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Posts posted by Chasseur

  1. I am sure you're releaved it's done. Without a doubt the figures on deck and in the wheelhouse make her come alive.

    Once she is mounted in the case she will be a thing of beauty and Mark is right she is deserving of being in a museum rest assured.

    Congrat's Nils!!!!!



  2. Life has got in the way of my hobbies since my last post, renovations/painting on the house, washing machine cratered; my eldest son slipped a disc in his back, work is busy, and we finally got my youngest son’s 73 Nova SS on the road. So henceforth no man cave time whatsoever. Today I finally got back into the build and started on all of the yards/spars and built myself a gizmo from an old Phillips shaver to taper the ends on the yards and spars.

    First two pictures is the work started for the upper cross trees.




    Next 2 pictures is the gizmo I built from the can motor and Frankenstein power supply. Inside the shaver is a step down transformer from 110 AC to 6 volt D.C. I mounted the transformer in a box and the can motor on a swiveling pedestal. The stone is from a Dremel tool glued to the little blue ring gear.



    Next picture is start of all of the spar and yard work. Sewing Needles and extremely small diameter wire for the aforementioned.


    Next picture is the upper cross-tree and the braces I have to model coming off of the tree to keep the standing rigging from fouling with the yards.


    Last picture is the upper Forecastle area with the port and starboard running lights installed.


    More to come eventually... Jeff

    P.S. my youngest son got me back into playing Chess as a pastime as well!

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