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Posts posted by Chasseur

  1. Unfortunately the answer is no. Work has been extremely busy, issues with my Mom’s health, and my wife’s executor dealings with her parents estate has delayed completion.


    So I texted my Son’s fiancé and told her my Son will receive the Wivern for Christmas as it’s still a surprise gift. Hopefully I can finish it by the fall and dive back into the Preussen by sometime in October. Thanks for following up and holding my feet to the fire Belleisle! 

  2. Thank-you Polite Ghost! Plans are to finish Wivern by June 11th and then get back onto the Preussen. I want it finished as well. :dancetl6:

    Also please join us on the Bottled Ship Builder website, sign up, and hit the clubs tab and then sign up for a free journal. I started the club and intend to publish 2 journals annually. Lot's of great information.




  3. Hey, Rob vossiewulf has the answer cortisone. My right knee cratered on me last fall to the point I could barely walk. Had a series of 2 cortisone shots and I am back to cycling to work each day. Please don't stress out about not working on the hobby. It all comes in due time. There is a season for everything and it sucks to get old!



  4. Hi Keith,

    things are looking awesome nice job on the port holes. I am assuming Germania has a fibreglass Hull? If so what about a thin poured layer of liquid resin epoxy like the stuff the furniture guys use. That way no risk of planking lines showing after paint and smooth as a baby’s bottom!

  5. I thought it was high time to update this build. The last year, and the beginning of this year has been insanely busy for me. The mother-in-law passed away and then to top it off my wife has been stuck with all of the executor work as both her parents are now deceased which is brutal. Between Revenue Canada and lawyers it’s amazing how they can keep a person alive once they’re gone. So henceforth, I have been supportive of the Vice Admiral, and the hobby has taken a bit of a back seat. 


    Work has been really challenging as we’re going through a major change management phase. Thank goodness I have managed to come through unscathed!


    I shelved the Preussen for first to third quarter of this year, as I have HMS Wivern on the blocks to put it into a light bulb for my eldest son’s birthday coming up in June of this year. Presssure is on, however it will be done come Hell or high water! Then it will be back onto the Preussen to finish it for Christmas of this year as a gift to my youngest son.


    If you want to see the Wivern build you’ll have to please log into the Bottled Ship Builder forum and look for Chasseur. Also I am now the editor in chief for the Bottled ShipWright which is a free journal we offer to our members. The first Journal came out for Christmas of last year and I have the next one coming out in June of this year.


    So if you’re into ships-in-Bottles then by all means sign up for the journal. When you’re on the site please hit the clubs tab at the top and sign up. This would be my shameless plug here and now. Please come back here in the Fall and look to see the Nitrate Clipper finished and into the bottle by December 23rd.



  6. Hi Michael,

    yes I would like to try and find some time for another visit. Right now tied up with work and professional studies in the evening. I have 2 weeks off at Christmas to catch up with family, work on HMS Wivern ship in bottle and eventually get back to the Preussen SIB. I’ll PM you closer to the 25th.


    As always outstanding work and nice fix to the dead bar and consultants. There was never a doubt in my mind that you wouldn’t resolve the problem.


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