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Posts posted by Bindy

  1. Hi Bala!


    I found you !   I hope you don't mind if I follow along with your log too? 


    You sure got a great bargain on a beautiful model!  I have absolutely no doubt though that with the help here at MSW (including that you are already getting) you will end up with a great ship to be proud of :)


    I also hope to steal a few lessons, hints and tips as I watch you learn as I do at the same time haha

  2. Hi All


    Cut the beer can up and bent it to the shape I wanted, put the flag on and coated it with the fabric stiffener, left it over night.

    Took it of today and it just went flat :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:.


    Put it back on and coated it up with diluted PVA wood glue, left it for 4 hours and coated it up again.

    Will see what happens tomorrow.


    If I don't post a photo you will know I have hung myself ha ha.



    Somebody with an evil sense of humour would ask that if you hung yourself would you go flat too?


    Lucky I am not so evil :P. I really do hope you flag worked out just how you wanted it though!

  3. Hi again Mike!


    You may not see so much progression yourself for your hours of fun but I still think it is looking great!  I can also start to see and imagine what is to come and I find that is pretty exciting too.


    Haha I am not sure of the definition of kit bashing but I like yours.  And a big thank you for the tip on CA Glue versus Varnish too!


    Keep having fun!

  4. Welcome again Danny and I am so glad to see your first build log!


    Not only have you made a lot of progress in such short time but it is looking fantastic already!  I genuinely look forward to watching it progress from here, but hope you get to enjoy your modelling without necessarily being snowbound haha


    Thank you also for the tip about sorting out the planks by colour before you begin.  That makes such sense when reading it but not something I would have thought about until too late.

  5. WOW Viv!  ...hats off! You made a lot of modifications any beginner wouldn't dream to do!!!

    And what I like the most is your attitude of "I didn't do this  just because I didn't like it." That shows that you put your own personality in your builds.

    I can see a Master builder  to emerge here soon!!!


    My congratulations!


    I couldn't agree more!

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