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Everything posted by popeye2sea

  1. I am thinking one plank width below the bottom wale amidships. Maybe one and a half, at most. Regards, Henry
  2. Also to be considered: Before line of battle tactics started to be employed in the 1600's, ships tended to be fought by firing cannons as you closed with the enemy prior to turning to running broadside to. The cannons near the bow were often pointed as far forward as their gunports allowed. The guns were fired as they came to bear on the enemy. The same was true for the guns near the stern except they were angled aft as much as possible. Cannons were often slower loading back then. So the ship would basically charge in fire each cannon as the ship bore around and then retreat to reload. Regards, Henry
  3. Perhaps I have a different edition, but my copy of Masting and Rigging the Clipper Ship has a diagram of those fairlead holes on page 218. Regards,
  4. Look at plates 36 (page 204), 37 (page 208), 38 (page 214), and 39 (page 218) in Underhills book and you will see diagrams for allocating all of the fairleads for the running rigging. Regards, Henry
  5. Could very well be! I withdraw my guess. Regards,
  6. I think what you have circled ARE the flag bags, as we used to call them. They are boxes with two staggered rows of fingers to hold the individual flags in a way that makes it easy to snap hook them on to the halyard. I am basing my guess on the shape of the top of the canvas covers showing them draped over what look like the two tiers of fingers. Flag bags were always fitted with canvas covers. Regards, Henry Former USN signalman
  7. FYI, to give you some perspective on the kinds of weight your dealing with aloft, the main yard of Constitution weighs in at 5 tons and with the sail add another half ton. Regards, Henry
  8. The photo shows the topmasts and topgallant masts "housed". All of the upper yards are "struck" or sent down. The topsail yards are lowered to the caps. The lower yards are also lowered to reduce weight aloft. The ship is under "bare poles," (no sails) and "scudding" (drifting) before the wind. The ship would be forced into this condition under a heavy gale with high winds and high seas. She may have a sea anchor set out to keep her from getting beam to the waves so she doesn't capsize. Regards, Henry
  9. Bill, 1114 is the mizzen sheet and you are correct it would not be fastened to the flag staff. It would have an eyebolt in the deck for the lower block and a cleat for belaying. But, if you find moving it would be a hassle, leave it there. It is the least offensive of the three that Heller wants to belay on the flag staff. Regards, Henry
  10. Hellerism. Omit. BTW, Line 1040, the main brace, should not go to the flag staff, either. Regards, Henry
  11. The rigging line that comes with the kit is worthless. Don't even bother trying to get more of it. There are several places to get rigging line that looks much better. Or, you can try your hand at making your own. It is not that difficult. Regards, Henry
  12. She looks great, Bill. The only suggestion I would make is to try and get the kinks out of the slacked lines. Perhaps they can be 'painted' with dilute white glue and then held in place until set? I am not sure which method works best for this, but I am sure it has been done here on MSW. Regards, Henry
  13. Stiffen a good length of thread with CA adhesive. It will turn it as hard as a needle. Regards, Henry
  14. I think we mentioned previously that the hauling end of the line leads inboard along underneath the yard. As far as the tackle fall itself is concerned, the reef tackle is only in use to pull the reef band up to the yard for reefing (shortening sail). When the sail is furled the lower block of the reef tackle fall is un-hooked from the reef band cringle and is brought in under the yard and lashed to it. There is sometimes fitted a tricing line on the lower block to help facilitate hauling it up to the yard. Regards, Henry
  15. The bowlines are normally toggled or knotted into their cringles (loops turned in on the bolt rope on the sides of the sail). Oddly enough, the knot employed is the bowline knot. When the sail is close hauled (yard set at an extreme angle to the mast) the bowline on the weather side (up-wind) is hauled taut and serves to keep the proper shape to the belly of the sail. The leeward bowline (down-wind) has no function and so remains slack. When the sail is gathered up to be furled, the bowlines are removed. I am not 100% certain if the normal practice was to seize the now removed bowlines and their crowfeet (sp?) to the approximate location on the yard where they would be when the sail is hauled up. It seems to be the practice with modelers to depict them this way when sails are either furled or not fitted. Seizing them on the yard in this manner makes sense due to them being in an accessible position when the sail is set the next time. In your case, with the sails only raised slightly, the bowlines would probably not be removed because the sail is likely to be sheeted home (fully set) again in the near future. The bowlines would simply be slacked. Regards, Henry
  16. That is the idea. Although, in my opinion there would be two holes or a separate fairlead with two holes fitted on the front of the knee. But, the one hole will suffice. Regards, Henry
  17. There are two tack lines. One for each corner of the sail. They both lead forward and cross over to the opposite side through a hole in the stem. Then they lead back up to the beakhead bulkhead where they belay on the rail. Or you can take them to one of the forward pins on the bulwarks. In my rigging plan they are lines 1123. Don't go by the Heller plan. It is wrong Regards, Henry
  18. On the question of one rope or two. I have no definitive answer. If it helps with the justification, there is a tackle for each rope up in the overhead beams of the inside deck. As you said 300 lbs. is a lot to haul with a single rope. Regards, Henry
  19. No, Bill got my "point". Pun intended. I was 'reefering' to the line of reef points sticking out from the reef band due to the bulge of the sail cloth. Regards, Henry
  20. I agree with Ian. I wouldn't use anything thicker than 28 ga. Also, wouldn't it make more sense to have two rings on the outside and only one inside given that all of the heavy lifting is done on the outside? Regards, Henry
  21. Bill, at the risk of causing you a bit more grief with one last suggestion for those sails. You should knock those reef points down so that they don't look like stray whiskers or eyelashes. I think the sails look great. Regards, Henry
  22. That will look good too! It adds some interest to the rig.
  23. You have it right Bill. The clew lines pull the corners of the sail up aft or under the yard. This is done first. Then the bunt lines and leech lines haul all of the loose slab of sail cloth up towards the front of the yard. When the sails are to be furled the crew lays out on the yard, reaches down in front of the yard, and starts to grab the loose canvas and hauls it up in accordion pleats on the top of the yard. When the final bundle of sail is hauled up to the yard the previous folds are stuffed inside the "skin" of the final fold. The clews of the sail will then be remaining as small triangles of canvas hanging below the sail bundle. Also, the bow lines would be slacked and as their cringles reached the yard they would have been loosed or un-toggled from the sail. Your mainsail looks like a pretty good representation of a sail "hanging in it's gear." The fore sail starboard bunt line may need a little adjusting to make the foot of the sail appear to hang more fair. Regards, Henry P.S. I responded before seeing your last photo. Obviously, the photo I am referring to is the ones with the sail clewed up.
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