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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. Wow you are moving fast! Thanks for the write up on the doors, I will review your log to see how you have constructed the doors. I like your Idea of photo etching the Roberts knees, perhaps the work is better sent out and it is just a mater of providing the artwork, but your way is more fun!
  2. wang Try Google Translator 王尝试谷歌翻译 Your words are projected in your work! 你的话,预计在你的工作!
  3. Thank you! have you finished your fairing yet? If you left a little extra material the fairing should not be too difficult
  4. A couple of fantastic builds...your metal work is great
  5. Gary, how did you cut your steps in the stern deadwood? mill or by hand? do you have any photos showing the process? Guy
  6. Ed, I like your process for cutting and shaping the sweep.
  7. Ed, is your construction of the doors on this deck similiar to the lower deck? can you show us your process? Looking goog as usual Guy
  8. The false keel damage should not show when the outer piece of the gripe is glued in place.
  9. Christian, Thanks! I just reposted the post and Have figured it out thanks to the posting by Dan Vadas giving clear instructions on "How To" Either I am up late or you are up early?
  10. I will not worry too much about the rising wood but will definately do a little research on it. Any way back to the keel, not that I have access to the full set of plans I have started my first re-work! Luckly just some additional cutting back of the fore end of the keel. first picture shows keel as first fabricated and the second picture shows the re-work still needing a little smoothing out. first section of keel keel modified! and I have figured it out
  11. Before the post is erased! Thanks for the encouragement Russ, I will add the drawings to my files for future refrence. I need to do more research on the rising wood issue.
  12. Internal construction is looking good, a finish is near!
  13. I have thought of trying the three piece method and now will do, I have a mill but think this method is faster than setting it up and you still have the taper to apply
  14. Thanks russ will go back aln look at the keel drawing. Thank you Sinan, Perhaps you will be the one person that will get me through the build!
  15. This is what I am talking about...From Cap't Rat Fink's Echo cross section build
  16. Yes I believe that is what it is called and I could not find this in the drawings and when I went back through the other builds I did not see any that used (rising wood ) I will have to go back and study the plans as I know I saw a build using the rising wood on top ot the keel. I did not see this drawing in the cross section either
  17. Daniel, Have downloaded all the files for the complete build, yes it tool awhile. There are also some duplicate files that had me a little confused at first, but with all the files you had to upload I can certainly understand. One of the drawings I did not see is the one that sits on top of the keel to separate the frames (for a better name) but I need to go back through them again and see if I missed it Yes Its Guy I went through all the builds and did not see what I though should sit on top of the keel ...... Have I lost my mind!? do I have CRS? chuckle
  18. Great Build, Keep up the good work. The CA glue wprld but later you will have to learn how to soft solder
  19. I have started downloading the plans, WOW! that will take some time but for now I have only down loaded the Keel, and stearn Deadwood and I can see I already have some rework To do on the keel. How long are the plans access available to me?
  20. Do ;I need to order a set or wil enough information be provided in the build>
  21. I am doing my build with maple frames but will use pear for beams and planking, what ever you choose will look great!
  22. Is there enough mill work on this build to justify the cost of the purchase or practice makes perfect!
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