on and brought us back to the top. We make the run 3 or 4 times a day.


    We also go every year to see the Sequoia's and see the tree you could drive through. As man of you know she blew over this year. Can't even recognize it.


    Next year we're going to Lake Shasta, Ca. and renting a house boat and jet ski's. She'll be 16 then and I'll be older. I'll post the first pics in a bit.

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