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Don Quixote

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Posts posted by Don Quixote

  1. Does this look right? At the widest, I need 18 planks. At the stem I need 9! At the stern I need 19. Note however, that the planks are supposed to be 4 mm but are on average 4.14 mm.


    If I'm reading that right, I need to reduce every plank at the stem by half, and the sterm may almost work perfectly. It's a double plank, but I'm hoping to get away with 1.




  2. As near as I can figure, the top strip is where it should be. It's supposed to sit directly on top of the port and in fact the little bit I can glean from the instructions is that the ports are to be used as "guides". No matter how I slice it, 12mm ports, 2 - 5 mm planks. Guess I'll be at Ace hardware to buy some more wood filler too. Here-on-in known as bondo.

  3. Use the metal port as a guide. Place the bottom strip so that the bottom of the strip is even with the bottom of the deck. Run the next strip above the port. 2 more pcs in between and you're golden.


    Except the ports are 12 MM sq, and the planks are 5 mm each.


    I soaked the wood for 30 minutes before shaping, and applied a little heat. No matter what that cheap wood frays. Supposed to be Tanganyka wood.


    The wood doesn't look that bad from 10" away, but the gap is of course ugly. I have some 1.5X 2mm strips from the Niagara left over that I'll used.


  4. Good grief. I've been drooling over those Victory brand ships. Cheapest I could find for a single mast was $240. Prices then went to $320 through $1200. The one I wanted, the bomber was $490.


    Found it for $245 at Cornwall Model Boats LTD. http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/vm_granado.html


    You know I just ordered that!

  5. Currently way over my head with Model Shipworlds Niagara. It's hard seperating which rigging is for standing only and which is for sails/furled...etc. So I've shelved it and want another ship. I asked this question when I first started here and was told it was a stupid question. 3 years later I'll ask again.


    Who makes the best kits? GOOD detailed instructions. I hear Victory makes great kits, but they only have a few to choose from and they're mostly for advanced builders.


    What about Constructo?


    I want a mid size ship, around 1:60th, needs to have at least a few cannons but must have GREAT documentation and plans.

  6. Mike, I read in the paperwork somewhere that you have to contact Mamoli (Milano?) for parts and got the impression it'll cost. Not much I'm sure, I'd hate to see how long that takes. I need to see if I can bend, sand, heck at this point I'll even bondo.


    In Model-Expo's defense, I've had this box for 2 and a half years. I had no idea it'd take me 3 years to incomplete one ship. (Niagara)


    I have several other kits, most are Mamoli that I don't think I'll build. If modelexpo's other ships are as high quality as the Niagara, then someone would have to do a lot of convincing to get me to buy another brand.


    Having said that, I have a friend that built the U.S. Constitution, I believe from Corel? Those plans and manual looked great!


    Which reminds me... You know how you get those ads from modelexpo offering deals? Yeah? Cheap skate. jgarcia@modelexpo-online.com will always be the one sending the message. Email him when you're missing or lost a part to the dogs nose. Their online form does not work! They know it. They should fix the site, right? Actually, as I understand it (I'm no authority and am probably preaching to the choir) but there is a new site under developement. Albeit slowly. I understand the time and cost of web upkeep and development, but if anyone one out there... Make it easier to get those missing parts. That's one of the things you've earned the right to be proud of.

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