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    ChrisLBren reacted to CRI-CRI in Saint Philippe 1693 by CRI-CRI - scale 1/72 - French warship from Lemineur monograph   
    And the seventh frame is done :


  2. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Gahm in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Thanks so much for the flattering comments gents.  
    Here's a close up of the anchor and its bands - should this be re worked with thinner/narrower metal or even artist tape painted ?  I feel like they look clunky - but then again maybe Ive been staring at them too long.  Any tips feedback is appreciated.  

  3. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Ainars Apalais in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Thanks Michael and Mark - both of those questions will be answered soon.  Im a big fan of photographing your model - thats how I noticed a molding off the quarter gallery in the second shot crooked - its fixed.  I really have issues with CA and won't use it on future builds unless absolutely necessary.  I may have a second go at those anchor bands this weekend - they are an eyesore to me - cutting them thinner would make a big difference and not an issue to re rig them to the knightsheads.  

  4. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea - FINISHED - 1764 - by Chuck (1/4" scale)   
    Looks really good Chuck !
  5. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from mtaylor in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Hi Mike - no LED strips - this build is a  plank on bulkhead scratch build with the help of some of Chucks original carvings when he designed the kit for Model Expo - along with Rusty we were some of the first to build the prototype.    And thanks for the complements everyone - it was a great adventure !
    I have built my workshop with enough tools/power tools to tackle the next project which has to be a fully framed model as I have enough dimensioned Pear.  I love the Winnie - but really want to stretch on a fully framed build.  Her skeleton is complete - Chuck's plans and lazer cut parts are fantastic as demonstrated by many of the build logs currently here on MSW.  I will get back to her at some point. 
    My dream was always a French ship.  Currently I have the keels parts almost completed for Le Gros Ventre in 1/36. I have learned to use chisels as well as a Proxxon MF70 mill.  I also have a Unimat lathe which I have yet to use along with all of Jim Byrnes Tools.
    In the wings I have the plans blown up for La Renommee at 1/36 - the carvings however are daunting which gives me pause.  And  I also own Gerards new Mono for L'Egyptienne as well in 1/48 which is an attractive subject.  They are all about the same size - big models but I have the space.   
    Updates soon !  
  6. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from tlevine in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Hi Mike - no LED strips - this build is a  plank on bulkhead scratch build with the help of some of Chucks original carvings when he designed the kit for Model Expo - along with Rusty we were some of the first to build the prototype.    And thanks for the complements everyone - it was a great adventure !
    I have built my workshop with enough tools/power tools to tackle the next project which has to be a fully framed model as I have enough dimensioned Pear.  I love the Winnie - but really want to stretch on a fully framed build.  Her skeleton is complete - Chuck's plans and lazer cut parts are fantastic as demonstrated by many of the build logs currently here on MSW.  I will get back to her at some point. 
    My dream was always a French ship.  Currently I have the keels parts almost completed for Le Gros Ventre in 1/36. I have learned to use chisels as well as a Proxxon MF70 mill.  I also have a Unimat lathe which I have yet to use along with all of Jim Byrnes Tools.
    In the wings I have the plans blown up for La Renommee at 1/36 - the carvings however are daunting which gives me pause.  And  I also own Gerards new Mono for L'Egyptienne as well in 1/48 which is an attractive subject.  They are all about the same size - big models but I have the space.   
    Updates soon !  
  7. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to marsalv in Le Gros Ventre by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:48 - POF   
    To claybaker and garyshipwright - These milling cutters are manufactured by a number of manufacturers in the world, so it does not matter which manufacturer you choose. There are several of these manufacturers on aliexpress. I myself chose the "Chinese variant" because it is significantly cheaper and will do the same service as more expensive milling cutters.
    Installation of quarterdeck deck beams.

  8. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  9. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Gregory in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  10. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Gahm in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  11. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Blackreed in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Thanks so much for the flattering comments gents.  
    Here's a close up of the anchor and its bands - should this be re worked with thinner/narrower metal or even artist tape painted ?  I feel like they look clunky - but then again maybe Ive been staring at them too long.  Any tips feedback is appreciated.  

  12. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Blackreed in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Put a pin in this one - Confederacy is completed !  I wrapped it up earlier this week than  I thought this evening - here are the latest photos.  I think the area I want to improve the most with the next build is metal work - my anchor bands look a bit chunky.  Johann is an inspiration in that area.  But overall very satisfied with the build and the enjoyment it gave me over the last 8 years.  Thanks again for all of the support/encouragement and comments.  And thank you Chuck for second to none plans and guidance with this build.  

  13. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Blackreed in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Thanks for the likes and comments everyone....
    After almost 8 years of construction this should be my last update before finished pictures.  The first shot shows the hull with the dummy masts temporarily placed.They still need gammoning and cleats.  The black board will be her display base - Im waiting for the pedestals Im having machined for me here locally.  
    The second shot shows the bowsprit - which still needs to be mounted, rigged and small parts added.  
    The third shot are the toilets - for some reason the ones by the roundhouse proved very tricky and took me the better part of a week to get right - there are many angles here to take into account.
    And finally the last parts - the anchors in very rough shape, the knightsheads and the boomkins which still need to be shaped.  I also am making some repairs to the rudder.   

  14. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Ryland Craze in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  15. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Blackreed in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  16. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Ainars Apalais in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Put a pin in this one - Confederacy is completed !  I wrapped it up earlier this week than  I thought this evening - here are the latest photos.  I think the area I want to improve the most with the next build is metal work - my anchor bands look a bit chunky.  Johann is an inspiration in that area.  But overall very satisfied with the build and the enjoyment it gave me over the last 8 years.  Thanks again for all of the support/encouragement and comments.  And thank you Chuck for second to none plans and guidance with this build.  

  17. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  18. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from giampieroricci in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Thanks for the likes and comments everyone....
    After almost 8 years of construction this should be my last update before finished pictures.  The first shot shows the hull with the dummy masts temporarily placed.They still need gammoning and cleats.  The black board will be her display base - Im waiting for the pedestals Im having machined for me here locally.  
    The second shot shows the bowsprit - which still needs to be mounted, rigged and small parts added.  
    The third shot are the toilets - for some reason the ones by the roundhouse proved very tricky and took me the better part of a week to get right - there are many angles here to take into account.
    And finally the last parts - the anchors in very rough shape, the knightsheads and the boomkins which still need to be shaped.  I also am making some repairs to the rudder.   

  19. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from tadheus in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  20. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to mtaylor in La Belle Poule 1765 by mtaylor - Scale 1:64 - POB - French Frigate from ANCRE plans   
    Time to bring this log up to date and maybe call it "proof of life" during the virus.   After being unhappy with the first strakes and ripping them off, I did them again... and again.   Finally happy.  It's just 6 rows but methinks I'll be picking up some speed on the rest.   I still need to give it some more sanding and a bit of filling and also finish opening the gunports to upper sills.  The starboard side has been trimmed and as I said, needs more sanding.  The port side is only planked at this point.  Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about it.  Much of my memory has returned since the stroke and that helps in sorting things out.   In the background is the planking wood waiting for me to lay into place.
    Here's photos....

  21. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from tlevine in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  22. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Elia in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  23. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from dvm27 in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  24. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from mtaylor in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

  25. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Beckmann in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    So 4 years later after completition she looks better as the wood finish has deepend and aged.  I know I should put her in a case - but she looks great as is.  

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