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Posts posted by Bindy

  1. Hi Anja,


    A big congratulations from me too!  When I read your words I can tell you really are so happy and excited with the challenges of your new job and that is just so nice to read!  This hobby (and community) is a wonderful place but you spend so many hours at work you just have to be happy so that the rest of each week is happy too.


    Like everybody else I will be following your ship and seeing the progress when you get time to relax with her.


    Congrats again!

  2. Hi Bala,


    I know exactly how you feel!  If you think Isocol is fun, just wait until you try Acetone on the CA Glue/Superglue haha.  I think I keep making mistakes just so i can undo them again.

    But seriously, I am glad you are redoing the parts you were not so happy with and this way you can be forever proud of yourself every time you look at your ship!


    Keep having fun!

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