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About popeye2sea

  • Birthday 11/09/1961

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    Boston, MA

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  1. For vertical ladders, if you mount the ladder so that it is off of the bulkhead with spacers, the rungs and sides become handholds. For inclined ladders, I have never once, in 24 years of naval service, gone down an inclined ladder backwards. That is a sure sign of a landlubber aboard ship. Vertical ladders, can only be traversed facing the ladder. BTW, ships do not have stairs. They have ladders. Regards, Henry
  2. Since the reef points seem to be at the bottom of the sail it sems to me like they would shorten sail by lowering the yard and gathering the foot of the sail up to each succeeding reef band. This style of reefing would almost naturally morph into bonnets and drabblers laced to the foot of the sail. And then the next step was reef points at the top of the sail with the reef band lifted up and gathered at the yard. This was also accompanied with the addition of footropes. Regards, Henry
  3. What about hiding the small gap with a waterway? Regards, Henry
  4. Officers and gentlemen were required to display a level of disinterest and decorum at all times. They had to hold themselves above the fray. Even in social situations. It was one of the ways to show your social status and worthiness to be called a gentlemen. Officers were also on display for the crew. The sailors would be more likely to follow an officer who did not show fear in the face of danger. Regards, Henry
  5. Crowsfeet in other applications are there to distribute the pull on another piece of the rigging. For example, in the 1600's or so crowsfeet were rigged on spritsail backstays, some yard braces, mizzen topping lifts, etc. Often the crowsfeet were employed where there would be excessive pull on another rope so as not to pull it out of alignment, ex. the spritsail topmast backstays pulling against the fore stays, or braces pulling against a shroud, etc. Regards, Henry
  6. Actually, the function of the these crowsfeet is to prevent the topsail from getting caught beneath the top. Regards, Henry
  7. Each strand of the netting material is doubled on the top rope. The top rope will be stretched between the stanchions. The side ends of the netting are simply the last leg of the doubled netting that will run vertically from top to bottom. I actually don't know how to end the mesh on the bottom rope. I will try to look it up in Ashley's book and let you know. Regards, Henry
  8. Here are a couple of ways to make a netting. These are from The Ashley Book of Knots. 3780 or 3781 and 3782 are probably the easiest. The use of a spool or dowel to control the spacing is also very helpful. Regards, Henry
  9. If you want an authentic way to finish a rope end, whip the end with thread before trimming the rope close to the whipping. Might be worth the effort for the larger ropes used on a ship. Probably not worth the effort for smaller stuff. Regards, Henry
  10. Those are called reef points, and many modelers include them on their builds. The hardest part of including them is getting them to lay down in a natural fashion. Regards, Henry
  11. I do not think square riggers had or even needed tell tails on their sails. Fore and aft rigs are, naturally, different, and I have no knowledge one way or the other of tell tails on their sails. Regards, Henry
  12. Footropes were still fitted to facilitate getting out to the ends of the spritsail yard. There is an endless amount of maintenance that needs to be done on even the standing rigging. Regards, Henry
  13. I have a pair with tips starting at 4mm and tapering down to just less than 2mm, but I modified one tip so that it tapers down to about 0.5mm in order to make really small hooks, eyebolts and rings. That one plier will suffice for any size rings that I am likely to encounter. Regards
  14. Most of the discussion above applies to smaller fore and aft rigs. Big square riggers act very differently. I have read that one of the reasons for mast rake in large square rigs is to get the yards pivot points more aligned in the vertical plane. Each additional upward section of mast being stepped slightly in front of the lower section. Regards, Henry
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